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Islamism ???

they are not muslims under our constitution thats it!!!
other then that they have the same rights that i do in pakistan. quit the bs my friend.

Forget about the living Ahmadis.

You know even their dead are not safe.

Do you know how many graves have been disrespected?
Of course this is true. My question is really whether or not a "Sharia Constitution" can be written that, ipso facto, is non-discriminatory?

Pakistan's current constitution recognizes and protects the rights of the minorities.


Islam asks to treat the minorities (Non Muslims) with fairness and equity, as long as they don't commit physical aggression. (Reflecting the time when Muslims were a very small minority)

''The Constitution of Medina has come to be widely regarded by contemporary Muslims as the blueprint for a political community (ummah) that is based on the Qurʿan and includes as its citizens both Muslims and non-Muslims''.

Minorities - Oxford Islamic Studies Online

The written constitution of Madinah. Witten in Year 622

''The Constitution of Medina (Arabic: دستور المدينة‎, Ṣaḥīfat al-Madīnah), also known as the Charter of Medina, was drafted by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. It constituted a formal agreement between Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and families of Yathrib (later known as Medina), including Muslims, Jews, Christians[1] and pagans.[2][3] This constitution formed the basis of the first Islamic state''




Constitution of Madinah is attached.


Let me repeat that you can have the best laws and constitution on earth. Until the social change takes place and people start to change their attitudes, it will not be effective.


  • constitution_madina.pdf
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Pakistan's current constitution recognizes and protects the rights of the minorities.

View attachment 16026

Islam asks to treat the minorities (Non Muslims) with fairness and equity, as long as they don't commit physical aggression. (Reflecting the time when Muslims were a very small minority)

''The Constitution of Medina has come to be widely regarded by contemporary Muslims as the blueprint for a political community (ummah) that is based on the Qurʿan and includes as its citizens both Muslims and non-Muslims''.

Minorities - Oxford Islamic Studies Online

The written constitution of Madinah. Year 622

''The Constitution of Medina (Arabic: دستور المدينة‎, Ṣaḥīfat al-Madīnah), also known as the Charter of Medina, was drafted by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. It constituted a formal agreement between Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and families of Yathrib (later known as Medina), including Muslims, Jews, Christians[1] and pagans.[2][3] This constitution formed the basis of the first Islamic state''
Constitution of Madinah is attached.


Let me repeat that you can have the best laws and constitution on earth. Until the social change takes place and people start to change their attitudes, it will not be effective.

sure. you can read and quote theory while sitting in the safety of Western secular system

Practice and reality however is very very very very different

This is the problem with West settled Pakistanis

Many of them can't / won't see the reality on the ground when it comes to religious ideologies. Summun bukmun is what Allah says
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You keep saying how everyone is equally off in Pakistan when clearly that's not the case, And if someone 5000 kilometers away can see it, who knows what's happening on the ground.

As for your links, please do, link a pogrom from the west similar to what i linked above. I bet you 10€ you won't find it.
lol how old are bro?
ok here we go :
Sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin - CNN.com

Quran-Burning Pastor Terry Jones' Arrest Could Be Unconstitutional, Experts Say - US News
‘Kill him, he’s a f–king Muslim!’ | New York Post

NY Man Pushed to His Death Because Killer Thought He was Muslim | The Ugly Truth

Missouri mosque destroyed in second fire in a month - CNN.com

these are just what i found on top of my head do you want me to dig for more?

See this is the problem

you come live here, go to work, raise a family and then tell me what you are saying.

Right now you are like a 6 year old child, telling everyone that you have fathered and raised 10 kids.

No experience No concept of reality

and yet you insist that you know more than us who daily toil for our existence.

long debate but a short question.

have you ever received a parchee? (I hope you know what parch is)

i have lived in pakistan.

you lived in pakistan and raised a family so tell me what am i missing?
what is it that you desire in pakistan that your not getting? TELL ME PLEASE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE BREAK YOU BAD HABIT AND ACTUALLY ANSWER A DAMN QUESTION!!!!

i don't know what is a parchee

Forget about the living Ahmadis.

You know even their dead are not safe.

Do you know how many graves have been disrespected?
like i said make your point posting end stuff like this is meaning less.
it happens in every country in the world, it happens more often in countries with bad law and order!!!

How many Muslim homes have been subjected to mob violence?

How many Muslim doctors were stopped from going to their clinic hospital

How many Muslim kids were told not to come to school

How many Muslim mosques have been fire bombed while 100s of worshippers were inside

How many Muslim graves have been vandalized.
lol how old are bro?
ok here we go :
these are just what i found on top of my head do you want me to dig for more?

Yes, dig me up hundreds of homes burned, looted, police framing minorities, minorities having been forcefully evicted from their homes to live in a camp, assasination of minister who handles minorities, the perversion of blaming a handicapped child with blasphemy (even though i know the girl in question was later released and all charges dropped-but she is still in hiding) etc etc.....

What you linked is standard in Pakistan. For every Terry Jones there's sure to be a mullah equivalent or two somewhere and probably, and quite sadly, there isn't a day that goes by without some shooting infront of some mosque.....be longing to...ummm...."the other faction"
sure. you can read and quote theory while sitting in the safety of Western secular system

Practice and reality however is very very very very different

This is the problem with West settled Pakistanis

Many of them can't / won't see the reality on the ground when it comes to religious ideologies. Summun bukmun is what Allah says

I may live closer to you than you think. My geography should have nothing to do what how and read and what i present exactly as i don't treat your geography against my 'assumptions'.
How many Muslim homes have been subjected to mob violence?

How many Muslim doctors were stopped from going to their clinic hospital

How many Muslim kids were told not to come to school

How many Muslim mosques have been fire bombed while 100s of worshippers were inside

How many Muslim graves have been vandalized.

i don't know how many.
too incidents to count over here for you
do you know the concept of using your mind?
if so then please apply it to yourself and for once think before you write laughable stuff like this.
your asking me these questions in reply to links which clearly answer these questions lmfao:rofl:
Yes, dig me up hundreds of homes burned, looted, police framing minorities, minorities having been forcefully evicted from their homes to live in a camp, assasination of minister who handles minorities, the perversion of blaming a handicapped child with blasphemy (even though i know the girl in question was later released and all charges dropped-but she is still in hiding) etc etc.....

What you linked is standard in Pakistan. For every Terry Jones there's sure to be a mullah equivalent or two somewhere and probably, and quite sadly, there isn't a day that goes by without some shooting infront of some mosque.....be longing to...ummm...."the other faction"
ok how about this
for every link you post from pakistan about minorities being attacked ill post a link from the west? ok?

@Audio @qamar1990

Stop derailing this thread.

First and final warning.
I'm derailing the thread? I'm just replying to things that must be replied to, I'm not trying to have some kid come here and read the bs these clowns post and take it to heart.
Stop derailing this thread.
First and final warning.

This is how it looks like, when all you are able to write is "we should do this and that, evolve or die" for as long as i can remember on this forum but you refuse to address the white elephant in the room.

Which is how is it possible that despite all the safechecks in your constitution, laws etc etc the things linked above are still happening? Is it maybe because the clergy has it's fingers in it? And sees benefit in keeping the gullible populace on their edge towards the religious enemy? Is it possible the clergy somehow subjugated all the upholders of the above mentioned safechecks?

I don't know how can you see it as derailing, it's discussion about consequences of Islamism, pure Islamism, the one which tries to suffocate everything that isn't Islamic around it.
This is how it looks like, when all you are able to write is "we should do this and that, evolve or die" for as long as i can remember on this forum but you refuse to address the white elephant in the room.

Which is how is it possible that despite all the safechecks in your constitution, laws etc etc the things linked above are still happening? Is it maybe because the clergy has it's fingers in it? And sees benefit in keeping the gullible populace on their edge towards the religious enemy?

I don't know how can you see it as derailing, it's discussion about consequences of Islamism, pure Islamism, the one which tries to suffocate everything that isn't Islamic around it.

There is no clergy in Pakistani parliament, never has been. Pakistanis don't vote for clergy which is why they don't want democracy.
There is no clergy in Pakistani parliament, never has been. Pakistanis don't vote for clergy which is why they don't want democracy.

I'm not talking about voting. I'm talking about the game in the background. Who pumps police officers to the point they are complicit in false accusations of blasphemy?
Or that they don't uphold the same right for every citizen like it says in the constitution/laws? Who pumps the mob to go on a rampage? Who gains most from it? Probably not the parliament eh?
I'm not talking about voting. I'm talking about the game in the background. Who pumps police officers to the point they are complicit in false accusations of blasphemy?
Or that they don't uphold the same right for every citizen like it says in the constitution/laws? Who pumps the mob to go on a rampage? Who gains most from it? Probably not the parliament eh?

That is a social problem. You don't understand the complex web of sectarianism in Pakistan. People don't get justice from the courts so they turn towards vigilantism, for example criminal groups and Mullahs who can insight violence against anyone.
We can't fix this problem in a night exactly as you can't fix your racial issues overnight.
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