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ISPR issue 1965 War Hero's Picture. Pakistan Zindabad

Officers in civil dresses? Pretty mainstream.

We took it in 48, more than half.

They did.
Kashmir was a muslim majority princely state just like like Hyderabad,Bhopal,Junagarh you took mountaineos part of kashmir from Dogras while india took the resource rich kashmir valley. and later annexed kargil in 1971 and siachen in 1984 and 1987.
The point is India never celebrated 6th Sept in 49 year why now only it is to show their intentions that they want war and they will get it at their own soil inshallah.
Take a look at the infantry weapons:

Enfield and M1918 BAR rifles:


M1 Garand rifles:


I'm guessing the standard issue at the time was the Enfield and M1 Garand.
Kashmir was a muslim majority princely state just like like Hyderabad,Bhopal,Junagarh you took mountaineos part of kashmir from Dogras while india took the resource rich kashmir valley. and later annexed kargil in 1971 and siachen in 1984 and 1987.

Don't be that silly my friend. You sold Kashmir to the selfless Nawabs who signed MOU's with you without letting ordinary Kashmiris know.

Second, Kargil was fought in 98, not in the years you have mentioned.

Thrid, we took more than half, nearly 3 quarters of Kashmir in 48. And you know what? That war was fought by our tribal Pathans with India, so assume how much power you will have to put to fight our army.
Don't be that silly my friend. You sold Kashmir to the selfless Nawabs who signed MOU's with you without letting ordinary Kashmiris know.

Second, Kargil was fought in 98, not in the years you have mentioned.

Thrid, we took more than half, nearly 3 quarters of Kashmir in 48. And you know what? That war was fought by our tribal Pathans with India, so assume how much power you will have to put to fight our army.
your knowledge in military history is very limited ....kargil was annexed by india 1971 by forcing pakistan to sign shimla agreement.

i am copying this from another thread .....

By Javed Hussain Brig. retd SSG

Dawn, 21 October 2006

In October 1947, following the announcement of Kashmir’s accession to India, the Gilgit Scouts, a predominantly Muslim force raised by the British for internal security, revolted against the Dogras, and in a series of daring actions in1948 captured Kargil, Drass, Zoji La Pass and Skardu. However, in November 1948, Zoji La Pass and Kargil were recaptured by the Indians while the Kargil heights remained with the Gilgit Scouts.

During the Rann of Kutch conflict, these heights were captured by the Indians for the first time on May 17, 1965, for use as a bargaining counter in the negotiations. As a result of the agreement reached, the heights were returned to Pakistan in June 1965. In the first week of August 1965, Operation Gibraltar was launched. One of the areas used by the infiltrating force was the Kargil heights. To block these routes, the Indians captured the heights for the second time in the third week of August 1965. But after the signing of the Tashkent Agreement, the heights were once again returned to Pakistan.

On the outbreak of war on the western front on December 3, 1971, the Indians captured the heights for the third time on December 9, 1971. This time, however, they retained the heights in line with the Shimla Agreement under which the violable Cease Fire Line (CFL), created in December 1948 on cessation of hostilities in Kashmir, was converted into an inviolable Line of Control (LoC).
Officers infiltrated as civilians in kashmir to sabotage.

On 5 August 1965 between 26,000 and 33,000 Pakistani soldiers crossed the Line of Control dressed as Kashmiri locals headed for various areas within Kashmir. Indian forces, tipped off by the local populace, crossed the cease fire line on 15 August

Operation Gibraltar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WTF? Okay you may be right. But I have one question for you here.

INDIAN ARMY pretends to be freaking Biggest & Best army in the world. Right? Now 30k men passed through the border line and they didn't know? Come on man, can't you put up a bigger lie than this? hahaha Your LOC side at Kashmir consists of Spot lights at every inch and electrified wires which transfer current on contact with body and still 30k Pakistanis managed to cross that line?

Seriously, I don't want to say this but shame on your forces than.

your knowledge in military history is very limited ....kargil was annexed by india 1971 by forcing pakistan to sign shimla agreement.

i am copying this from another thread .....

By Javed Hussain Brig. retd SSG

Dawn, 21 October 2006

In October 1947, following the announcement of Kashmir’s accession to India, the Gilgit Scouts, a predominantly Muslim force raised by the British for internal security, revolted against the Dogras, and in a series of daring actions in1948 captured Kargil, Drass, Zoji La Pass and Skardu. However, in November 1948, Zoji La Pass and Kargil were recaptured by the Indians while the Kargil heights remained with the Gilgit Scouts.

During the Rann of Kutch conflict, these heights were captured by the Indians for the first time on May 17, 1965, for use as a bargaining counter in the negotiations. As a result of the agreement reached, the heights were returned to Pakistan in June 1965. In the first week of August 1965, Operation Gibraltar was launched. One of the areas used by the infiltrating force was the Kargil heights. To block these routes, the Indians captured the heights for the second time in the third week of August 1965. But after the signing of the Tashkent Agreement, the heights were once again returned to Pakistan.

On the outbreak of war on the western front on December 3, 1971, the Indians captured the heights for the third time on December 9, 1971. This time, however, they retained the heights in line with the Shimla Agreement under which the violable Cease Fire Line (CFL), created in December 1948 on cessation of hostilities in Kashmir, was converted into an inviolable Line of Control (LoC).

Agreed, I thought you referred to the Kargil war directly.
wow, Indians are burning, even though we are just sharing pics LOL
they repeatedly posting 71 pictures to make up for 65 when they couldnt have a party at lahore Jimkhana

wow, Indians are burning, even though we are just sharing pics LOL
they repeatedly posting 71 pictures to make up for 65 when they couldnt have a party at lahore Jimkhana
Awesome :enjoy:

How much deep India came??

After that Indian should keep their mouths shut on this thread about how much more they have captured land in Pakistan.
Let Mr. Modi celebrate victory like that and we wish him bigger victory (biggest victory) then this one:rofl::rofl::rofl:.
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