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ISPR appalled at MQM Altaf Hussain's Disgusting remarks

A 17 year old kid can't get it ?
Its tireing tactics in a war game , you been attacked by shadows , then you jeep running after them , & kill few innocents in the process ?
But for you keep it up on your play station , you don't belong here , kidoooooo lolzzz
Lolz how delusional can you get , old timer .
Can't face the truth , as i said before don't reply to me next time unless you reply to my previous post .
And what don't i get ? Can't you read plain English ?
Instead of trying to perceive me as a stupid 17 year old fan boy , why not face the truth ?

Why do you even bother replying to this kid? He is at best 15 or 16 year old. This is a logical conclusion i have made based on his grammar and the quality of his posts. It's foolish of you to argue with a teenager, at the end of the day he's still a teenager no matter how much logic you use.
If you meant generally that teenagers are stupid i too am a teenager , well about to turn 18 . At least i try to stay sensible and logical .
Altaf Bhai is only doing himself harm. Expect the Army and the ISI to hand over all the evidences they have against Altaf Bhai to the British Authorities.
I have always thought that British authorities have somewhat used him . What are your views on it ? i mean with the type of evidence they have against Altaf Bhai , he should have been banned long time ago .
In Karachi, expect the Army to tighten their hold over MQM
I don't get why people defend MQM by saying that Army is only targeting one party blah , blah , blah . They are targeting Urdu speaking , all those people should know one thing . Rangers personal are going after the criminals , now if they are caught and it turns out they are from MQM , you can't say only MQM is being targeted , right ?
I still don't get how people live with supporting MQM after the nine zero raid especially , all those convicts , target killers , bhata khor .
God Bless Raheel Sharif and Rizwan Akhtar
Rizwan Akhtar mostly as per told by some analysts , love how our Army chief is operating , though .
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No, the move has a lot to do with Zardari and his connections that are as a whole more powerful than the agencies can match to. The basic idea is that these two(Tikka Sharif and Lutera Badshah) have been given agendas to carry out by their respective masters(whosoever may those be). To their credit the MQM is not completely as blatantly out for their own good as the PPP and PML(N) folks are. Essentially, the Khakis have also been stupid in trying to handle the situation and still think they are in the 70s and 80s. The power of mass communications has left the country in a much more vicious and fickle state of opinions.

To say it easily, the various qaums in Pakistan are like street dogs.. united when they face a threat bigger than themselves(which is why we have India) and fighting when they feel like its all good.. Just as you can get these stray dogs to start barking and going crazy by taking your car close to them or honking at them.. you can do the same with news and public events.

Faiz was saying in directly.. but Ill make it direct.. Pakistanis are Kuttay.

Ye galiyon ke awaara bekaar kutte
ke bakhsha gaya jin ko zauq-e’-gadaai
zamaane ki phitkar sarma’yah unka
jahaan bhar ki dhutkaar unki kamaai
na aaraam shab ko na raahat savere
ghilazat mein ghar, naaliyon mein basere
jo bighrein to ek doosre se lara do
zara ek roti ka tukra dikha do
ye har ek ki thokarein khaane wale
ye faaqon se ukta marjaane wale

ye mazloom makhlooq gar sar uthaae
to insaan sab sarkashi bhool jaaye
ye chaahein to duniya ko apna bana lein
ye aaqa’on ki haddiyan tak chaba lein
ko inko ehsas-e’-zillat dila de
koi inki soi hui dum hila de

That "Ehsas e zillat", is something I've now given up on trying to get the various people that make up so called Pakistanis to understand.
Always a deep deep thinker , you are an asset to PDF , I am proud of you !
Even though we don't really have any common grounds to follow but , I still value Your ideas .
I think , a political game with the backing of international establishment is in awing, & so called politicians. Are just playing their written characters in that ?

Lolz how delusional can you get , old timer .
Can't face the truth , as i said before son't reply to me next time unless you reply to my previous post .
And what don't i get ? Can't you read plain English ?
Instead of trying to perceive me as a stupid 17 year old fan boy , why not face the truth ?

If you meant generally that teenagers are stupid i too am a teenager , well about to turn 18 . At least i try to stay sensible and logical .

I have always thought that British authorities have somewhat used him . What are your views on it ? i mean with the type of evidence they have against Altaf Bhai , he should have been banned long time ago .

I don't get why people defend MQM by saying that Army is only targeting one party blah , blah , blah . They are targeting Urdu speaking , all those people should know one thing . Rangers personal are going after the criminals , now if they are caught and it turns out they are from MQM , you can't say only MQM is being targeted , right ?
I still don't get how people live with supporting MQM after the nine zero raid especially , all those convicts , target killers , bhata khor .

Rizwan Akhtar mostly as per told by some analysts , love how our Army chief is operating , though .
Check your post, & correct the mistakes you did in it ?lolzzz
After that, yes a 17 years old kid can fly a plane but , he can't remember the history , exprinece wins in politics ? Stupid kidoooo
Check your post, & correct the mistakes you did in it ?lolzzz
After that, yes a 17 years old kid can fly a plane but , he can't remember the history , exprinece wins in politics ? Stupid kidoooo
What mistakes ? i mistyped 'don't' for a 'son't' , check your keyboard out , it happens .
Check your post, & correct the mistakes you did in it ?lolzzz
So you don't understand the meaning of ,"Can't you read plain English," why not google search each word and see who's wrong .
Check your post, & correct the mistakes you did in it ?lolzzz
After that, yes a 17 years old kid can fly a plane but , he can't remember the history , exprinece wins in politics ? Stupid kidoooo
What a stupid person are you , why can't you simply reply , instead of twist and turning . I can find three mistakes in your post . What stupid logic applied , why run away from the truth , reply my previous post .
Stupid kidoooo
I don't like to report anyone , don't go all personal on me because i will .
That depends.. unless the racial lines in Pakistan are cleaned out.. the so called Mohajirs will be suppressed bit by bit before being marginalized.. WE ARE NOT ONE NATION AND LET THERE BE NO DELUSION IN THAT.. NEVER WERE. I have to use CAPS to make that point as emphatically as possible.

Its still down to tribes and castes vying on a basis of frenemies for their own conceited gains. The only thing that could have kept it fixed was a state that was mostly fair in its care and the justice system much like it..after all, America is experiencing a period of racially motivated riots BUT, the justice system and state are ensuring that wrongs are righted eventually. The same is not true in Pakistan, and may eventually lead to social turmoil of the kind that opens the door for extremists as the last resort.. after which you have hell on earth(if it isnt there already).

Remember, the damage the Ayatollah could do to Iran was limited ONLY because the Persians are a more united race than the races of Pakistan are. Iraq and Yemen are a perfect example of what happens when Mullahs take over or are able to exploit ethnic lines.

Sir you are a Pearl for PDF , very open to your critics , and your insight on things .. very nice assignment ... well those were some sweet words for your posts , now let me back to the reply ..

i have mentioned in my post many times that we are one divided nation , we have nothing in common .. and still unable to sit peaceful and have do roti ...
but there are many Patriotic deluded guys who still believe that yeah sab Bhala changa in Pakistan...
have a name like Raja Pakistan , Patriotic lover does not change the reality of things on the ground level ?

What Ayatullah have done to Iran is exactly same what our Mard-e-Momin has tried to do in 70's i guess... but i am unable to figure it out that why you bring the religious lunatics in case of Karachi Operations ? does it have any connection which i am missing by any chance ?

I have said it in multiple post and i saying this here again that if PMLN succeed to escalate the situation to a civil war level in Karachi , where MQM workers and Rangers , Police come face to face, than PML N will stand back and watch Karachi burn .. PPPP for that reason have no interest in the lives of Karachieates or Urdu speaking people , the case of Shahzaib is clear example for that , the son's of Wadera will be shooting many shahzaib's daily in the streets of Karachi and non one will dare to raise the voice against it ..
May God forbid that time .. when one of a Average urdu speaking like me have to curse our own country for taking lives by the hands of our own Law enforcement agencies ..
Kids do make mistakes often that's why , & most of the time horrible ones ?
they are called stupid kidooos on PDF by me ?
& I don't reply to a stupid , stupid , stupid mastaken kidoos like you ?lolzzz
The logic applied here , lol .
Well , as I said I am not a supporter of any political party of Pakistan , I think this is a big game played by all the expreince politicians against pakarmy , which is trying its best to get rid of terrorism from Pakistan ?
You are not a supporter of any political party , just now and then you defend/justify what Altaf hussain and the MQM is doing . Interesting .
Kids do make mistakes often that's why , & most of the time horrible ones ?
they are called stupid kidooos on PDF by me ?
& I don't reply to a stupid , stupid , stupid mastaken kidoos like you ?lolzzz
Well , as I said I am not a supporter of any political party of Pakistan , I think this is a big game played by all the expreince politicians against pakarmy , which is trying its best to get rid of terrorism from Pakistan ?
There was a reported link between zardari & altaf just a few days before then comes the super duffer , croupt police officers press conference against MQM,which brought a calculated political cum , defaming statment from altaf Hussain ?
Which I think is a knock down effect on LEAs ops ?
Now if rangers goes up against PPP or any one else in sindh then the whole sindh will be made stand up against it ?
Which will result in huge demand to pakarmy to do it in fedrl level too?
Model town , is a serious case ?lolzzz
Then what whole of this politics gang will be against pakarmy ?
Then what ???????
Think kidoooo!lolzzz

Kidoo tell daddy to buy some candy to you , if not I will ?lolzzz
Let's see how far you can go, before crying for help ?hahaha
I can find you loads of grammatical error , anyway that is not a concern to me , like some so-called mature person .
Think kidoooo!lolzzz

Kidoo tell daddy to buy some candy to you , if not I will ?lolzzz
Let's see how far you can go, before crying for help ?hahaha
Don't start on my family , there is a limit , don't cross it .
Ask your mom to hit you , with her sandle on your head ?hahahaha
@Irfan Baloch , @Oscar , @waz @Horus , guys this is the third time he has crossed the limits . Third time , he has gotten personal . @Irfan Baloch , you would know , please do something about him . This is in contradiction with basic rules of PDF . Why is he getting personal for ?

I am born to break the limits ?hahaha
Of what ? stupidity .
Look at my post , did I said a word supporting AH ?
Did i say anything about you supporting Altaf Hussain ?
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Cry my baby cry , challo abbu Kay joota utaro ,aur apni choti si sandle pehhnoo ?lolzz
Stop crying bitcccccccck .
Why are you using foul language for . What has instigated you to reach this height of stupidity . @Irfan Baloch , you know what to do . Guy can't reply to any post and i have @notorious_eagle to back me up . I want to see a decisive action being taken , please . This is the third time .
Cry my baby cry , challo abbu Kay joota utaro ,aur apni choti si sandle pehhnoo ?lolzz
Stop crying bitcccccccck .
Babu Baaz a Ja

I dont know if you are supporting MQM leader's comments or are you supporting ISPR's condemnation?

your targeted poster is not ISPR or rebita committee member so stay on topic
Babu Baaz a Ja

I dont know if you are supporting MQM leader's comments or are you supporting ISPR's condemnation?

your targeted poster is not ISPR or rebita committee member so stay on topic
Sir ,
I am not supporting both of them , but I think its a conspiracy created by Nawaz , acted by zardari , delivered by altaf ?
& i think ,with out total take over of the country mess won't get cleaned up ?
Dear sir ,
He started tagging me even after last of your intruptions , this kid thinks he has terminators brains , I am gona fry that for breakfast ?lolzzz
He started tagging me even after last of your intruptions , this kid thinks he has terminators brains , I am gona fry that for breakfast ?lolzzz
Here we go again .
I haven't tagged you a single time . In fact , it was you who replied to me in the first place . And when you couldn't reply to my post you lost your calm .
Why are you using foul language for . What has instigated you to reach this height of stupidity . @Irfan Baloch , you know what to do . Guy can't reply to any post and i have @notorious_eagle to back me up . I want to see a decisive action being taken , please . This is the third time .

Here we go again .
I haven't tagged you a single time . In fact , it was you who replied to me in the first place . And when you couldn't reply to my post you lost your calm .
@Irfan Baloch
Did I asked any thing to him ?
was i answering to him ?
That's how he , thinks can get away ?
well all recpects to you sir , I think water is above my nose .
I won't listen to any one after that .
@Irfan Baloch
Did I asked any thing to him ?
Did I was answering him ?
That's how he , thinks can get away ?
well all recpects to you sir , I think water is above my nose .
I won't listen to any one after that .
You were giving him false information , for the love of god . Had to clear thing up .
Muney challo gali mien ja kar khello ?
@Iran baloch
Can you see that ???

aisay kyun baat kar rhe hain ap usse? chota hai batameezi nahi kar rha apko bhi khayal karna chaheye

On topic

GoP should take some action against this pathetic maniac British citizen who is inciting hatred inside Pakistan against the army and threatening to invoke violence for no fkn reason. If they dont take any action declare MQM as a terrorist organization and thn kick all these fake jahil muhajirs back to India
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aisay kyun baat kar rhe hain ap usse? chota hai batameezi nahi kar rha apko bhi khayal karna chaheye
Offtopic reported !

What mistakes ? i mistyped 'don't' for a 'son't' , check your keyboard out , it happens .

So you don't understand the meaning of ,"Can't you read plain English," why not google search each word and see who's wrong .

What a stupid person are you , why can't you simply reply , instead of twist and turning . I can find three mistakes in your post . What stupid logic applied , why run away from the truth , reply my previous post .

I don't like to report anyone , don't go all personal on me because i will .
@Irfan Baloch
Look at it ?
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