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Israel asking US for 50% increase in next defense package


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Israel asking US for 50% increase in next defense package | The Times of Israel

WASHINGTON — Israel reportedly wants the US to increase its annual defense assistance package by half, to an average $4.5 billion.

Defense News reported this weekend that Israel and US officials have in recent months begun negotiations on the next 10-year aid package.

The previous package, negotiated by the George W. Bush and Ehud Olmert governments in 2007, averaged $3 billion of assistance each year, for a total of $30 billion, from 2007-2017.

The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants that to increase to $42-45 billion over the 2018-2028 period, Defense News reported, adding that President Barack Obama during his March 2013 visit to Israel “endorsed in principle” that range.

Defense News quoted “US and Israeli experts” as saying that the amount would be separate from any package the United States offered Israel as compensation for the Iran nuclear deal now being negotiated between Iran and the major powers.

What source. Go google it. Every single one of their subs is subsidized. You know, for 'that thing'. Anyway, bunch of leeches.
talking about the 50% increase defense package, and I already knew Israel get's subs from Germany at a discount :agree:
It is very understandable seeing the circumstances of Hezbollah terrorism on the border and countries threatening them. Some say this summer Hezbollah is going to attack.
Not to mention the billions they milk from German taxpayers money for the genocide they allegedly suffered some 70+ years ago.

The campaign for the 2016 US Presidential elections is starting and Zionazis timed this request so the candidates will have to support this request in order to get support from Jewish voters and get donations.
It is very understandable seeing the circumstances of Hezbollah terrorism on the border and countries threatening them. Some say this summer Hezbollah is going to attack.

Atawolf, you have completely lost your mind. May that DOG lose june 7th.
It is very understandable seeing the circumstances of Hezbollah terrorism on the border and countries threatening them. Some say this summer Hezbollah is going to attack.

Oh yeah,they need tens of billions to defend themselves from a militia who doesn't have an Air force,navy or mechanized force.
This is all still unverified news at the moment, but there was talk that Obama offered Israel a bigger budget in return for basically letting Iran off the hook with regards to their Nuclear Weapons programme.

Coupled with Hezbollah amassing massive arms from the Syrian conflict and ISIS/Nusra on Israel's doorstep too, it's not surprising if the budget increases.

Of course it's worth remembering that Arab states get much more money that Israel does and that under the terms of agreement, the vast majority of Israel's military aid has to be spent in the US.
Oh yeah,they need tens of billions to defend themselves from a militia who doesn't have an Air force,navy or mechanized force.
I guess you don't fully understand why Israel wants strike capability. Read the news.
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