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ISPR appalled at MQM Altaf Hussain's Disgusting remarks

But the "divine" Armed forces have murdered thousands of innocent people in the past. In 1971, was it the Israeli army which slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent Bengalis? In the late 1980s and 90s was it outsiders who did operations in Karachi where many innocent people lost their lives? No matter how much it hurts the truth is Pakistan's army is responsible for a lot of violence. In a democratic society you have to learn to tolerate the truth no matter how bitter it is. We've already seen the consequences of the dozens of personalities who exposed the actions of the military. In Pakistan unfortunately these beghairat armed forces think they are above the law and are glorified for absolutely no reason.
do not give me your crap,my uncle was POW in 71', was kept in indian jail....the man did not even tell his own mother of his enlistment and went to war.....so cut the crap like you know it all......
yes we may have murdered innocents, we may have made some bad calls, but that was Past, talk about the present and he future....today nobody is holding MQM from it's throat for the innocent killings, the killing spree that Karachi saw in the months of July 2011......It is the actions of Today, for what they are being hold for......Raid on nine zero was just a glimpse, mend your way - as we do or we do it for you.....simple that is.....continue with the rhetoric like a drunk pisshead and it will come around to bite you....
But the "divine" Armed forces have murdered thousands of innocent people in the past. In 1971, was it the Israeli army which slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent Bengalis? In the late 1980s and 90s was it outsiders who did operations in Karachi where many innocent people lost their lives? No matter how much it hurts the truth is Pakistan's army is responsible for a lot of violence. In a democratic society you have to learn to tolerate the truth no matter how bitter it is. We've already seen the consequences of the dozens of personalities who exposed the actions of the military. In Pakistan unfortunately these beghairat armed forces think they are above the law and are glorified for absolutely no reason.
What 44 year old Bnagladesh conflict has to do with Abusive and anti Pakistan behaviour of Altaf hussain? You are trying hard to justify your god leader but failing measurably and making a fool of yourself.
My friend that was 1971 and Bangladesh was 1000 Miles away. Your wet dreams of another 1971 will go up in flames. I wont say any more.
Friend , stop your illusions , Iraq & Libya were too far from US & its allies ?
& they can cover much more than that ?
With your super Saudi friends , whole of their middleast so called super Muslims , pissd on your fedrl govt & military establushment we are heading towards a meass , created by ourselves ?
DSP among three cops killed in Karachi firing - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Looks like a civil war in making , as you wish for ?
It happened before in 71, stupid politicians using emotional speech's & calling bangallis traitors , its a actionreplay , to divert the ops against the big fishes like Nawaz & zardari ?
Pushing MQM towards a low level croupt cop, & his stupid story telling won't bring peace in karachi & won't serve any great interests to Pakistan ?
Pakarmy needs to asses the situation , & needs to move smartly & covertly towards the real crouptors who are living in shadows?

No one is calling Mahjir a traitor here Mahajirs are the one who left everything and came to Pakistan, it's MQM and Altaf who is supporting criminals, and kept fear trend in Karachi and using Mahajir Card for their Dirty work. It's time to eliminate this criminal and other criminals and all the political parties who are supporting these criminals.
as I recall you were associated with 'Some Agency", so why don't you do us all a favor and share this pool of knowledge with us?
Before everyone starts their usual rants, I wonder why nobody actually asks what sort of training did these supposed terrorists, a label that can potentially be affixed on just about anybody by state actors without the need of proof, obtain from India and how that was used against the state of Pakistan.

Aren't you all tired of the BS about Indian weapons and Indian trainings and what not? Don't any of you have any idea how many Mohajir/Karachiite youth apply to join the military services every year? Why are you all so easy to manipulate??

Is there a single person here who does not believe in the atrocities that we committed against Pakistanis in East Pakistan? Is there any doubt of our failed policies in Baluchistan? Any doubt that Karachi is governed by the Wadera who does not get a single PA/NA seat from Karachi? Are these injustices not enough to incite anger that no words from any Altaf Hussain etc., can incite? Just an example; Are Karachiites getting their fair share of water in the lines or through the Tanker Mafia? Any idea who controls that mafia or benefits from the Billions that it earns every month? This is just a single example............and then suddenly SSP Malir comes up with some random **** instead of going after illegal dens of smugglers/drug dealers and water hydrants in his area.

Again, Why are you all so easy to manipulate?

Did Imran Khan not use the exact same language to define our Generals? On difference is that he spoke behind closed doors, right?

And can anyone shed light on the character of General Kiyani? His services to the state of Pakistan and Zardaristan during his reign as Army Chies and illegal extensions during it! Any word on that?
A point to ponder for the heaven-sent generals that while the jawaans are sacrificing their lives, the institution and its commanders are being ridiculed daily.

General Bajwa: You have to earn respect, not demand it.
No one is calling Mahjir a traitor here Mahajirs are the one who left everything and came to Pakistan, it's MQM and Altaf who is supporting criminals, and kept fear trend in Karachi and using Mahajir Card for their Dirty work. It's time to eliminate this criminal and other criminals and all the political parties who are supporting these criminals.
It happened just yesterday , a SSP came out i n press & just stated that MQM is traitor , been trained in India , & is working for unrest in Pakistan ?
Check it out , I think zardari has done a dangerous damage to ops , & the whole Karachi thing will pop up , intetnatioanlly fast ?
NS has to move fast , to stop the stupids who are after him , even few of hia own chodri nisar ,s dreams are too dangerous for him, its from.where it all started ?
DSP among three cops killed in Karachi firing - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Karachi is heading towards a civil war at a wrong time ?
MQM has nothing to do with the creation of Pakistan, the trump card played by Altaf mardood. It's those who migrated, suffered, killed, worked hard to build Pakistan. It's my grandparents who had the guts to face the consequences of migration and embraced martyrdom on their way to their dreamland - they built Pakistan. This Altaf dog can bark from here just like Anjem Choudary because he knows UK is a relaxed country unless you oppose directly. He also knows he is being monitored now and once you are caught in UK, you are done even if it takes UK authorities some years to collect evidences. MQM as a party should stay as MQM leaders are also pissed off by his retarded behaviour. InshAllah his days are numbered.
do not give me your crap,my uncle was POW in 71', was kept in indian jail....the man did not even tell his own mother of his enlistment and went to war.....so cut the crap like you know it all......
yes we may have murdered innocents, we may have made some bad calls, but that was Past, talk about the present and he future....today nobody is holding MQM from it's throat for the innocent killings, the killing spree that Karachi saw in the months of July 2011......It is the actions of Today, for what they are being hold for......Raid on nine zero was just a glimpse, mend your way - as we do or we do it for you.....simple that is.....continue with the rhetoric like a drunk pisshead and it will come around to bite you....

The present situation shows that the divine armed forces who have been directly enlightened by god have screwed up in Balochistan, FATA and Karachi. Its funny every killing in Karachi is blamed on MQM . Meanwhile banned organizations like SSP roam freely without any interference from rangers or army. We even have ISIS slowly entering Pakistan as the divine armed forced do not give any sh*t about the country as long as they get paid by their masters.
It happened just yesterday , a SSP came out i n press & just stated that MQM is traitor , been trained in India , & is working for unrest in Pakistan ?
Check it out , I think zardari has done a dangerous damage to ops , & the whole Karachi thing will pop up , intetnatioanlly fast ?
NS has to move fast , to stop the stupids who are after him , even few of hia own chodri nisar ,s dreams are too dangerous for him, its from.where it all started ?
DSP among three cops killed in Karachi firing - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Karachi is heading towards a civil war at a wrong time ?

I am not sure what was this SSP game was and defiantly some conspiracy . But MQM directly pointed on Army, and then Army reaction. Clearly, this was there from Rangers operations on 9/0, and will be there till criminals continue to roam. For me Law enforcer especially rangers and Army both are right. Tell me, is it right to 3 people killing DSP and fly away from the scene. As per you, this was due to yesterday episode, so you know who did it right?

PML-N should be held complete responsible for this whole mess in karachi, since they are so far silently sitting on this shit. Not doing anything against PPP games nor doing anything against MQM crimes.

If this started, it has to finish otherwise crime will increase.
During yesterdays speech.. this bori bund master chef openly asked "RAW to support him & provide them with weapons, than we will see who's blood flows in sindh river", what more proof do his blind followers need?? His speech is enuff evidence to book this hippo under AT act, this guy is a fcking coward & a clown...What SSP did was wrong, but Hippo crossed the limits by brining in PA & asking ppl to stand against state
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During yesterdays speech.. this bori bund master chef openly asked "RAW to support him & provide them with weapons, than we will see who's blood flows in sindh river", what more proof do his blind followers need?? His speech is enuff evidence to book this hippo under AT act, this guy is a fcking coward & a clown...What SSP did was wrong, but Hippo crossed the limits by brining in PA & asking ppl to stand against state
& what was the american congress passing the resolution on AZAD BALUCHISTAN ?
we have to let the temperature down, make MQM responsible , sharing power with them in their yard, if not its going to be a civil war , with India , Iran , saudia , US standing against us ?

I am not sure what was this SSP game was and defiantly some conspiracy . But MQM directly pointed on Army, and then Army reaction. Clearly, this was there from Rangers operations on 9/0, and will be there till criminals continue to roam. For me Law enforcer especially rangers and Army both are right. Tell me, is it right to 3 people killing DSP and fly away from the scene. As per you, this was due to yesterday episode, so you know who did it right?

PML-N should be held complete responsible for this whole mess in karachi, since they are so far silently sitting on this shit. Not doing anything against PPP games nor doing anything against MQM crimes.

If this started, it has to finish otherwise crime will increase.
Sorry no one in this dam world can belive that a party holding 80% of mandate is doing crimes & is the only responsible party to be charged with ?
No its not, rangers went in Karachi fait enough , but they been failed systematically by sindh govt diverting them only against MQM ?
Operation came against. Criminals not against MQM , but so far no other party been touched by rangers ?
Why , because of the fear that sindh govt may call them out , if they go against PPP?
Sorry, this a mess created by political oppoutunists like chodri nisar guiding pakarmy towards his self interests .
Now , with only MQM been targeted operation is in sheters & if rangers go further more , it will open up a nasty front ?
& what was the american congress passing the resolution on AZAD BALUCHISTAN ?
we have to let the temperature down, make MQM responsible , sharing power with them in their yard, if not its going to be a civil war , with India , Iran , saudia , US standing against us ?

Sorry, but i guess the Yeah the right way to ask for power sharing is to talk to your followers sitting miles away thru a telephone asking them stand up against the state, get military training etc, who you think ur fooling???? power sharing is a political issue, settle it in a civilized manners, not thru giving threats to the states & the Ace security agency... i got no sympathy for PPP, but isnt PPP the largest party of sindh??? i dont giv a fck about this SSP, but Tafu crossed the limits....
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