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Israel claims that it will only suffer 500 casualties in a war against Iran

Syria is in real mess , so thats out of mind , i dont think Iraq will allow iran , US wont allow .

From where is Israel going to attack? Whos airspace

Possibly violate Syrian airspace, fly over northern Iraq airspace, and enter Iranian airspace.

Most of the time you make sense, Zabaniya. But, "Israel is irrelevant", when every single Muslim nation ,no matter how irrelevant and distant, is obsessed with Israel? Really now...

I meant exercising its military strength throughout the entire middle east region.

And no, Muslims aren't obsessed over Israel as much. And it will go down. I can guarantee that. The Muslims have too many issues within themselves anyways.

Don't believe everything in the media. Most of it are all sensationalist propaganda.

The fact is, the new 21st century front is not an Arab-Israeli one, but a Shia-Sunni one. And trust me, the tensions are very much there and very real.

As to why why Israel has not attacked Iran by now is obvious if you think about it. Many reasons why, actually. I'll list a few:
1.Israel has been covertly sabotaging Iran for years now, taking out high quality targets.
2.Israel has been fighting Iran through a proxie war for decades now, them using suicide bomber Arabs and Israel using electronic warfare and assassinations.
3.The US, if you did not notice by the many "sudden" reports about Israeli plans appearing in the news with regards to attacking Iran, does not seem to want us to attack Iran.

The main issue is Iran's nuclear determinations. Will those activities deter the Iranians? :no:

Cut the head of one hydra, two more will appear. The Iranians have the technical and scientific human resources for that. And they are light-years ahead of the Indians and the Pakistanis (example) in the knowledge field.

Now, these are just the simplest reasons, the most obvious but from a strategical point of view, do you think there is only one consideration that you need to take to mind during an assault on a terrorist nation? No.

Not only can Israel attack Iran, as the time grows nearer, it seems that it will become a necessary reality.

Don't be so simple minded, Zabaniya, many things are not what they appear to be in such matters.

That would be in Israel's best interests, I'm not disputing that. But the question is, how will Israel deliver that? Without US's direct involvement, Israel cannot do much to Iran. This isn't my opinion, but a fact.

Don't forget, the middle east is a huge source of revenue for the US-based weapons manufacturers. There's a reason why the US ignored pleas from the Israeli public to stop supplying big toys to Saudi Arabia.

See, the weapons manufacturing sector is one of the few credible export oriented sectors in the US. They can export large quantities of standalone products. Albeit, extremely hi-tech. This trend will continue to become stronger since the US economy is not very good at the moment, and uncertain.

Not very simple now is it? :azn:

There will definitely be a huge backlash, not only from Islamic countries but also from Russia and China and Israel needs the US's clout to manage that.

"Islamic countries"? Yeah right :rofl:

Other than some armchair warriors, Muslim countries won't be able to do anything.

Do you think Russia and China would dare militarily interfere? :no:

There is a lot of coordination in house, seems the US is trying to portray an image that they are not interested in an attack on Iran - but it's just an image to put off condemnation from some countries against US's unilateral actions against Muslim countries. This time round it's the turn of Israel to take the blame.

Read my post again. The US won't attack Iran. If it had, it would have done so over 30 years ago.

Probably they do have that capability and the US will definitely jump in if Israel initiates it. Also Iran war if it happens will be short and not similar to long drawn out conquer and occupy wars like Iraq and Afghanistan to have an adverse effect on US economy.

There are no 'maybes'. The facts are there as they are :D

Israel will become very relevant if it does carry out a strike on Iran.

If it ever does.
"Islamic countries"? Yeah right :rofl:

Other than some armchair warriors, Muslim countries won't be able to do anything.

Do you think Russia and China would dare militarily interfere? :no:

Read my post again. The US won't attack Iran. If it had, it would have done so over 30 years ago.

If it ever does.

@ Zabaniya, you have a simple mind and I don't think you are aware of geo politics beyond a certain level.
Read my post again, going by your reply to my post I am afraid you could not deduce what I was inferring there.
I meant exercising its military strength throughout the entire middle east region.

And no, Muslims aren't obsessed over Israel as much. And it will go down. I can guarantee that. The Muslims have too many issues within themselves anyways.

Don't believe everything in the media. Most of it are all sensationalist propaganda.

The fact is, the new 21st century front is not an Arab-Israeli one, but a Shia-Sunni one. And trust me, the tensions are very much there and very real.

The main issue is Iran's nuclear determinations. Will those activities deter the Iranians? :no:

Cut the head of one hydra, two more will appear. The Iranians have the technical and scientific human resources for that. And they are light-years ahead of the Indians and the Pakistanis (example) in the knowledge field.

That would be in Israel's best interests, I'm not disputing that. But the question is, how will Israel deliver that? Without US's direct involvement, Israel cannot do much to Iran. This isn't my opinion, but a fact.

Don't forget, the middle east is a huge source of revenue for the US-based weapons manufacturers. There's a reason why the US ignored pleas from the Israeli public to stop supplying big toys to Saudi Arabia.

See, the weapons manufacturing sector is one of the few credible export oriented sectors in the US. They can export large quantities of standalone products. Albeit, extremely hi-tech. This trend will continue to become stronger since the US economy is not very good at the moment, and uncertain.

Not very simple now is it? :azn:

"Islamic countries"? Yeah right :rofl:

Other than some armchair warriors, Muslim countries won't be able to do anything.

Do you think Russia and China would dare militarily interfere? :no:

Read my post again. The US won't attack Iran. If it had, it would have done so over 30 years ago.

There are no 'maybes'. The facts are there as they are :D

If it ever does.
The US not only did not ignore Israel's objections to the Saudi weapons deal, they've amended it so as to not harm Israel's advantage over the middle east.

" Mr. Shapiro, speaking at a State Department briefing, said the administration was satisfied that the sale of the F-15s would not diminish “Israel’s qualitative military edge.” "

Israel has the capability, not only Air force wise, but ballistic missile bombardments of high valued targets.
If you honestly believe Israel is incapable, then i may have overestimated your cognitive abilities.
@ Zabaniya, you have a simple mind and I don't think you are aware of geo politics beyond a certain level.
Read my post again, going by your reply to my post I am afraid you could not deduce what I was inferring there.

I'm aware of the geopolitics. Show me where I'm lacking? :D

It's not those "Islamic countries", Russia and China. It is how US domestic politics can take turns over time. There already was a $hit-storm over Iraq, and now even over Afghanistan.

The US not only did not ignore Israel's objections to the Saudi weapons deal, they've amended it so as to not harm Israel's advantage over the middle east.

" Mr. Shapiro, speaking at a State Department briefing, said the administration was satisfied that the sale of the F-15s would not diminish “Israel’s qualitative military edge.” "

Israel has the capability, not only Air force wise, but ballistic missile bombardments of high valued targets.
If you honestly believe Israel is incapable, then i may have overestimated your cognitive abilities.

Of-course, Israel is going to get F-35s :D Which the Arabs aren't. Only a handful of countries would be getting those anyways.

I wouldn't dispute Israel's brilliant air force.

But what about the range? How far is Iran from Israel? It's pretty far even for an F-15. Even through air-to-air refueling, it is impossible to completely finish the job.

Although, that may be possible if Israel stations its aircraft on a friendly nearby country like Azerbaijan, and launching attacks from there. Such arrangements are very, very expensive and time-consuming. And could make the host country incur the attention of Iran.

So, the air option is out of the window.

I am not very familiar with Israel's ballistic missile capabilities, but those are only part of any war. Even if Israel does manage to hit key targets in Iran, it'll respond for sure. And a regional war erupts.

Ultimately, they'd have to take Iran head-on. They'd rather die and be forgotten instead to uphold their pride. And they have the resources for that.

Be-careful, the Persians aren't as weak-willed as the Arabs. They can be pretty brutal and thorough when needed to be.
I'm aware of the geopolitics. Show me where I'm lacking? :D

It's not those "Islamic countries", Russia and China. It is how US domestic politics can take turns over time. There already was a $hit-storm over Iraq, and now even over Afghanistan.

Of-course, Israel is going to get F-35s :D Which the Arabs aren't. Only a handful of countries would be getting those anyways.

I wouldn't dispute Israel's brilliant air force.

But what about the range? How far is Iran from Israel? It's pretty far even for an F-15. Even through air-to-air refueling, it is impossible to completely finish the job.

Although, that may be possible if Israel stations its aircraft on a friendly nearby country like Azerbaijan, and launching attacks from there. Such arrangements are very, very expensive and time-consuming. And could make the host country incur the attention of Iran.

So, the air option is out of the window.

I am not very familiar with Israel's ballistic missile capabilities, but those are only part of any war. Even if Israel does manage to hit key targets in Iran, it'll respond for sure. And a regional war erupts.

Ultimately, they'd have to take Iran head-on. They'd rather die and be forgotten instead to uphold their pride. And they have the resources for that.

Be-careful, the Persians aren't as weak-willed as the Arabs. They can be pretty brutal and thorough when needed to be.
The Persians have been trying for the past 30 years to be as Arabs as they possibly can and that is why they are so divided. They've forgotten about their brilliant past in the name of arabizing themselves.

As to how the Air Force might travel all the way to Iran and back, i'd say use your imagination. If there is a will, there will be a way.
The Persians have been trying for the past 30 years to be as Arabs as they possibly can and that is why they are so divided. They've forgotten about their brilliant past in the name of arabizing themselves.

As to how the Air Force might travel all the way to Iran and back, i'd say use your imagination. If there is a will, there will be a way.

Persians are not trying to Arabize themselves. They despise the Arabs as much as you guys do ask the Persians on this forum about that. The feeling on the part of the Arabs is likewise.
I'm aware of the geopolitics. Show me where I'm lacking? :D

It's not those "Islamic countries", Russia and China. It is how US domestic politics can take turns over time. There already was a $hit-storm over Iraq, and now even over Afghanistan.

Any party comes to power - the US power play will persist no matter what - what happens if another major attack against US interests takes place any where? will the US people stop their Government from going to war with them? The US has set Geo political goals and it knows how to convince it's people and the world to favor its actions.
I'm aware of the geopolitics. Show me where I'm lacking? :D

It's not those "Islamic countries", Russia and China. It is how US domestic politics can take turns over time. There already was a $hit-storm over Iraq, and now even over Afghanistan.

Of-course, Israel is going to get F-35s :D Which the Arabs aren't. Only a handful of countries would be getting those anyways.

I wouldn't dispute Israel's brilliant air force.

But what about the range? How far is Iran from Israel? It's pretty far even for an F-15. Even through air-to-air refueling, it is impossible to completely finish the job.

Although, that may be possible if Israel stations its aircraft on a friendly nearby country like Azerbaijan, and launching attacks from there. Such arrangements are very, very expensive and time-consuming. And could make the host country incur the attention of Iran.

So, the air option is out of the window.

I am not very familiar with Israel's ballistic missile capabilities, but those are only part of any war. Even if Israel does manage to hit key targets in Iran, it'll respond for sure. And a regional war erupts.

Ultimately, they'd have to take Iran head-on. They'd rather die and be forgotten instead to uphold their pride. And they have the resources for that.

Be-careful, the Persians aren't as weak-willed as the Arabs. They can be pretty brutal and thorough when needed to be.
Where did you get the idea that persians are more brutal than the arabs?
Well Israel wont be attacking Iran as USA is busy with elections and will not give it consent. Israel cannot go it alone without US approval.
Israel should leave the Iranians alone. No one is going to use nuclear weapons in this age. MAD doctrine comes to mind. Every nation knows the consequences of it. If Israel dared to use nuclear weapons on another muslim country than it will suffer the wraith of all muslim countries.
But if Israel is still itching for a fight, let them try and attack Iran. Iran is better preaperd than Iraq and Syria were.
Also, to the Israeli here, why didnt Israel attack Pakistan's nuclear sites? Didnt have the balls to do it?

Infact they had already attracted the wrath of Islamic world not once, not twice but thrice.

1948, Six day and Yom Kippur, everyone knew the result, every time the number of invading forces decreased, this is one matter between Iran and Israel, dont bring here the Islamic world unnecessary.

All those nation's which could have only supported Iran openly are gripped in the midst of Civil war and political uncertainty, Pakistan wont even dare to support Iran in open, even after all those claims made Pakistan at max will only remain an invisible ally just like last time and in case of Iran i suspect it.

but I hope such a war dont broke, both are our friends and this war can have diabolical consequences.
Any party comes to power - the US power play will persist no matter what - what happens if another major attack against US interests takes place any where? will the US people stop their Government from going to war with them? The US has set Geo political goals and it knows how to convince it's people and the world to favor its actions.

Your point being?
The sad reality here is that Muslim countries do not share the same goal. We have to understand that Iran and her proxies (Syria, hizbollah) agenda is entirely different, and in fact opposite to KSA's and the Sunnis in ME. Even if the current landscape of ME is divided into 3 groups: Iran (and the shias, backed by Russia), Sunnis (backed by KSA and Turkey), Israel (backed by USA), i do not think Saudi Arabia or Turkey would support or even allow Israel attacking Iran. If Israel can gather support from KSA and Turkey they will have the upper hand against Iran, but they don't have support from Turkey and KSA even though Iran is actually in proxy war against KSA and Turkey in Syria.

There is no "my enemy's enemy is my friend" mentality in ME. All the three groupings, Iran (shias), Sunnis (KSA, Turkey), Israel (USA) fight for influence and territory as we speak. In Syria KSA and Turkey fights off Assad, thus to hand the power to the Sunni Majority. In Iraq, the central Shia government is backed by Iran but the north Kurdish Sunni government is backed by Turkey. The landscape is changing, Syria will be governed by Sunnis, thus Shia influence will vanish. Hence a big blow to Iran and victory to Sunnis.
Edit: No offence to our Iranian members. This is pure math
The Persians have been trying for the past 30 years to be as Arabs as they possibly can and that is why they are so divided. They've forgotten about their brilliant past in the name of arabizing themselves.

As to how the Air Force might travel all the way to Iran and back, i'd say use your imagination. If there is a will, there will be a way.
No one has been 'Arabized'.If you consider being a Muslim as being Arabized then that's another story.You can ask the public opinions in Iran about Arabs (those who show hatred toward Iran,not all Arabs),you will only hear one answer.
On a side note,not all Iranians are Persians,you should study a little more.

Israeli jets may manage to reach Iran,but I assure you,in their way back,their bases in Israel are already destroyed,so they have to land in deserts of Saudi Arabia,Jordan or backyard of Netanyahu's house.However I'm sure Israel won't do crap on its own,Netanyahu talk too much,no one takes him serious anymore.
No one has been 'Arabized'.If you consider being a Muslim as being Arabized then that's another story.You can ask the public opinions in Iran about Arabs (those who show hatred toward Iran,not all Arabs),you will only hear one answer.
On a side note,not all Iranians are Persians,you should study a little more.

Israeli jets may manage to reach Iran,but I assure you,in their way back,their bases in Israel are already destroyed,so they have to land in deserts of Saudi Arabia,Jordan or backyard of Netanyahu's house.However I'm sure Israel won't do crap on its own,Netanyahu talk too much,no one takes him serious anymore.

why Iran Hates Israel? what is the main bone of contention between these two countries. Why cant they be friends? I can see they are not even neighbors. Also Israel being friend of India, if Iran is good to them, they can have lots of technological benefits.

I hope it has again not got something to do with Religion. :lol: and I hope Iranians are much BROAD MINDED people so hopefully it is not because of support for Palestine that Iran hates Israel.

(I for one believe since Israel is very much a nation with kids and women, it is better for any SANE person to accept Israel as a nation and move on. Live Peacefully and have good relations with Israel so it benefits whole humanity and Arabs also with its Technological prowess. Also the Palestinians should also be allowed to live their life peacefully and should concentrate on EDUCATION and HEALTH of their people, and not on Fighting and Guns)
No one has been 'Arabized'.If you consider being a Muslim as being Arabized then that's another story.You can ask the public opinions in Iran about Arabs (those who show hatred toward Iran,not all Arabs),you will only hear one answer.
On a side note,not all Iranians are Persians,you should study a little more.

Israeli jets may manage to reach Iran,but I assure you,in their way back,their bases in Israel are already destroyed,so they have to land in deserts of Saudi Arabia,Jordan or backyard of Netanyahu's house.However I'm sure Israel won't do crap on its own,Netanyahu talk too much,no one takes him serious anymore.

if each country were to think about itself alone that will be more then enough. CARE FOR PEOPLE IN YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR COUNTRYMEN IRRESPECTIVE OF RELIGION.

IF you cant care for someone who lives in your country for hundreds of years (because he is not muslim, or because he is not Sunni or Shia or Ahmedi etc) how can you every truly care for Some Other Country People. Its never gonna happen.

And in case if it ever happens SUPPOSEDLY and this union takes action against some NON MUSLIM country as a group, you could be in a serious trouble and may lead to a clash of civilizations and the near destruction of Muslims. Becuase when you think not for your country but for your religion then this indirectly means u would be raising your head and interfering in EVERY COUNTRY's AFFAIRS including CHINA (for Xinxiang), Russia (it also has muslims), France (for Muslims again), India and every other country in this world who has Muslims. And when you will interfere in other countries affairs you gonna make them all the enemy of your grouping.

do you think a grouping like this can ever raise its voice against China? Russia? US? India? and for each and every Muslim in each and every country of this world. FIRST OF all Do you have the RIGHT to SPEAK for the CITIZENS of Another Country or INTERFERE in other Countries AFFAIRS?

If Yes, then Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists (Chinese) also have a RIGHT to demand RIGHTS for their Religion People in YOUR ISLAMIC COUNTRIES? HOW about all these NATIONS INTERFERING in your Islamic nations and demanding rights for their religions. Will you support and provide those rights? and if not will it be OK with you if US, Russia, China and others were to form UNION (like urs) and attack your countries.

I do believe ISRAEL has every right to exist. Simply coz it is existing for so many decades, and I believe it is best for everyone to live peacefully and value EDUCATION and HEALTH and HUMANITY development more then this short sighted and myopic religious focus.

and even if someone says ( I don't know full history) that Israel took some land (how MUCH LAND IT IS? IS it too big? It is so minuscule you cant see on map) then are U MUSLIMS very INNOCENT? DID U NEVER INVADE any territories and made them ISLAMIC? Wasnt Malaysia a Hindu Kingdom earlier.

Was Pakistani people ISLAMIC SINCE BEGINNING? SO should ALL HINDUS GO ON JIHAD against u people.

So when you ISLAMIC guys have themselves stolen so many lands, have invaded so many countries, have converted so many people to Islam. You are no SAINT BY ANY STRECH OF IMAGINATION. or DO U SEE YOURSELF AS SAINT STILL? AND ONLY ISRAEL AS INVADER?

SO has the whole world LAUNCHED JIHAD AGAINST RECLAIMING ALL THOSE LANDS? So what is you guys problem now if a tiny little country is living for last many decades. what if you also lost a few square KMs. Now forget and move on. Live and let live.
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