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ISPR Responds to IAF Drama today

Arent you claiming, you have the body and uniform etc..so burden of proof is on you.

You keep repeating same argument. We displayed the missiles salvaged from the wreckage proving none were fired.

The moment IAF says that it wasn't Abhinandan's Mig-21 Bison that shot a F-16 down but some other jet, then we can discuss the 2nd pilot; otherwise the missile seekers salvaged are sufficient.
Bhai second video bhi helicopter ki hi hai. News anchor ghalat kehrHe hai
Aap video main MI 17 ko identify karsaktay ho.. news reporter nahi kar sakta??

Eye Witnesses (all of them) were saying that it was a jet.. News anchor confirmed from IAF that it was a jet that took off from sri nagar air force..

It reinforces an earlier theory that MI 17 crashed when it reached there to take the bodies.. news reporters reached there later.. of course, a heli will reach first..

Anyway, I can't reject eyewitnesses.. there were so many..
Please do show the wreckage of the second aircraft.
Its fell in IOK @Osiris
There wasn't any, but apparently your DGISPR has seen the second wreckage also(as stated in his tweet). So perhaps, he will be kind enough to show us all.
yes there was there was lots youtube/facebook/twitter mobile clip that's show in IOK there was 2-3 wreckage sites @Osiris
You do need to read on how hostile aircrafts are identified, their radar signatures are fed into the threat library of the AWACs.

Yes it is very much possible for AWACS to identify the type of aircraft and it very much possible for ground radar to misidentify a friendly aircraft, which has IFF off.
stop your false assumption/speculation, and your IFF theory is all wrong also @Osiris
Is it possible to hide Su 30 debris
Yes In IOK its possible because it the under control of your terrorist army @Osiris
Well I believed the senior IAF officer, because of the personal relationship I have, and also the MI 17 friendly fire story turned out be the truth.( I do not expect you to believe, because you have do not know the person)

As far as what pentagon correspondent is saying. If there was a count, the count after all was done by US government, on Pakistan's behest, so why not wait for an official statement from them, rather that implicitly trusting a reporter quoting un-named sources.
you want to hear from the mouth of US president/state secretory/defense secretory, then its not there job, and Pentagon is official department of US govt and its corespondent is also US govt official, you're trolling
1.When did IAF say that ? Besides it makes no difference wether the radar is present on the AWACs or on SU 30 mimicking as AWACS the threat library is present on all modern radars.

2. IAF shared the radar intercept picture, informed yesterday, that they are in possession of radio intercepts F-16 was shot down, which they can not share.

3. That is why, it is so important for Pakistan to reveal the identity of the second pilot( and prove him to be Indian, if they can). As both pilots fell in Pakistan.

4. All this controversy will over in jiffy.
And then what is the proof these radar reading was on 27 FEB and not created later for face saving @Osiris
Why don't you show the world second pilot, you have ?

All this controversy will be over.
You claim only one so we gave you abhi and 2nd one might be dead or still in our custody @Osiris
1. So has his body, uniform, id card also evaporated ?

2. Because we have self respect. No country will end user monitor, the equipment we have bought and paid for.
Shut up you have nothing owned when capturing your pilot in war @Osiris
We make our own Su 30s, what purpose would a count serve ? If we have to replace a Su 30, we can just manufacture one.
you can't make MKI but assemble it at home with a help of russia @Osiris
Arent you claiming, you have the body and uniform etc..so burden of proof is on you.
there is no burden on Pakistan world with on 26-27 incident, after the confirmation from Pentagon it burden of you to proof you downed F-16
So basically, you are saying, you can not right.
World with us on 26-27 FEB incident, after confirmation from pentagon, burden on you that you downed F-16 @Osiris
Aap video main MI 17 ko identify karsaktay ho.. news reporter nahi kar sakta??

Eye Witnesses (all of them) were saying that it was a jet.. News anchor confirmed from IAF that it was a jet that took off from sri nagar air force..

It reinforces an earlier theory that MI 17 crashed when it reached there to take the bodies.. news reporters reached there later.. of course, a heli will reach first..

Anyway, I can't reject eyewitnesses.. there were so many..

In fact, at about 1100 (IST), all the Indian channels, with no exception, broke the news of crashing of a jet in the Budgam area, showing the video as well. Reason given was technical fault. Number of pilot(s) killed was given as 1 or 2.

Then at about 1230 (IST), all the channels started clarifying that it was not a jet, but helicopter and the number of casualties is 7, with 6 on board and 1 civilian.

All the eye witnesses told it to be a jet.
In fact, at about 1100 (IST), all the Indian channels, with no exception, broke the news of crashing of a jet in the Budgam area, showing the video as well. Reason given was technical fault. Number of pilot(s) killed was given as 1 or 2.

Then at about 1230 (IST), all the channels started clarifying that it was not a jet, but helicopter and the number of casualties is 7, with 6 on board and 1 civilian.

All the eye witnesses told it to be a jet.

There is no way a reporter can reach a remote site of a crash before the rescue teams.. when reporters reached, fortunately, the rescue team (comprised of 4 members) in the helicopter already died in the heli crash..

Residents ko pagal kutton (yani IA) ne nahi kata ke woh heli main aur jet main differentiate na karsakain..
There is no way a reporter can reach a remote site of a crash before the rescue teams.. when reporters reached, fortunately, the rescue team (comprised of 4 members) in the helicopter already died in the heli crash..

Residents ko pagal kutton (yani IA) ne nahi kata ke woh heli main aur jet main differentiate na karsakain..

Still there are many gaps and fog. Though, I am wondering, since that day, that what was all this. I think, it will take some time, when things would be substantially clear.
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