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ISPR appalled at MQM Altaf Hussain's Disgusting remarks

False, if you actually watched the video of his speech he was being sarcastic since people have always claimed that MQM are RAW agents. Therefore, its only right they should openly accept that they support MQM and give them weapons. You forgot the part where he says he wants a democratic and free society where tolerance exists. But no I don't expect you to understand.

Musharraf still remains one of the only sane Generals in Pakistan's history. As for the Balochistan issue, its much older than that.

There you go, complete lack of any know how about the issue other than sound bites.
Even so lets say it is what have the joker of London done anything? or the right question be what this party have done anything for Karachi since 1988, except for murder and terrorise people of Karachi.
As always, bhai didnt meant that excuse.lol

Sure bomb Karachi & its population , call in PAF jets pound the 90?
Go have it what you want but sooner you will see international establishment in action .
Blab, Blab Blab, international establishment. Wasn't this the same "International Establishment" which was conspiring against Altaf Hussain in London. Interestingly, now it will come to aid of terrorists of MQM.
Game of Zardari and Nawaz to make MQM and Army clash. Altaf Hussain fell right into the trap. That SSP is the king of bhangis, no doubt there.

Is there any country in the world where some local bhangi cop calls a whole political party traitors? Only in Pakistan. This bhangi cop's background should be checked, where is he from, is he agent of intelligence agencies or working for Zardari?

The two biggest traitors in Pakistan are Nawaz and Zardari. These two clowns are ready to sell Pakistan for their profit.
Those who surrendered are called patriots, while the founders of Pakistan are dubbed traitors.”

Why is army worried about this statement? It's true isn't it? PPP is still here and considered a national party while its leader refused to budge due to personal snobbery, while the army high command was spared any action for their humiliating defeat and refusal to listen to the people of East Pakistan. My uncle served in 1971, why did the generals get scared and laid down their arms while the common soldier was handed over to India. Not a single prosecution or court martial for their military defeat

Why can't the army be held accountable too? Btw I still have relatives serving in Pak army and all other services, but the generals and higher ups are as corrupt as the politicians. Going up against MQM all gung ho while the fatwa pusher and armed rebellion leading snake sits in the Lal Masjid protected by certain factions of ISI.

Why is this considered appalling when its true? The high command can't digest their own failures and want to blame random people?
But the "divine" Armed forces have murdered thousands of innocent people in the past. In 1971, was it the Israeli army which slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent Bengalis? In the late 1980s and 90s was it outsiders who did operations in Karachi where many innocent people lost their lives? No matter how much it hurts the truth is Pakistan's army is responsible for a lot of violence. In a democratic society you have to learn to tolerate the truth no matter how bitter it is. We've already seen the consequences of the dozens of personalities who exposed the actions of the military. In Pakistan unfortunately these beghairat armed forces think they are above the law and are glorified for absolutely no reason.

What about Bihari razakars of 71? A lot of them settled in Karachi and vote for MQM. Why not hate them too?
@Zarvan point is v simple, TTP from tora bora has 80% of manadate from Waziristan, while BLA from some cities of Baluchistan (makran region) have 80% of mandate which doesn't implies they were correct.

MQM made is this way, definitely there will be a raid till one political front is off, we did see once but MQM is bent to have this way. Be it!

Yes, PML-N should take political front like army backed them in many other fronts. It will be very unfair if government don't do it.
Can you show any election result , showing TTp or BLA receiving 80% mandate ?
No they don't accept this system , thus country , this constitution because it doesn't means any thing to them ?
MQM has proven its mandate in all the elections & has accepted the Pakistani law , & its constitution ?
So your equation is biasd , unrealistic & in logical in the end , MQM never shared any power under zardari or Nawaz Sharif ?

What about Bihari razakars of 71? A lot of them settled in Karachi and vote for MQM. Why not hate them too?
They and whole of MQM supporting population of Karachi , should be bombed soon as possible ?
While we should support JI, who was calling our army jawans not shaheed against TTp commanders ?lolzz
Asking public to use weapons and take privately Army training, Altaf Hussain is inciting violence in Pakistan. I wonder why UK Government is not taking any action against him even though Pakistani government is requesting them to control Altaf Hussain since more than two decades. He should be banned from giving speeches altogether , the type of language he uses on air .
Best thing to do , for now . @Zarvan .
There you go, complete lack of any know how about the issue other than sound bites.
Even so lets say it is what have the joker of London done anything? or the right question be what this party have done anything for Karachi since 1988, except for murder and terrorise people of Karachi.
As always, bhai didnt meant that excuse.lol

Blab, Blab Blab, international establishment. Wasn't this the same "International Establishment" which was conspiring against Altaf Hussain in London. Interestingly, now it will come to aid of terrorists of MQM.
Cause he understood fast he can't beat them , so he went to beg them , they got him back ?
Same as zardari & Nawaz , they all are same making their efforts to achive great game ?
Why is army worried about this statement? It's true isn't it? PPP is still here and considered a national party while its leader refused to budge due to personal snobbery, while the army high command was spared any action for their humiliating defeat and refusal to listen to the people of East Pakistan. My uncle served in 1971, why did the generals get scared and laid down their arms while the common soldier was handed over to India. Not a single prosecution or court martial for their military defeat

Why can't the army be held accountable too? Btw I still have relatives serving in Pak army and all other services, but the generals and higher ups are as corrupt as the politicians. Going up against MQM all gung ho while the fatwa pusher and armed rebellion leading snake sits in the Lal Masjid protected by certain factions of ISI.

Why is this considered appalling when its true? The high command can't digest their own failures and want to blame random people?
Military pant are not in twist because of this particular comment, it is the other stuff that Mr. Qauid e Taireq has said. If you want to prosecute a general be my guest and do that, Hang the Person who was in command, let me guess ZAB = Dead (hanged) , Yahya= Dead, any other general you can name?? because i can't
as far as PoWs are concerned then as I have said two pages ago, my own uncle was a PoW too in that war too, and happen to be residing in Karachi too, and you know what? he was a die hard Jiyala of Benazir Bhutto....well what can I , his choice
This Big fat Khanzeer is going down soon along with his bunch of looney followers whether they like it or not...
Asking public to use weapons and take privately Army training, Altaf Hussain is inciting violence in Pakistan. I wonder why UK Government is not taking any action against him even though Pakistani government is requesting them to control Altaf Hussain since more than two decades. He should be banned from giving speeches altogether , the type of language he uses on air .
Free speech ,is what they teach all over third world countries , they doesnt mind , if he speak what is in.their long term interests
Free speech ,is what they teach all over third world countries , they doesnt mind , if he speak what is in.their long term interests
Free speech ? you call this free speech ? take your meds , buddy . Asking public to use weapons and take privately Army training, Altaf Hussain is inciting violence in Pakistan. he should be banned .Justify this batmannow .
Military pant are not in twist because of this particular comment, it is the other stuff that Mr. Qauid e Taireq has said. If you want to prosecute a general be my guest and do that, Hang the Person who was in command, let me guess ZAB = Dead (hanged) , Yahya= Dead, any other general you can name?? because i can't
as far as PoWs are concerned then as I have said two pages ago, my own uncle was a PoW too in that war too, and happen to be residing in Karachi too, and you know what? he was a die hard Jiyala of Benazir Bhutto....well what can I , his choice

It's not about digging up dead generals or politicians. It's about accountability and transparency. During 1971 war and preceding it, politicians and army high command colluded to deny power to a popularly elected government of Pakistan because they were drunk on power and refused to accept peoples mandate, and used the Pak army against their own people. What we are seeing now is a repeat of that same mistake with politicians pitting the army against its own citizens.

Don't get me wrong, if AH is stupid enough to incite a rebellion against the state, I will still stand with Pak Army, but this one sided targeting of MQM has to be stopped. MQM is not supported by RAW or other Bs that these people are coming up with. Accept MQM's mandate and move on, sure I don't mind the arrests and trials of criminals but don't go around labeling all of MQM as RAW agents, no one is going to believe this Bs except from already anti MQM people.

as far as PoWs are concerned then as I have said two pages ago, my own uncle was a PoW too in that war too, and happen to be residing in Karachi too, and you know what? he was a die hard Jiyala of Benazir Bhutto....well what can I , his choice

I honour your uncle and my uncle and the jawans and officers like them who fought to protect the motherland. My problem is with some corrupt generals who are rotting the whole system. And strangely enough, my uncle was also a hardcore Bhutto supporter before the war but thank fully realized his mistake after the war.
Can you show any election result , showing TTp or BLA receiving 80% mandate ?
No they don't accept this system , thus country , this constitution because it doesn't means any thing to them ?
MQM has proven its mandate in all the elections & has accepted the Pakistani law , & its constitution ?
So your equation is biasd , unrealistic & in logical in the end , MQM never shared any power under zardari or Nawaz Sharif ?

If u want the election to show that these scums has mandate, then follow the ideology of those who win election from that place, be it independent, JI, JUI or PTI, all wanted peaceful solution between TTP and army. Same case the people who win from makran region. And no my equation is not baised, and that's not my style.
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