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Islamabad on high alert

no, that was in 19th century, when few individuals cant do much damage against a state... and the state was so cruel that it will fry those individual along with families...
currently an individual can do much more damage than it ever could.... but we all are waiting for the next gen nuke terrorists ... :devil:

Maybe the world should have ended in 2012 when the Mayans predicted.
Unfortunately I think government is scared/too corrupt to go after them. Plus, when the current party in power may have links to some sectarian terror groups there's not much hope.

Why don't a party get elected in power who's brave and against the above. I am sure 90% people are peace loving and want to live a normal life. So how this 10% dreaded scums getting heavy on the rest.
So the security responsibilities of prisons have been given to the military?

This is a good move especially for dangerous terrorism hotspots like Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan districts. There the police are not strong enough (or well-equipped or well-trained enough) to face off against the ****** junglee's. It is worrysome that the police is so incompetent that the Pakistani army had to act but atleast some efforts have been made to stop jail breaks like the Bannu jailbreak and DIK jail break. I am glad some action is being taken.

However something has to be done about the South Waziristan agency being used as bastion and a launching pad by the militants from where they attack Dera Ismail Khan, Bannu and Hangu. I believe a major operation is needed in South Waziristan. We talk about clearing the north but the real threat lies in South Waziristan where the head of the Pakistani Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud is based.

We should make a solid effort to eliminate the terrorists and clean them up. In an ideal situation police should have to deal with these things. Instead the police is truly an incompetent body.

You are wrong, the real threat is in north waziristan not south.......TTP is based in north waziristan after operation rahe-e-nijat......check out the statistics of taliban attack on security forces in north waziristan.
Why don't a party get elected in power who's brave and against the above. I am sure 90% people are peace loving and want to live a normal life. So how this 10% dreaded scums getting heavy on the rest.

Apparently there are people in Pakistan who think motorways, metros, and free laptops hat are more important than terrorism. Thats why this party was elected.

As for the taliban, I do think they can be weakened considerably and eventually be wiped out if the government/security agencies/army were serious about getting rid of them.
All those **** fasaad ke jar sitting in Afghanistan Kunar province not in Pakistan under US and Indian umbrella... SSG should take some serious step. Do some special Ops inside Afghanistan and get this **** TTP Hakeemullah ...
Maybe the world should have ended in 2012 when the Mayans predicted.

i think the mayans thought the world war would be fought in 2012,but unfortunately the idiot HUMAN have grown a little more tolerable then the mayans expected :devil:,so we can wait 5 mor years to come....:bunny:
Islamabad is on high alert, that means the terrorist militants are about to launch an attack. I wonder till when will we kowtow to the militants and instead take the fight to them.

I have developed a list of 15 things needed that can help resolve our terrorism issues:

1) Proper intelligence network, not shoddy intelligence chasing innocent civilians instead of terrorists but real intelligence.
2) Repeal of biased disgraceful laws based on Shariah such as the hudood law and blasphemy law.
3) Rehaul of the education system. Stop preaching hate to children about Hindus and anyone else.
4) End of the draconian collective responsibility act of FCR which holds an entire tribe responsible for the actions of one evil man.
5) Development through education programs and improving the basic lifestyle of the local inhabitants.
6) Teach tolerance and inter-faith harmony through courses in the school level.
7) Improvement of the security forces and the police (also the frontier constabulary) as a bulwark against terrorists.
8) Targetted operations against the terrorists which do not harm innocent civilians. Great care is needed to avoid civilian casualties often caused by artillary shelling and airstrikes
9) Elimination of militant commanders through targeted operations.
10) No talk of peace deals with the Taliban.
11) No painting of liberals as enemies of Pakistan, instead listening to their message of peace and harmony.
12) Combat terrorism through television and radio ads. Initiate a law that demands television channels and radio channels to play a government message against terrorism to the people of Pakistan.
13) Introduce a government accepted curriculam to combat terrorism in madrassas and religious schools.
14) Mullahs who preach at mosques should be handpicked from an academy where tolerance is preached instead of hate against other religions. Their sermons should strictly be controlled by a legal body. This is to ensure that no hate is promoted.
15) Stop the drone attacks and take charge of fighting this war ourselves, not on foreign behest. Develop strategies to hunt down top commanders of the TTP we need to eliminate instead of targetting the Haqqanis, Nazirs and Hekmatyars
According to paffalcons, SSW and SSG-N have cordoned off Margalla Hills and a search operation is underway.

SSW conducting a search operation in Islamabad is logical, but why is SSG-N with them? Why not SSG-N all alone? Or SSG?
It's too late to do any proactive thing now...

The proactive thing had to be done a couple of months back to yield the result now. At this moment, all we can do is wait and watch and defend.

Being proactive means pounding their a$$es in Waziristan and border areas and Karachi...and you can't do that now.

If God forbid any plan for these last days of Ramzan has been made, little can be done except defending.

Why not now? What stops us from doing that?
Put another way, we are losing the war? They grow bolder and audacious, while we retreat and lick our wounds.

As Amir liaquat would say, " Kuch musalmano say tukkay lag rahy hain aur kuch musalmano kai tukkay nahi lag rahy"
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