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Islamic State (IS) calls Bangladesh new battleground

ISIS is welcome to try. BD is not an Arab country without any sense of themselves. They will find a suitable response awaiting.

Only morons think that BD can be radicalised. The breeding ground for ISIS does not exist in a homogeneous nation such as BD. We fought and established a Muslim state already there is nothing for ISIS to accomplish here.
And yet JMB was here.
Also, for a Muslim state, Hasina is making sure that doesn't happen. She is banning Islamist parties from taking part in election or politics. Doing nothing to atheists when there is a law against insulting religious sentiments in the name of freedom of speech but jails people for sedition charges or whoever asks about the impartiality of the "International" War Crime Tribunal or asks for a new count of 1971 deaths, thus proving that "freedom of speech" here is cr@p. Allowing LGBT parades during Pohela Boishakh and gay magazines and comics. These are good reasons to turn people to extremism as these are against our values.
And yet JMB was here.
Also, for a Muslim state, Hasina is making sure that doesn't happen. She is banning Islamist parties from taking part in election or politics. Doing nothing to atheists when there is a law against insulting religious sentiments in the name of freedom of speech but jails people for sedition charges or whoever asks about the impartiality of the "International" War Crime Tribunal or asks for a new count of 1971 deaths, thus proving that "freedom of speech" here is cr@p. Allowing LGBT parades during Pohela Boishakh and gay magazines and comics. These are good reasons to turn people to extremism as these are against our values.
Hasina's fake election has brought the ISIS into Bangladesh. India may have a huge refugee crisis in the future...
JMB isn't as dangerous compared to terrorist groups that are present in the Middle East. What can we do about the Atheists that we are not doing already? The internet is a big place, and there's no way our policeman can keep everything on a monitor, in fact a lot of them have trouble enforcing laws in real life too. That being said, LGBT issues are certainly going to anger a lot of people but, you certainly don't have to be a terrorist to be angered at that.
The condition of being from Quraysh is not compulsory

And when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive (Khalifa) authority." (surah Al-Baqarah v.30)

The daleel is in Thafsir Imam Kurthabi (rahimal'Allah) in 'Jamia Li-Ahkamil Quran', in explanation to the above verse. There is a whole chapter on the conditions of the khalifa, what requirements are needed for a khalifa? What is expected from a khalifa?

However, I don't have the means to scan. I've found on youtube a discussion on this by a sheikh who is using books that are taught in the madrassa.

EVERYONE Listen to the whole talk. It exposes ISIS/salafi/House of Al-Saud as nothing but liars to keep themselves in power and relevant.

JMB isn't as dangerous compared to terrorist groups that are present in the Middle East. What can we do about the Atheists that we are not doing already? The internet is a big place, and there's no way our policeman can keep everything on a monitor, in fact a lot of them have trouble enforcing laws in real life too. That being said, LGBT issues are certainly going to anger a lot of people but, you certainly don't have to be a terrorist to be angered at that.
Propaganda. It's starts with anger and then full scale hatred. Besides ISIS aren't going for a Middle Easter type attack in Bangladesh but would rather target foreigners and atheists (although the later is claimed by another group).

As for the atheists, there is a website called Mukhto Moina (pronunciation might be different). And if terrorists can find them, I am sure government can too.

JMB were the most dangerous terror organization in Bangladesh (to exist here). Besides ISIS will not operate like them but rather through sleeper cells.
And when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive (Khalifa) authority." (surah Al-Baqarah v.30)

The daleel is in Thafsir Imam Kurthabi (rahimal'Allah) in 'Jamia Li-Ahkamil Quran', in explanation to the above verse. There is a whole chapter on the conditions of the khalifa, what requirements are needed for a khalifa? What is expected from a khalifa?

However, I don't have the means to scan. I've found on youtube a discussion on this by a sheikh who is using books that are taught in the madrassa.

EVERYONE Listen to the whole talk. It exposes ISIS/salafi/House of Al-Saud as nothing but liars to keep themselves in power and relevant.

First totally wrong first this ayat is for Hazrat Adam AS when ALLAH sent him on earth. As for Tafsir it has to be backed by Authentic Hadees and here their is none. I have seen Barelvi talks full of lies I was one and I know propaganda
First totally wrong first this ayat is for Hazrat Adam AS when ALLAH sent him on earth. As for Tafsir it has to be backed by Authentic Hadees and here their is none. I have seen Barelvi talks full of lies I was one and I know propaganda

فأولاً: ذكر المفسرون أوجها في بيان قوله تعالى: ( وإذا قال ربك للملائكة إني جاعل في الأرض خليفة قالوا أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء ونحن نسبح بحمدك ونقدس لك قال إني أعلم ما لا تعلمون ) [البقرة: 30].الوجه الأول: أن الملائكة قالت ذلك بعد إعلام الله تعالى لهم بطبيعة ذرية آدم عليه السلام، وأنهم يفسدون في الأرض ويسفكون الدماء، وهذا مروي عن ابن عباس وابن مسعود وقتادة وابن جريج وابن زيد وغيرهم كما نقل ذلك القرطبي وابن كثير، فعن ابن عباس وابن مسعود أن الله تعالى قال للملائكة: إني جاعل في الأرض خليفة، قالوا ربنا وما يكون ذلك الخليفة؟ قال: يكون له ذرية يفسدون في الأرض ويتحاسدون ويقتل بعضهم بعضاً.وقال قتادة: كان الله أعلمهم أنه إذا كان في الأرض خلق أفسدوا فيها وسفكوا الدماء، فلذلك قالوا: أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها.الوجه الثاني: أنهم لما سمعوا لفظ :خلفية، فهموا أن في بني آدم من يفسد إذ الخليفة المقصود منه الإصلاح وترك الفساد، والفصل بين الناس فيما يقع بينهم من المظالم ويردعهم عن المحارم والمآثم. الوجه الثالث: ما نقله القرطبي رحمه الله وغيره أن الملائكة قد رأت وعلمت ما كان من إفساد الجن وسفكهم الدماء، وذلك لأن الأرض كان فيها الجن قبل خلق آدم فأفسدوا وسفكوا الدماء. فبعث الله إليهم إبليس ومن معه حتى ألحقهم بجزائر البحور وأطراف الجبال، ثم خلق الله آدم فأسكنه إياها. وهذا مروي عن ابن عباس وأبي العالية. وما ذكره السائل من أن الجن ليس لها دماء تسفك ليس صحيحاً فإن الجن تأكل وتشرب وتنكح وفيها الرطوبة والبرودة، كما جاء في الحديث الذي رواه أحمد في المسند: قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: " مر علي الشيطان فأخذته فخنقته حتى إني لأجد برد لسانه في يدي فقال: أوجعتني أوجعتني ". وكون الجن خلقت من نار لا يمنع ذلك، فإن الإنسان خلق من تراب وفيه اللحم والدم والرطوبة وغيرها.
فهذه أشهر الأوجه التي ذكر المفسرون في هذه الآية الكريمة.وليعلم أن قول الملائكة هذا ليس على وجه الاعتراض على الله، وإنما هو كما قال ابن كثير رحمه الله: سؤال استعلام واستكشاف عن الحكمة في ذلك، يقولون: ياربنا ما الحكمة في خلق هؤلاء مع أن منهم من يفسد في الأرض ويسفك الدماء، فإن كان المراد عبادتك فنحن نسبح بحمدك ونقدس لك، أي: نصلي لك، ولا يصدر منا شيء من ذلك، وهلا وقع الاقتصار علينا؟ قال الله تعالى مجيباً لهم عن هذا السؤال: ( إني أعلم ما لا تعلمون ) أي أعلم من المصلحة الراجحة في خلق هذا الصنف على المفاسد التي ذكرتموها ما لا تعلمون أنتم، فإني سأجعل فيهم الأنبياء وأرسل فيهم الرسل، ويوجد منهم الصديقون والشهداء والصالحون والعباد والزهاد والأولياء والأبرار والمقربون والعلماء العاملون والخاشعون له والمحبون له تبارك وتعالى المتبعون رسله صلوات الله وسلامه عليهم. انتهى كلام ابن كثير.ثانياً: كون الأرضين سبعاً ثابت بالقرآن والسنة، قال الله تعالى: ( الله الذي خلق سبع سماوات ومن الأرض مثلهن ) [الطلاق:12]. والأحاديث في بيان ذلك مشهورة. وأما كون هذه الأراضين الست يسكنها الجن أو توجد فيها كائنات حية فهذا من الغيب الذي لا يعلمه إلا الله، ولا ينبغي للمسلم أن يشتغل بالبحث عن ذلك، وحسبه أن يعلم أن في الكون من الملائكة والجن والدواب ما لا يحصيه إلا الله، كما قال الله تعالى: ( ومن آياته خلق السماوات والأرض وما بث فيهما من دابة وهو على جمعهم إذا يشاء قدير ) [الشورى:29].وربما ظهر الجن لبعض الناس، كما أنه قد يرى الملك على صورة نور أو نحوه، كما رأى أسيد بن حضير مثل الظلة فيها أمثال السرج عرجت في الجو، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : " تلك الملائكة كانت تستمع لك، ولو قرأت لأصبحت يراها الناس ما تستتر عنهم " رواه أحمد والنسائي في فضائل الصحابة.وكثير من المشتغلين بالعلوم الكونية الحديثة ربما فسر حدوث مثل هذا بأنه أطباق طائرة أو غزو من الفضاء الخارجي، لعدم إيمان كثير منهم بالملائكة وعدم معرفتهم بوظائفهم وأعمالهم.
والله أعلم.
Now to ISIS : Are you sure you want to come here? Are you sure? I mean you will find only "Bhhat and Ilishi Macher Jhol". Can you cope with that(mustard oil)? Instead of Toyota's will you mount your guns on "Rickshaws"!! And you will also face regular yearly cyclones and Sunderban Tigers!!

@BDforever :D
Propaganda. It's starts with anger and then full scale hatred. Besides ISIS aren't going for a Middle Easter type attack in Bangladesh but would rather target foreigners and atheists (although the later is claimed by another group).

As for the atheists, there is a website called Mukhto Moina (pronunciation might be different). And if terrorists can find them, I am sure government can too.

JMB were the most dangerous terror organization in Bangladesh (to exist here). Besides ISIS will not operate like them but rather through sleeper cells.
Well I honestly expect groups like JMB to swear loyalty to ISIS eventually (unless they already done so in secret). Anyway our government can find them but, you and I both know that our police isn't the best in enforcing the law. Regardless, it should be noted some of people killed were against fundamentalism, not the religion itself. Though to the killers, both are the same in their mindset.

This is coming from the "The Hindu". LOL.
Why are you laughing? The report is accurate.
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