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ISPR appalled at MQM Altaf Hussain's Disgusting remarks

MQM followers , lolz .
Answer my post , not surprised . You don't have an answer , expected .
Your so stupid , care to answer/justify what MQM is doing .

Lolz i answered this statement , care to read before posting .

As i said before ."First off , don't get personal . Just shows , your lack of competence and sense of humor."

& next time I won't be so soft on you kid , you won't find any one to help you against me the resident devil ?lolzzz
WTF , was that a threat . You and your puny threat . Learnt that from your leader ? @Irfan Baloch , @waz , he has crossed his limits .This is the third time this has happened , third time that he has somewhat threatened me . Please do something .
In all honesty, do you think you have really answered the question asked?
Which was ? no it doesn't work like that . How come he ignores my post and posts questions of his own , countering question with a question . how stupid is that .
Which was ? no it doesn't work like that . How come he ignores my post and posts questions of his own , countering question with a question . how stupid is that .
Countering a question with another question is not stupid so lets not go down there. The question is pretty simple and straight forward, if we tend to believe or take for granted every claim made by TTP, why this time we should not pay a heed? because MQM will get vindicated and we are not ready for that?
Countering a question with another question is not stupid so lets not go down there. The question is pretty simple and straight forward, if we tend to believe or take for granted every claim made by TTP, why this time we should not pay a heed? because MQM will get vindicated and we are not ready for that?
I never suspected MQM being involved in DSP ' s killing . Secondly that was never a part of the argument . Take a look a page 8 .
What's with his threats , this is the third time , he is threatening me .
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I never suspected MQM being involved in DSP ' s killing . Secondly that was never a prat of the argument . Take a look a page 8 .
What's with his threats , this is the third time , he is threatening me .
Told you no one rescue you , lolzzz
All of sudden , the real enemy jumps in , which not talks 2 hour stupid altaf speech ?
But he butchers , the protection unit for Karachi citizens ?lolzzzz
Whole same theory went into dam waters , I don't know , if next SOME MQM leader gets the shot or dam 90 blown up , then the establishment has to answer what the hell they been doing catching dounuts like MQM,wasting so much money & resources on some crack head speaker ?lolzzz
Told you no one rescue you , lolzzz
Rescue me ? are you high . Before replying next time , reply my post number 118 . Why are you running from it ? old timer .
All of sudden , the real enemy jumps in , which not talks 2 hour stupid altaf speech ?
Do you mean TTP ?
Whole same theory went into dam waters , I don't know , if next SOME MQM leader gets the shot or dam 90 blown up , then the establishment has to answer what the hell they been doing catching dounuts like MQM,wasting so much money & resources on some crack head speaker ?lolzzz
Establishment is not wasting it's time on anything . TTP bastard are getting what they deserve .

Whole same theory went into dam waters , I don't know , if next SOME MQM leader gets the shot or dam 90 blown up , then the establishment has to answer what the hell they been doing catching dounuts like MQM,wasting so much money & resources on some crack head speaker ?lolzzz
LOLZ ? nothing to cheer about .
Rescue me ? are you high . Before replying next time , reply my post number 118 . Why are you running from it ? old timer .

Do you mean TTP ?

Establishment is not wasting it's time on anything . TTP bastard are getting what they deserve .

LOLZ ? nothing to cheer about .
A 17 year old kid can't get it ?
Its tireing tactics in a war game , you been attacked by shadows , then you jeep running after them , & kill few innocents in the process ?
But for you keep it up on your play station , you don't belong here , kidoooooo lolzzz
on a serious note , Cant ISI topple the MQM leadership ?? i mean if its possible to remove AH from the leadership of MQM , and make some sensible person from the Rabta comity as new leader of MQM , so like this MQM can work as a Powerful Party under heavy watch of ISI and IB ... i think its not a bad idea , MQM has enjoy a large amount of support in Karachi , and the major downfall of MQM is soley related to AH chutiyape ki speeches and his dictatorship attitude ..
If i am not wrong that ISI is responsible for the defense of Pakistan no matter what the cost is , if you can utilize the support of millions of people ... If one guy creating the issue its better to remove him either by hooks or crooks ..

@Patriots @MastanKhan @Oscar @Bratva @balixd @haviZsultan @syedali73 your comment too ..
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on a serious note , Cant ISI topple the MQM leadership ?? i mean if its possible to remove AH from the leadership of MQM , and make some sensible person from the Rabta comity as new leader of MQM , so like this MQM can work as a Powerful Party under heavy watch of ISI and IB ... i think its not a bad idea , MQM has enjoy a large amount of support in Karachi , and the major downfall of MQM is soley related to AH chutiyape ki speeches and his dictatorship attitude ..
If i am not wrong that ISI is responsible for the defense of Pakistan no matter what the cost is , if you can utilize the support of millions of people ... If one guy creating the issue its better to remove him either by hooks or crooks ..

@Patriots @MastanKhan @Oscar @Bratva @balixd ?

Minus one formula can't work ... He is founder of MQM ... Didn't you listen what he said yesterday 'MQM ka poda maine lagaya tha' He was sensible one in his early days ... But now he is retard ... Establishment is trying to remove him from 92 when he had done nothing wrong ... MQM can be purged after his natural death ... Its only solution .........
Minus one formula can't work ... He is founder of MQM ... Didn't you listen what he said yesterday 'MQM ka poda maine lagaya tha' He was sensible one in his early days ... But now he is retard ... Establishment is trying to remove him from 92 when he had done nothing wrong ... MQM can be purged after his natural death ... Its only solution .........

well this is i know too that MQM will collapsed once he died his natural death , and rest will be divided in to small sects .. but if we remove him , than Agencies can bring up a new guy to put in his place, they can make him to reform the party from the beginning no ? i mean imagine MQM under influence of Agencies , the new guy can ask to close all sectors and Units ,declaring all those who have criminal background or active in criminal stuff as only criminals , and remove them from Party, and also bring up people like Mustafa Kamal and other to create a complete different party from the beginning , at least this idea is better than " kill em all " one :D
And you call these political statements ? you are living in a delusion , buddy . One of a kind , genius .
@notorious_eagle , @Jazzbot , check this post out . Lolz made my day .

Why do you even bother replying to this kid? He is at best 15 or 16 year old. This is a logical conclusion i have made based on his grammar and the quality of his posts. It's foolish of you to argue with a teenager, at the end of the day he's still a teenager no matter how much logic you use.

Altaf Bhai is only doing himself harm. Expect the Army and the ISI to hand over all the evidences they have against Altaf Bhai to the British Authorities. He is going to jail soon, that is why he is so desperate to get out of Britain. In Karachi, expect the Army to tighten their hold over MQM. The word 'digusting' used in the tweet is proof enough that the Army is taking it very seriously. Expect more Officers from the ISI and Special Divisions to arrive in Karachi to reinforce the Rangers to completely take down MQM's militant wing. Gone are the days when the MQM could flex its muscle, they haven't dared to shut down the city because they know the level of response it will generate from the Armed Forces.

God Bless Raheel Sharif and Rizwan Akhtar
you are fucking indian hiding behind our flags.

The jingoists and army worshipers are in deep pain and sorrow over this. Ha Ha Ha

Long live Altaf Bhai.

He reminded them of their humiliation in Dhaka in 1971. LOLZ.
I don't know how people can listen him for hours, Even a squealing pig sound sweeter than him. But anyway, he has combo relation (father+brother) with some people and for some even a god - so, ISPR should ignore just not to hurt religious sentiment of those people. But yeah, LEA should continue nabbing terrorists, and it's better to do encounter unless he is ready to cooperate to capture bigger fishes.
on a serious note , Cant ISI topple the MQM leadership ?? i mean if its possible to remove AH from the leadership of MQM , and make some sensible person from the Rabta comity as new leader of MQM , so like this MQM can work as a Powerful Party under heavy watch of ISI and IB ... i think its not a bad idea , MQM has enjoy a large amount of support in Karachi , and the major downfall of MQM is soley related to AH chutiyape ki speeches and his dictatorship attitude ..
If i am not wrong that ISI is responsible for the defense of Pakistan no matter what the cost is , if you can utilize the support of millions of people ... If one guy creating the issue its better to remove him either by hooks or crooks ..

@Patriots @MastanKhan @Oscar @Bratva @balixd @haviZsultan @syedali73 your comment too ..
Problem is not his removal, he can be removed easily but then the public wont accept it. We have seen this in the case of Mujeeb (Agartala conspiracy case), Bhutto, Wali Khan, Benazir etc. This is because our political parties are not political parties but cults, gangs, and fan clubs, that mindlessly orbit their leaders. Now compare this with Jamaat Isalmi, their leaders come and go through electoral process and nothing happens; this is called a party. That is another thing the Jamaat has never and will never win the hearts and minds of the people and get popular vote.

You want to weaken the MQM, address the core issues, the very reasons that lead to the formation of MQM and in all honesty, we are not ready for that. No matter what Army says (forget about government) but the fact is, she is also biased here and I can say this with full confidence. Why? because Army (basically her officers and jawan) have come from the same society you and I belong to and this society has not accepted the Urdu speaker Mohajirs as an equal partner and this can be seen from the member's comments on various MQM -related threads. Example is given of East Punjabi Mohajirs and argued that they got assimilated, why not Urdu speaker Mohajirs. Well it is because those were 'Punjabi' speakers, they migrated from one part of Punjab to another.This cannot be compared with the situation of Urdu (or non-Punjabi, Baloch, Sindhi, Pashtoon) Mohajirs, who were not assimilated and discriminated. There are only a couple of issues here and for the greater good of the country cant we resolve them?

How unjust is the demand of abandoning education and job quota system? Forget about MQM for a while, just tell me is this extremely discriminatory system not harming Pakistan as a whole? If you were a CEO of a company, would you hire a 3rd divisioner (that too from cheating) or a first class first candidate to run your company? If your answer is 3rd divisioner, than what the government is doing is alright, but if your answer is otherwise, how are you supporting the quota system? You don't want to run your company by a 3rd divisioner but allowing to run the country by those, is this not hypocrisy? is this patriotic? There is obviously no hope from extreme right wingers like Zarvan and those who have gone blind in the hate of MQM but the sane members, ask yourself, are you justified in ridiculing MQM while at the same time offering no solution to the problem?

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