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France accuses Qatar of supporting rebels in Mali

You and your regime gangs are terrorists, while FSA are freedom fighters.

freedom fighters? how by suicide bombings? killing school children? death to that "freedom", that is nothing but terrorism, and you are supporting it... I hope that "freedom" and those "Freedom Fighters" comes to your country soon, and lets see how you would react
Good, then I support Qatar because I support MB also. MB is the future of the Middle East.

BTW, MB has nothing to do with AQ. Don't confuse the issue.

Egyptians are shallow people, it's different in Jordan, people detest them.
The battle against terrorism is still going, and InshAllah the Syrian army will get rid of them soon....

I think if the Syrian Government had understood the value of PR whereby you're able to provide a strong counter-narrative to what most of the Arab countries & the United States were saying & thereby change international public perception in their favor, things could have been much better today.

But I do hope that the rebels can be crushed surely & decisively & Syrian returns to her former self.
freedom fighters? how by suicide bombings? killing school children? death to that "freedom", that is nothing but terrorism, and you are supporting it... I hope that "freedom" and those "Freedom Fighters" comes to your country soon, and lets see how you would react

All was done by your regime terrorist gangs.

I think if the Syrian Government had understood the value of PR whereby you're able to provide a strong counter-narrative to what most of the Arab countries & the United States were saying & thereby change international public perception in their favor, things could have been much better today.

But I do hope that the rebels can be crushed surely & decisively & Syrian returns to her former self.

Someone is mad here...:lol:
Qatar may be the only country in the middle east with a relatively stronger foreign policy than other arab nations.
I think if the Syrian Government had understood the value of PR whereby you're able to provide a strong counter-narrative to what most of the Arab countries & the United States were saying & thereby change international public perception in their favor, things could have been much better today.

But I do hope that the rebels can be crushed surely & decisively & Syrian returns to her former self.

InshAllah the Syrian army and the Syrian people will get rid of those terrorists soon.
Oh come on, bro, you can't be serious ! :D

The Opposition is accused of the same human rights abuses & quite a few more that Asad is !

I am well aware of this, they are Qaeda and other incidents, but they are being curbed by Moderate wings of FSA. Qaeda infiltration in Syria won't change the right and wrong. The regime must leave and it will leave in the hard way. Syrians are educated, civilized and cultured people, and yet they will not accept Qaeda among them. Qaeda would only flourish in case they found people who support them.
I am well aware of this, they are Qaeda and other incidents, but they are being curbed by Moderate wings of FSA. Qaeda infiltration in Syria won't change the right and wrong. The regime must leave and it will leave in the hard way. Syrians are educated, civilized and cultured people, and yet they will not accept Qaeda among them. Qaeda would only flourish in case they found people who would support them.

Not just the Al-Qaeeda you've local Islamists & even Secular minded Militants there - its a sh*t storm that Syria has been subjected too ! :tup:

And the Al-Qaeeda has infected every country in the Muslim World; educated or otherwise.
I am well aware of this, they are Qaeda and other incidents, but they are being curbed by Moderate wings of FSA. Qaeda infiltration in Syria won't change the right and wrong. The regime must leave and it will leave in the hard way. Syrians are educated, civilized and cultured people, and yet they will not accept Qaeda among them. Qaeda would only flourish in case they found people who support them.
You said it, we won't accept AlQaeda no matter what the name they use, FSA is Alqaeda, and it's all foreigners.
You must have forgotten the president of the "Syrian" coalition anger against the U.S for listing Jubhat AlNusra as a terrorists group. That shows you, that FSA is nothing but AlQaeda.
Oh, the Irony! When Qatar is supporting the rebellion in Libya and Syria they where applauded for supporting "freedom fighters". Now that they are also supporting the rebellion in Mali it's all of the sudden called supporting "terrorisme". And what is the difference between the first two mentioned and Mali ? Can anyone explain ? This is the problem with the war on terror the Americans and their allies are fighting wars against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Mali while at the same time they are fighting wars for al-Qaeda in Iraq, Libya and Syria. The net result is that after 12 years of war and 1,5 trillion dollars spendt, more than 50000 wounded, hundreds of thousands traumatized for life and more than 6000 dead they are nowhere. Because they are caught in their own web of lies, deceit, hypocrisy and just scumbagery in general. Their heads are spinning so hard that they don't know which side is which.
Not just the Al-Qaeeda you've local Islamists & even Secular minded Militants there - its a sh*t storm that Syria has been subjected too ! :tup:

And the Al-Qaeeda has infected every country in the Muslim World; educated or otherwise.

Just wondering, dreaming of Muslim Ummah and supporting Muslim mass killers who happen to be secular and even recast Arabs such as Al-Qaddafi, Al-Assad. Against Kings because they rule for life while support brutal presidents who rule for life as well. Contradictions and messed up logic you have Armstrong.
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