Every single damn secularist quotes this. Do you even know the whole quote? Google it. Jinnah says that it will be an Islamic state but it will not be run by mullahs
And every single damn proponent of Islamist State quotes s
elective parts and word "Islam" from Jinnah's speeches but then every single one of them conveniently ignores Jinnah's understanding/interpretation and explanation of
Islamic Socialism and
Democracy ... Jinnah believed that (and in his own words) Islam believed in absolute equality of mankind and that Non Muslims would have the same rights and privileges as Muslims in Pakistan ....
1) Jinnah wanted a state where every one would be "equal citizen of the state" irrespective of religion, caste, ethnicity etc.. where religion would be a "personal matter" and not the "business of the state" (In Jinnah's own words)... Jinnah strongly disapproved of the idea of having a theocratic or "Islamic" state .. (which we are today ,.. unfortunately..)
2) Jinnah (and Iqbal too) believed that this kind of separation of church from state (i.e secularism) was perfectly "Islamic" ... and that Islam in its true spirit was purely "democratic" ... Both these ideas were rejected by the orthodox Muslims .. While Democracy has been accepted by the majority of Muslisms today, "accepting secularism" may take another few decades ...
3) Jinnah and conservatives/Mullahs were/are diametrically opposed in their
interpretation of Islam ... What Jinnah and Iqbal believed was the "true spirit" of Islam, that was considered "Kufr" and "Shirk" by the Mullahs ....
4) Today conservatives claim that Jinnah wanted an "Islamic Pakistan" and to prove their point they quote speeches/interviews of Jinnah where he has talked about Islam, but then they very conveniently replace Jinnah's interpretation/understanding of Islam with Mullahs' (which is opposite to Jinnah's interpretation) ... As a result, one gets an impression that either Jinnah was confused and had no clear vision OR he was a hypocrite who wanted a secular constitution but talked about Islam (supposedly anti secular)