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ISPR appalled at MQM Altaf Hussain's Disgusting remarks

Its great achievement by both zardari & Nawaz pushing MQM & PAKARMY in a direct confrontation , its a renewal of 1971, s political scene, which will later described as the black hole on our history?
Clash of MQM & ARMY will bring a super disaster to Pakistan .
At a time , on which the whole world is changing geographicly , its sad to see , great game is happening in Karachi ?
Its great achievement by both zardari & Nawaz pushing MQM & PAKARMY in a direct confrontation , its a renewal of 1971, s political scene, which will later described as the black hole on our history?
Clash of MQM & ARMY will bring a super disaster to Pakistan .
At a time , on which the whole world is changing geographicly , its sad to see , great game is happening in Karachi ?

Naah !!!clash is already happening. MQM militants are getting snubbed by the Rangers on daily basis now. Altaf Hussain facing money laundering charges in UK and to add more, Imran Farooq murder case will prove to be the final nail in the coffin for MQM top leadership so stage is being set for a change. Karachi will only gonna prosper once MQM militant window is completely shut along with its leaders who opt for this path. Operation Zarb-e-Azb shouldn't be restricted to Waziristan only, if we want peace, it should be stretch to every corner of the country where same militant ideology is being followed but in different faces.
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http:// Good Job done ...............:cheers::pakistan::victory1:
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Where does one get commando training in Karachi?
Good to see AH ruffling the feathers of ISI and the establishment. These disgusting crooks think they are some godly entity that cannot be criticized. The Army and ISI are responsible for the murder of thousands of people. First give justice to Sabeen Mahmud.
Oh shut up man. You arw barking from canada same as your god bhagwaan altaf is barking from UK.
and to hell with sabeen. I want justice for dozens who get killed by your MQM 's target killers everyday.
Your porky leader gets fat on blood money,and dumb worshippers like you keep worshipping his fat *** regardless.
Why not those media outlets first who serve as his mouthpiece?

Well, we must raise this matter with the British government and with force as to why and how a Britisher is allowed to malign our forces. If it does not settle there, we should take this to the international court of Justice, and if it still does not get settled...

well then get him silenced through a covert operation.


The British are pathetic and acting gutless. They have people recruiting for al Qaeda and for isis openly and the British could not do anything. How will they be able to touch Altaf.
oh boy--- what did Bhai say this time? when i went to bed last night all was in order - and woke up to the news of ISPR twee-----what did mota genda say??
I do not have the luxury of watching video, so print media would be fine

Good to see AH ruffling the feathers of ISI and the establishment. These disgusting crooks think they are some godly entity that cannot be criticized. The Army and ISI are responsible for the murder of thousands of people. First give justice to Sabeen Mahmud.
Criticizing and criticism is being one thing and allegedly portraying your Armed forces as murderers of innocent is another....
. . . .
The whole Pakistani nation is appalled at his language which is as filthy as his character and throws light on has parents, his upbringing and family background.

Unfortunately there are still some "educated elite" of Karachi who will not only defend this sick pig but praise him.
Why not those media outlets first who serve as his mouthpiece?

Well, we must raise this matter with the British government and with force as to why and how a Britisher is allowed to malign our forces. If it does not settle there, we should take this to the international court of Justice, and if it still does not get settled...

well then get him silenced through a covert operation.

Before everyone starts their usual rants, I wonder why nobody actually asks what sort of training did these supposed terrorists, a label that can potentially be affixed on just about anybody by state actors without the need of proof, obtain from India and how that was used against the state of Pakistan.

Aren't you all tired of the BS about Indian weapons and Indian trainings and what not? Don't any of you have any idea how many Mohajir/Karachiite youth apply to join the military services every year? Why are you all so easy to manipulate??

Is there a single person here who does not believe in the atrocities that we committed against Pakistanis in East Pakistan? Is there any doubt of our failed policies in Baluchistan? Any doubt that Karachi is governed by the Wadera who does not get a single PA/NA seat from Karachi? Are these injustices not enough to incite anger that no words from any Altaf Hussain etc., can incite? Just an example; Are Karachiites getting their fair share of water in the lines or through the Tanker Mafia? Any idea who controls that mafia or benefits from the Billions that it earns every month? This is just a single example............and then suddenly SSP Malir comes up with some random **** instead of going after illegal dens of smugglers/drug dealers and water hydrants in his area.

Again, Why are you all so easy to manipulate?

The whole Pakistani nation is appalled at his language which is as filthy as his character and throws light on has parents, his upbringing and family background.

Unfortunately there are still some "educated elite" of Karachi who will not only defend this sick pig but praise him.

Did Imran Khan not use the exact same language to define our Generals? On difference is that he spoke behind closed doors, right?

And can anyone shed light on the character of General Kiyani? His services to the state of Pakistan and Zardaristan during his reign as Army Chies and illegal extensions during it! Any word on that?
KARACHI: Reacting over the startled allegations by a senior Karachi police officer, Muttahida Qaumi Movement Chief Altaf Hussain called on the Sindh government to register a case against SSP Malir as his removal was not enough.

Speaking to party workers from London by telephone, Hussai said the MQM has been facing discrimination but despite all the difficulties “we chanted slogan of Pakistan Zindabad”.

Altaf said: “We are called RAW agents every other day. Those who surrendered are called patriots, while the founders of Pakistan are dubbed traitors.”

He advised workers to get one hour of military training daily.I don’t care if I am expelled from the UK. We raised the slogan of Pakistan Zindabad at every difficult time. We want to live peacefully. We are being punished for being peaceful.” He also questioned whether the MQM could operate without him

“In 1992, we were declared Indian agents, we tolerated taunts and abusive language against us because we want peace at any cost,” said he.

He said that MQM workers were subjected to severe cruelties. He came down heavily on SSP Malir Rao Anwar, saying the officer, who himself was involved in land grabbing, levelled allegations against him.

The MQM chief said that people at the helm of affairs have never accepted him as son of the soil.

He called for an end to allegations against Muhajir community as it could inflict an irreparable loss to the country.

“Every ethnic group formed an organization and no operation was carried out against them other then MQM,” said he.

The MQM chief said that the Sindh government had assured him that it had no role in Rao Anwar’s allegations.
Altaf Hussain rebuts Rao Anwar’s allegations | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

P.N: on the lighter side this reminded me of this kid i knew, who went for admission test to new school, the kid was asked the question "Pakistan kis ne bnaya tha? (who was the founding father of Pakistan"
the kid innocently responded "Nawaz Shariff" - NS was in rule at that time (98)

so in 2015 we will be studying "Bhai is the founding father of Pakistan"
if he did, then he is an equal asshole, but that is neither an excuse or a reason to do or defend the same. Two wrongs never make it right.

Did Imran Khan not use the exact same language to define our Generals? On difference is that he spoke behind closed doors, right?

And can anyone shed light on the character of General Kiyani? His services to the state of Pakistan and Zardaristan during his reign as Army Chies and illegal extensions during it! Any word on that?

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