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Islamists protest in London against French Mali role


Jul 5, 2012
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Around 60 Islamists including women in veils protested outside the French embassy in London on Saturday against France's military intervention in Mali.
The demonstrators held placards reading "French army, you will pay, the Muslims are on their way", "United Nations, go to hell" and "Sharia is the only solution for Mali".
French President Francois Hollande sent troops on Friday to help Malian forces hold back an advance by Islamist rebels, and on Saturday Paris announced that a French military pilot had been killed.
"Francois Hollande, you are a Satan," one of the protesters, Abu Shaafehi, said in French through a loudspeaker. "Sharia for France!"
The protest was divided into two groups, separated by several metres, of men in traditional dress and women in veils.
A group of British police stood guard outside the embassy but the protest dispersed peacefully.




Links :

Islamists Protest in London against French Mali Role
Islamists protest in London against French Mali role - Yahoo! News UK

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i was taught about protecting my nation from enemies when i was kid!!! All the kids in my country draw pictures of muktis with weapon in Art competitions. I think thats acceptable to you but this is not???
i was taught about protecting my nation from enemies when i was kid!!! All the kids in my country draw pictures of muktis with weapon in Art competitions. I think thats acceptable to you but this is not???

who told you that it is acceptable to me ?
who told you that it is acceptable to me ?

I generalized. All the nations teach their kids nationalism very early in the form of George Washington, Kamal Ataturk and their military struggle against enemy! Nationalism and Islam both are ideologies. I don't support bringing kids in these protests... I just replied because this type of threads are posted to promote islamophobia and to insult Islam and Muslims.
I generalized. All the nations teach their kids nationalism very early in the form of George Washington, Kamal Ataturk and their military struggle against enemy! Nationalism and Islam both are ideologies. I don't support bringing kids in these protests... I just replied because this type of threads are posted to promote islamophobia and to insult Islam and Muslims.

Its not these kind of Threads that promote " islamophobia and to insult Islam and Muslims." . It is the above mentioned actions amongst many other which do .

Criticizing Something Wrong does not Makes you an Islamophobe . It is calling Spade a "Spade" . It is Early Indoctrination of Vile hate which causes Extremism fruits of which we are seeing across the globe . Surely you can deny everything and say everything is Perfect . Your Call .
i was taught about protecting my nation from enemies when i was kid!!! All the kids in my country draw pictures of muktis with weapon in Art competitions. I think thats acceptable to you but this is not???

How exactly are the south asian immigrants in Britain protecting their nation by asking for Sharia implementation in France ?

I know bangladeshis are not the brightest on the block, but still..

I just replied because this type of threads are posted to promote islamophobia and to insult Islam and Muslims.

These threads dont promote Islamophobia but those creepy looking ninja assasins asking for sharia in france sure as hell do.
How exactly are the south asian immigrants in Britain protecting their nation by asking for Sharia implementation in France ?

I know bangladeshis are not the brightest on the block, but still..

These threads dont promote Islamophobia but those creepy looking ninja assasins asking for sharia in france sure as hell do.

How do you know they are not the citizens of that country??? They have equal rights like anyone. Calling them creepy looking ninza assassins when you know well enough its islamic attire makes you an islamophobe. Enough said. I hate to engage with indians in this forum. Grrr!
How do you know they are not the citizens of that country??? They have equals rights like anyone. Calling them creepy looking ninza assassins when you know well enough its islamic attire makes you an islamophobe. Enough said. I hate to engage with indians in this forum. Grrr!

Read my question again - how exactly are south asian immigrants in Britain protecting France by asking for sharia law in france ?

BTW Islamophobia is simply a pejorative neologism designed by apologists to warn people away from criticizing any aspect of Islam. I will not be swayed by those labels.
What else you except from Islamist....Next war look like Islamist vs non islamist
I guess it would be Islamist vs West. We would have the ringside view.

When I am saying Islamist vs non Islamist, I mean say country supporting terrorist vs country against terrorist...not all muslim country
How do you know they are not the citizens of that country??? They have equal rights like anyone. Calling them creepy looking ninza assassins when you know well enough its islamic attire makes you an islamophobe. Enough said. I hate to engage with indians in this forum. Grrr!

Whats an islamic attire? Thats arab bedouin attire, highly unsuitable for the cold climate of Uk and Europe.

Being a Muslim doesn't mean being an Arab, no matter what your Arabic masters tell you.
Whats an islamic attire? Thats arab bedsomeouin attire, highly unsuitable for the cold climate of Uk and Europe.

Being a Muslim doesn't mean being an Arab, no matter what your Arabic masters tell you.

Notice how Kobi used ninza instead of ninja..lol..somebody tell him there are few words that take only "j" and not "z" no matter the wannabe quotient.
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