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Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

"Yep no one will sink foreign shipments to us."
Don't make me laugh.
So u want to sink foreign ships?

"Because engagement rules limits. If there will be order to sink every Somali ship that goes beyond 5 km there will be no piracy problem."
Logical error, Somali ships doesn't have identification codes so does enemy ships to make it convenient to you to kill it. You cannot know exactly which country it belongs to especially in a crowded route like Mediterranean.
You can easily track ship routes. Everything what comes out of SOmali cost and goes beyond 5 km sinked. Thats all.

"F-15s cover from above."
So? This is no solution. Read my comment again and try to understand the militaristic problem better please.
While F-16 with Harpoons approach the ship they are covered by F-15s against enemy fighters.

You don't event try to think it trough, acting solely on defensive nationalistic impulses. Try to look at issue like foregner. Don't think small and one dimensional.
I am very objective here.

"We have reserves for tens of thousands of sorties."
Another answer given by impulse. To keep such a stock you would need facilities as big as a major city. Don't make me calculate the exact volume for that kind of fuel storage operation. I don't even mention the security issues. So be realistic. Saudi Arabia and others are not fund of you.
Thats what we did in previous wars.

"Why would we lose plane and what makes u think that one fighter easier to replace than frigate?"
You engage an equal air force , you will lose planes. this kind a question might make people question your IQ, stop it.
So u dont talk about ships anymore but about air force? Air forces are far from being equal.

"We can replace of course. We have shipyards and all weapons and electronic equipment is ours except the Harpoons."
If you have manpower to produce planes or ships why don't you? Because it is not easy to built them.
Yes we have enough manpower.

ok so every country should just get 1-2 corvettes forget about their navies because its all sitting ducks
Large ships are for oceans.
You are darned right, attack a NATO country and see what happens.


Nothing at all. :usflag:

You are a real Turk! and this is not something to be proud of :lol:

Dude I think the Turk has shown more curtius, humbleness & kindness especially to Jews than an Nazi-supporting b*stard in Israel (unlike me).

So u want to sink foreign ships?

You can easily track ship routes. Everything what comes out of SOmali cost and goes beyond 5 km sinked. Thats all.

While F-16 with Harpoons approach the ship they are covered by F-15s against enemy fighters.

I am very objective here.

Thats what we did in previous wars.

So u dont talk about ships anymore but about air force? Air forces are far from being equal.

Yes we have enough manpower.

Large ships are for oceans.

There's reality and there is down right madness. Lets not go for the latte 500
This is going to be dangerous for the Mediterranean sea, one hit to an Israeli submarine with nuclear warheads in it and the whole Mediterranean sea is radioactive.

Who is the fool to allow this?

This is all make believe propaganda of Zionists scared sh***less from their shadows, and amplifying themselves to the maximum as we see in the animal world, to scare off a larger animal, but it does not work most of the time.
Nothing at all. :usflag:

Dude I think the Turk has shown more curtius, humbleness & kindness especially to Jews than an Nazi-supporting b*stard in Israel (unlike me).

There's reality and there is down right madness. Lets not go for the latte 500

You are the cancer within.
This is going to be dangerous for the Mediterranean sea, one hit to an Israeli submarine with nuclear warheads in it and the whole Mediterranean sea is radioactive.

Who is the fool to allow this?

This is all make believe propaganda of Zionists scared sh***less from their shadows, and amplifying themselves to the maximum as we see in the animal world, to scare off a larger animal, but it does not work most of the time.

Difference between intimidation and actual ability to respond with force. Or do you believe Israel's nukes are duds?
IAFl F-15 = 85
IAF F-16 = 362 Total = 447

TAF F-16 = 270
TAF F-4 162(127 fighter-35 reconnaisance)54 Upgraded , rest being upgraded by Aselsan
Total = 432 Total ( 397 Fighter)

Turkish navy- 48,600 Personel
75 Aircraft
17 Frigate
7 Corvette
14 Submarine
27 Missile boat
+Milgem's that are being Built
The frigates can carry 16 sparrow and 8 Harpoon each

Israel Navy - 19,500 Personell
3 Corvette
10 Missile Boat
4 Submarine
42 Patrol Boat

Comparing Our navies

Deniz Yüzbaşı Sassi Hodeda This guy in your navy in an interview talked about how strong our navy is
Google translate

Navies of its power On the other hand the newspaper "in the region still have a navy stronger than Israel? Turkey or Egypt do?" answered a question that follows: "You have to assess many parameters, but here in the Middle East a few solid, powerful navies exist, such as Turkey.

Our navy is way too ahead of your navy , so far ahead that your when your air force comes they will be shot with anti-aircraft guns , plus our airforce will be in the eqaution , a navy that dont have a frigate has 4 submarines vs MEKO Frigates that are very strong , very new Milgem corvettes , 14 submarines , comparing these two is laughable even when airforce is in equation the gap is so wide that the F-15's can close that gap abit , but we are talking about a Turkish attack anyway , israel attack is unthinkable

Comparing Our navies

Deniz Yüzbaşı Sassi Hodeda This guy in your navy in an interview talked about how strong our navy is
Google translate

Navies of its power On the other hand the newspaper "in the region still have a navy stronger than Israel? Turkey or Egypt do?" answered a question that follows: "You have to assess many parameters, but here in the Middle East a few solid, powerful navies exist, such as Turkey.

Our navy is way too ahead of your navy , so far ahead that your when your air force comes they will be shot with anti-aircraft guns , plus our airforce will be in the eqaution , a navy that dont have a frigate has 4 submarines vs MEKO Frigates that are very strong , very new Milgem corvettes , 14 submarines , comparing these two is laughable even when airforce is in equation the gap is so wide that the F-15's can close that gap abit , but we are talking about a Turkish attack anyway , israel attack is unthinkable

And now is Yigit Bulut licking the ''kaymak'' of AKP. I dont like guys that making akp propaganda.
kardes sen bosver yigit i bulutu adam onemli degil onemli olan ulke , ic kavga etmeyelim
"So u want to sink foreign ships?"
Again lack of understanding of basics like how to operate a blockade. Please, just go take some classes from your navy, they certainly know how better than you do.

"You can easily track ship routes. Everything what comes out of SOmali cost and goes beyond 5 km sinked. Thats all."
Another lack of knowledge about how does satellite surveillance systems operate. Seems like you naively believe a satellite in orbit can see everything. THEY ARE NOT RADARS to detect anything moving on or under surface. They are certainly useful to monitoring certain limited parameters butthats all really. About SAR, it can detect may things at the same time but identification is the main problem. About Eitam, they are aircraft! Can be shot down come on. But only you can first claimthat you agree air forces are in equal strength and claim otherwise when its convenient to you.

"While F-16 with Harpoons approach the ship they are covered by F-15s against enemy fighters."
Again So? You still have no guaranties that you will have enough aircraft to finish the job!

"I am very objective here."
Yes. As objective as hitler on conquest of world.

"Thats what we did in previous wars."
And tell me which one took more than 6 months?

"So u dont talk about ships anymore but about air force? Air forces are far from being equal."
only you can first claim that you agree air forces are in equal strength and claim otherwise when its convenient to you.

"Yes we have enough manpower."
No you dont. Construction is closely related to economics.

Dude, you are not arguing just trolling with stupid one sentence long answers. I am done with you, and I am very sorry for you.
"So u want to sink foreign ships?"
Again lack of understanding of basics like how to operate a blockade. Please, just go take some classes from your navy, they certainly know how better than you do.
U are unable to provide any argument and only repeat yourself.

"You can easily track ship routes. Everything what comes out of SOmali cost and goes beyond 5 km sinked. Thats all."
Another lack of knowledge about how does satellite surveillance systems operate. Seems like you naively believe a satellite in orbit can see everything. THEY ARE NOT RADARS to detect anything moving on or under surface. They are certainly useful to monitoring certain limited parameters butthats all really. About SAR, it can detect may things at the same time but identification is the main problem. About Eitam, they are aircraft! Can be shot down come on. But only you can first claimthat you agree air forces are in equal strength and claim otherwise when its convenient to you.
I was talking about Eitam which is AWACS. Next time read carefully before replying.

"While F-16 with Harpoons approach the ship they are covered by F-15s against enemy fighters."
Again So? You still have no guaranties that you will have enough aircraft to finish the job!
2-3 F-16s is more than enough.

"Thats what we did in previous wars."
And tell me which one took more than 6 months?
War on Attrition. But there is no need in any 6 months. Couple days are enough to sink surface ships.

only you can first claim that you agree air forces are in equal strength and claim otherwise when its convenient to you.
I never claimed air forces are equal.

No you dont. Construction is closely related to economics.
Ship contsruction does not require lots of men. We have much more than enough manpower for this.
Iranian officials curse like girls, thats not a new thing.

We defeated all the armies who attacked us. Thats why Iranians are only cursing but afraid to send a soldier against Israel.

Except 1967 you lost every war.
You are the cancer within.
I doubt ARSENAL6 is Israeli or even Jewish; at first he wore the flag of England - the Cross of St. George. I think he just put on the Israeli flag to tick off Zionists and Israelis.

Except 1967 you lost every war.
You think winning is only about conquering territory?
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