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Israel and Creation Myths

Most Israelis are ex-soldiers.

We should learn from them as to how to defend our motherland instead of laughing at them.
Well, defending motherland is fine...but looking down on another land that has the same fate....is pure blindness!
Well, defending motherland is fine...but looking down on another land that has the same fate....is pure blindness!

Please remember that your motherland is always on top of someone else's fatherland.

Once you get one you have to defend it by hook or crook

Otherwise soon it will be someone elses motherland.

Such is the sad history of humanity.
Please remember that your motherland is always on top of someone else's fatherland.
I always remember this...But in no way do I stoop to laughing at another struggling nation when my own is questioned! So I guess you should ask your guest here about intentions as well as sanity :P

Once you get one you have to defend it by hook or crook

Otherwise soon it will be someone elses motherland.

Such is the sad history of humanity.
Well, you defending it on the battlefield I can understand but ridiculing another's land over the net is just laughable!
I always remember this...But in no way do I stoop to laughing at another struggling nation when my own is questioned! So I guess you should ask your guest here about intentions as well as sanity :P

Well, you defending it on the battlefield I can understand but ridiculing another's land over the net is just laughable!

I see Arabs and Pakistanis putting lulz and laughing cartoons. Who else is doing that in this thread?
I see Arabs and Pakistanis putting lulz and laughing cartoons. Who else is doing that in this thread?
Are you looking at this thread alone? Try looking at the whole site maybe then decide!
Most Israelis are ex-soldiers.

We should learn from them as to how to defend our motherland instead of laughing at them.

Oh please its about the bias, its like trying to learn about the Holocaust from Hitler it would be asinine to assume you would get the right truthful answers.
Oh please its about the bias, its like trying to learn about the Holocaust from Hitler it would be asinine to assume you would get the right truthful answers.

I seriously doubt you are trying to learn from Hitler.

Because if you did

You won't be saying a lot of things you say now. :lol:


Do you remember our last debate where I took you seriously for once and put your arguments apart for all to see? You want that to happen again? You are not a dumb user, compared to the usual trolling lot here, but you sure love to write bullshit that is hidden in slightly sophisticated posts. From what I remember then you are not a kid but a grown up man. Probably twice the age of me and most other users.

Look, I already told 100 times that I have no problem with Israel existing since that is a reality that would be hard to change no matter how ugly the creation of the Israeli state was. That is not the problem. Only a little part of the problem.

The main problem is that you are one of the least objective users I can think about on this forum. You use Zionist propaganda and think you can pull that off without people raising their eyebrows on a majority Muslim forum? This thread is a prime example of you doing your usual thing.

Go ask yourself why Israel is so disliked not only among the EVIL Muslims and Arabs but in many, many other places. That's not because you are "Jews" who in fact are Jews from all kind of backgrounds from Ethiopia to Norway and thus FAR from being a homogenous group of people, but due to your states actions and how you self-proclaimed and proud Zionists are unable to engage in any slight form of self-criticism or admit mistakes.

You can draw some parallels to some Americans. After all you claim to be an Jewish-American. So you might be unfamiliar with that too.

Lastly everyone and his cat on this forum knows that I have no problems with Israelis or Jews. My problem is what I mentioned above and Zionists like you who claim to want peace but in reality work against it each day through their views and actions.

Arabs and Jews both being Semitic people and closer than they both would admit lived peacefully for centuries before. They can do that again if both sides learn to live with each other with respect. Unfortunately you are not a person that can contribute with them doing that but you are also an outsider quite frankly since you are an American and living there.

Do you remember our last debate where I took you seriously for once and put your arguments apart for all to see? You want that to happen again?
That's not how I remember it. Why not post a link to our discussion like I did last time you made this claim? It isn't equitable for me to do all the hard work, is it?

The main problem is that you are one of the least objective users I can think about on this forum. You use Zionist propaganda and think you can pull that off without people raising their eyebrows on a majority Muslim forum?
Of course not. As for my objectivity, I try to acknowledge and thank people when they point out any factual errors I've made. That's different, however, from accepting falsehoods people claim are facts. That I don't do.

Go ask yourself why Israel is so disliked not only among the EVIL Muslims and Arabs but in many, many other places. That's not because you are "Jews" who in fact are Jews from all kind of backgrounds from Ethiopia to Norway and thus FAR from being a homogenous group of people, but due to your states actions -
We Jews know that's not the case. Citing "state's actions" - actions taken out of context or blatant falsehoods - are merely excuses used to flame hatreds even further. The hatred and violence of many Arabs towards the peaceful resettlement of Palestine by Jews was made clear to the Brits by 1921, when 150,000 Arabs in Gaza chanted "Death to the Jews!" in front of Winston Churchill. (An event recorded by Manchester in his biography.)

As Jewish resettlement proceeded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries the Jews often bought land from absentee landlords. The Arab tenant farmers on some of these lands were displaced by Jewish settlers after the end of their harvest; the Jews did not wish to be overlords. Taking pity on these farmers, some Jews sought to find other lands for them to farm instead. Unfortunately this form of welfare was quickly seized upon as a "right" and thus the idea that Jews owe something to Arabs became stuck in Arab minds.

The hatred of Jews goes way back. The bible records the antagonism between Arab (Ishmael) and Jew (Jacob/Israel). In ancient Egypt this is recorded not just in the bible but by historical sources. The hate usually has to do with Jews being perceived as foreigners or possessing some sort of enviable superior characteristics. It's really rare that the ultimate basis for Jew-hatred has had something to do with what a Jew actually does - as seen by the enthusiasm of many for smashing the heads of little Jewish girls with rifle butts and decapitating Jewish babies in their cradles.

Lastly everyone and his cat on this forum knows that I have no problems with Israelis or Jews. My problem is what I mentioned above and Zionists like you who claim to want peace but in reality work against it each day through their views and actions.
Peace will exist between Arabs and Jews when Arabs stop teaching hatred to their progeny and goading them to kill Jews. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.

The current Saudi king continues to propagate Jew-hatred, albeit not directly. Imo when your riches and capabilities far exceed those of Croesus it seems just to judge not just by what one does but by what one fails to do: in his case, teach that the Jews of Israel belong in the middle east and Arabs should unconditionally cease making war against them in any fashion, regardless of the excuse.

Arabs and Jews both being Semitic people and closer than they both would admit lived peacefully for centuries before. They can do that again if both sides learn to live with each other with respect.
For too many Arabs "respect" means that Jewish lives should be utterly subject to the whim of an Arab. The peace that existed before existed under the suzerainty of the Turks, not Arabs.

Unfortunately you are not a person that can contribute with them doing that but you are also an outsider quite frankly since you are an American and living there.
I think I provide constructive perspective. You, on the other hand, live in a country without Jews - indeed, a country which in living memory expelled Jews from areas of Yemen that it conquered. You don't denounce that. You don't argue that Arabs might owe Jews for past and present wrongs, whereas the Jews have proved themselves tolerant angels by comparison. So you are scarcely a poster child for peace and justice between nations, yes?

Someday, perhaps, Arabs will be as fit and civilized in conduct as the Jews of Israel are today. If you want to make that a reality you're going to have to work on it - both the inner struggle within yourself and the outer struggle with your fellow Arabs. I do wish you success in such an endeavor - but you have yet to choose it.
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