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Israel asking US for 50% increase in next defense package

This is all still unverified news at the moment, but there was talk that Obama offered Israel a bigger budget in return for basically letting Iran off the hook with regards to their Nuclear Weapons programme.

Coupled with Hezbollah amassing massive arms from the Syrian conflict and ISIS/Nusra on Israel's doorstep too, it's not surprising if the budget increases.

Of course it's worth remembering that Arab states get much more money that Israel does and that under the terms of agreement, the vast majority of Israel's military aid has to be spent in the US.

They have no nuclear weapons program. Israel is milking what it can from the US. By giving orders to Jewish American citizens. It's clear that Jewish people have an identity problem. One day they put on a patriotic face the other day they allocate pentagon budget to Israel through their Jewish pentagon members.
This is all still unverified news at the moment, but there was talk that Obama offered Israel a bigger budget in return for basically letting Iran off the hook with regards to their Nuclear Weapons programme.

Coupled with Hezbollah amassing massive arms from the Syrian conflict and ISIS/Nusra on Israel's doorstep too, it's not surprising if the budget increases.

Of course it's worth remembering that Arab states get much more money that Israel does and that under the terms of agreement, the vast majority of Israel's military aid has to be spent in the US.

So basically they are saying their whining about Iran was bs. They are willing to shut up for the right price. Wow the israeli deceitful, depraved and parasitic traits knows no limits.

And Israel gets twice as much as the largest Arab country (Egypt) and that's only what's disclosed in the budget.
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