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France accuses Qatar of supporting rebels in Mali


king Solomon is back...:cry:
Assad has found a way to keep military control over Syria, America and Nato are not involved in this as they were in libyas case! Only FSA with limited resources is fighting the Assad dictator regime!

those terrorists in Syria have support from the west, gcc, Turkey, and others... so you are truly blind..



Qatar is a very nice country. India has strategic relations with Qatar. If France attacks Qatar, they can kiss goodbye to MRCA.

Juste like that will stop them...Qatar is just a stooge, acting like frog who think he is bigger than a buffalo, who is doing the bidding of the superpowers (us, GB, France) just to buddy up with them. It will come a day that they will drop him like a hot potato...like they did with Saddam, Kaddaffy, Mobutu..Moubarek, Ben Ali....and the list is yet to close...
Why would syrian muslims support a alewite army and dictator to rule them
Why would syrian muslims support a alewite army and dictator to rule them
Because in Syria there is no difference between us, Religion is for God and the Nation is for all...
Alasad is the one who is keeping Syria united, without Alasad, Syria would be a puppet state, Syria is a sovereign and independent state under the rule of the Syrian people and under the Syrian Army.

Why should the muslims if syria have to submit to a alewite dictator who puts members if his own alewite community in power

Both him and the alewites are going to be toast he and his kind have killed and oppressed to many muslims

Why should the muslims if syria have to submit to a alewite dictator who puts members if his own alewite community in power

Both him and the alewites are going to be toast he and his kind have killed and oppressed to many muslims

I'm not gonna reply anymore, but I will say this, you are racist person, and you do not know how Syrian lives or anything about Syria...

May God open your heart, and remove the hatred from your heart and brain.

btw, Syrian Army is 70% Sunnis , why didn't they turn against the government?
Terrorist are Parasite Once they destroy their enemy they will destroy the Host for e.g Pakistan.

These Paid Terrorist Are the same who fought Gaddafi now they are fighting in Syria,Mali.

Saud And Qatar Are playing big game just to facilitate their Master and make Strong Muslim Country like Libya,Egypt and Syria Weak so Zionist can wage a big war and destroy the muslim country ,they will not wage the war till Pakistan Have Nuclear weapons ,From last 11 Years they are trying to destroy pakistan They Took 4 Years to destroy 5th largest army Yugoslavia.

And (the Jews) planned and Allah (also) planned. And Allah is the best of planners.

we Are muslim and we trust Allah and have faith in him alone this suffering cause by this zionist slaves are temporary but the suffering allah al mighty will be giving them will be Forever and he will make them Dweller of the Hell.
Why would syrian muslims support a alewite army and dictator to rule them

The Syrian army is not alaouite in its intirety, beside that , all the component of that army are Syrians. A dictator, so what? Have you seen in any moslem state , a democracy in a western way...each country has its own form of governance that is suitable to them.
If I can give a french perspective about syria : but all we want is a syria where sunnis, alawites and christians can live in peace. :

I wonder if you want the same in Israel? or maybe even France?? just a thought
Of course yes!! Who would be stupid enough to want a civil war in its own country?
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