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Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan

There is no such thing that only Muslim go to Heaven .. and its neither my place nor anyone else place to decide who will go to heaven , so on this blessed month of Ramadan these two Chinese were educating Muslim kids, and they die in this noble cause so as far as i am concern , I pray that Allah forgive their past sins and give them a good place in Heaven
There is no such thing as heaven or hell other than earth .you can make one here on earth when alive not after you are dead.
2 wrongs does not not make one right. China should not suppress Islamic followers iN China and Islamic state of Pakistan should not seek revenge for that by killing Chinese, especially like these two innocent youngsters who are trying to teach Pakistanis.

Instead of blaming heaven and earth, Pakistan should really search its soul about how uncontrollable its own Frankenstein monster of jihadi terrorism has become.
Pakistan must take out these cockroaches in Afghanistan otherwise this sad event will repeat again. We must kill of these animals...how dare they kill our Chinese brother and sister.
Pakistan must take out these cockroaches in Afghanistan otherwise this sad event will repeat again. We must kill of these animals...how dare they kill our Chinese brother and sister.
Will your opinion about these two Chinese people change if you came to know that they were actually missionaries and were spreading Christianity?
Will your opinion about these two Chinese people change if you came to know that they were actually missionaries and were spreading Christianity?

I have great respect for Chinese people and no my opinion of them will not change just because they wanted to spread Christianity in Pakistan. Islam can defend itself through the Holy Quran and the people can decide for themselves which religion is right for them.
If you are not able to clean up then why allow them sanctuary in your land ??

Good terrorist bad terrorist ??
If you understand the word proxy, every country including india is fighting the war of their interest (expanded or limited).
Past friends, todays enemy.
Jalaluddin Haqqani with Ronald Reagan Time Magazine.jpg

Osama found in Pakistan,
All Taliban heads found in Pakistan,
2 Chinese nationals killed by IS in Pakistan.

And you have the cheek to call this a CIA/RAW/Jew conspiracy? Get a grip and clean your house or the rest of the world will do it for you, like they are in Syria.
we need to improve our border vigilance as all these trained terrorist are coming from neighbour's with an agenda to destabilize Pakistan.
the chinese cant be this naive... 0_o

guess how pakistan milked US money ?
cpec is the reason, foreign countries would like to halt cpec progress, usa has drawn maps of dividing pak into smaller states yugoslavia style. cia/mossad/raw create these groups then thier media goes to work to make muslim look bad how come isis is called islamic when they are following oposite principles. i think it time to tell usa to fcuk off out of afghanistan. wherever usa goes suddenly some group is born, were are these groups getting money, bullets, guns, fuel, food, these are guys that cant even get a job in car wash. guantamino bay is thier recruitment center. robin cook exposed it he got killed mi6 is even more evil than cia.

usa has been caught so many times it is unbelivable people still say usa is good guy this is a satanic entity than needs to be seriously told enough is enough. the russians told usa fcuk off we are nuclear.
I have great respect for Chinese people and no my opinion of them will not change just because they wanted to spread Christianity in Pakistan. Islam can defend itself through the Holy Quran and the people can decide for themselves which religion is right for them.
These two Chinese are utilized and hired by a Korean Zionists that try to spread Christainity in Pakistan. The ROK citizen named Xu had been deported by Pakistan government. Those Koreans are really........

Religious fanaticism.

Well done Pakistan government to deport the Korean idiots.

Very shameful on Koreans to sacrifice Chinese life to spread Christianity in Pakistan, Chinese government shall address this issue.

Believe in Christianity is no wrong, but spreading it in a Muslim country is very wrong. USA is always try to penetrate China by those zealous religious Fanatics Koreans.

ROK now is completely a lackey of USA, no hope.

I also blame ISIS killing Chinese civilians, China shall take steps to deal with them.
These two Chinese are utilized and hired by a Korean Zionists that try to spread Christainity in Pakistan. The ROK citizen named Xu had been deported by Pakistan government. Those Koreans are really........

Religious fanaticism.

Well done Pakistan government to deport the Korean idiots.

Very shameful on Koreans to sacrifice Chinese life to spread Christianity in Pakistan, Chinese government shall address this issue.

Believe in Christianity is no wrong, but spreading it in a Muslim country is very wrong. USA is always try to penetrate China by those zealous religious Fanatics Koreans.

ROK now is completely a lackey of USA, no hope.

I also blame ISIS killing Chinese civilians, China shall take steps to deal with them.

Brother, I have noticed in my visit to China of a number of Christian preachers who come from Korea. Why do you think this is the case. I know some of them, go there to help North Koreans to escape, but do they have another agenda? If the Koreans wish to spread Christianity in Pakistan then they should do it themselves and not ask a young Chinese couple.

The Chinese couple should have accepted protection from State, and they shouldn't have visited Baluchistan. This province Brother is very beautiful, however, we have a war going on fighting against extremists and Indian spies are active in the area who are looking for easy Chinese targets. The Pakistan Army has completely destroyed the presence of TTP in our country, but now they must be bold enough to destroy there bases in Afghanistan, otherwise, they will lodge attacks and run back to the border. This is very important Brother, since the Uighur terrorists have an alliance with them and not the Afghan Taliban or more importantly the Haqqani network.
Brother, I have noticed in my visit to China of a number of Christian preachers who come from Korea. Why do you think this is the case. I know some of them, go there to help North Koreans to escape, but do they have another agenda? If the Koreans wish to spread Christianity in Pakistan then they should do it themselves and not ask a young Chinese couple.

The Chinese couple should have accepted protection from State, and they shouldn't have visited Baluchistan. This province Brother is very beautiful, however, we have a war going on fighting against extremists and Indian spies are active in the area who are looking for easy Chinese targets. The Pakistan Army has completely destroyed the presence of TTP in our country, but now they must be bold enough to destroy there bases in Afghanistan, otherwise, they will lodge attacks and run back to the border. This is very important Brother, since the Uighur terrorists have an alliance with them and not the Afghan Taliban or more importantly the Haqqani network.
When religion start to serve political purpose, it gets dirty.

Those Chinese are brainwashed by the Korean Zionists. Those Korean knows Chinese is very welcomed in Pakistan, that's why they hired them.
I have great respect for Chinese people and no my opinion of them will not change just because they wanted to spread Christianity in Pakistan. Islam can defend itself through the Holy Quran and the people can decide for themselves which religion is right for them.

It is rumored these two are part of Korean-led Evangelical missionary group. Sad, why some Chinese fellows are so stupid if true.
Chinese should understand that China is a secular society, we do not accept other people's interference on religious issue, reciprocally, we do not transfer religious belief to other people too...
sad but shameful...

I had posted this in some other thread. Didn't want to post here, wanted to see how the dirty mud slinging on India was going on by most obsessed Pakistanis here.

Even in this thread I had explained in detail, but people got it deleted, because I wrote truth. You want to hide from the truth with your blind hatred. Anyway time will teach you for your obsession & the best people is Chinese. You can find it on Page 6 somebody quoted me.

Some of the words in this thread are below. I don't want to quote. I had explained many times what is Chinese mindset.

They just have to hit the nations who are sponsoring these mercenaries. Crush the serpent from its head, the brain, not the body.
Reports coming that indian funded terrorist are involved to target chinese citizen .. time to destabilize india openly by china & pak.
We need to kill these isis pigs as soon as possible, again it makes me think that why did they need chinese , I'm doubtful that this claim is true . I doubt the stinky india is behind this all and these dirty pigs of isis are claiming to get fame .
These isis and indian pigs need a dead full end in balochistan.

Rest in peace to these two chinese friends.

All Indians are birth defected brain dead zombies.

it feels every greater sorrow when our prestigious friends are attacked on our soil

This friendship is built on decades of shared interests, mutual respect and love for each other.

The Iron Brotherhood can not be shaken by these paid killers.

We can only laugh at your foolishness. Even after getting proof like these many times, you will still continue singing the Chinese stories. It won't change. Good Luck
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