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Islamabad on high alert

Do it secretly, this news sounds like "We're prepared, so don't come out and stay safe taliban"
it is wise to give FC and other paramilitary security duty and army must conduct CI operations.
Honestly, I think the Army/Security agencies have lost it! They are now just trying to improve their image! "Crying over spilt milk".. Jail broken.. Now they are increasing security of jails and cities! .haha. are terrorists that dumb? They take an year between attacks!
So the security responsibilities of prisons have been given to the military?

This is a good move especially for dangerous terrorism hotspots like Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan districts. There the police are not strong enough (or well-equipped or well-trained enough) to face off against the ****** junglee's. It is worrysome that the police is so incompetent that the Pakistani army had to act but atleast some efforts have been made to stop jail breaks like the Bannu jailbreak and DIK jail break. I am glad some action is being taken.

However something has to be done about the South Waziristan agency being used as bastion and a launching pad by the militants from where they attack Dera Ismail Khan, Bannu and Hangu. I believe a major operation is needed in South Waziristan. We talk about clearing the north but the real threat lies in South Waziristan where the head of the Pakistani Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud is based.

We should make a solid effort to eliminate the terrorists and clean them up. In an ideal situation police should have to deal with these things. Instead the police is truly an incompetent body.
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan Army has taken security control of the major airports, prisons and more than 100 defence installations located across the country that have been marked as ‘high priority targets’ of any terrorist activity in the concluding days of the Islamic month of Ramazan.

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), General Headquarters, air and naval bases, five international airports and central jails in the provincial capitals and other cities are “highest order of security threats”, according to informed military officials.

The officials referred to an intelligence alert issued by the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence on Wednesday, a day after Dera Ismail Khan jailbreak, to warn the provincial governments and federal authorities of growing terrorism threats in the interior Sindh. The Karachi-based factions of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are said to have moved to different parts of interior Sindh to skip the Sindh Rangers-launched crackdowns in the cosmopolitan city.

Reportedly, the intelligence alert classifies the central prisoners in Larkana, Nawabshah and Sukkur as being under threat. “To avoid crackdowns, militants had an easy way out in past, to flee to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or tribal areas. This is becoming increasingly difficult due to military operations in northwestern parts. Interior Sindh is the replacement,” the military sources shared. “The presence of such elements in remote areas is hardly noticed.”

Furthering on the security threats, the sources said that chances of any untoward incident run alarmingly high on Ramazan 25, 27 and 29 respectively falling on Sunday (today), Tuesday and Thursday. Among the civilian installations, they said, the five joint user international airports (jointly operated by the Civil Aviation Authority and Pakistan Air Force) located in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta as well as the central jails in Peshawar, Haripur, Dera Ismail Khan, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad, Sargodha and Karachi are also highly vulnerable to the terrorist attacks.

Compared to the last year’s reportedly six-tier security strategy in the ending days of Ramazan, a 12-tier security plan has been put in place which categorises the security arrangements under three field specifications which involve ground troops deployment and aerial and intelligence units support, the officials said.

The military’s Defence Services Guards (DSG), respective infantry divisions, commandos from Special Services Group (SSG), the army-led Airport Security Force, Rangers, Frontier Corps, Levies and police (including Police Constabulary in KP) would provide ground support to be augmented by the aerial security surveillance from the Army Aviation Corps and the Air Defence Command (ADC) of the Pakistan Air Force, and intelligence support from the field intelligence units (FIUs) and the ISI.

During last Ramazan, six-tier security arrangements were reportedly implemented to guard the Joint Staff Headquarters, GHQ and army’s field installations – including the headquarters of the nine operational corps, two operational commands and 28 divisions. These arrangements reportedly oversaw the deployment of the infantry divisions concerned, DSG, SSG commandos and air support and surveillance from AAC and ADC.
The security layers have been twice increased keeping in view the major security lapse at a PAF base last year. The PAF Kamra base had come under deadly terrorist attack on Ramazan 27 in 2012 resulting in the destruction of an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), a highly expensive and technologically equipped aircraft.
In December 2012, the PAF Base Peshawar came under massive attack while in the terror incidents this Ramazan include a suicide attack that killed 57 people in Parachinar and DI Khan jail attack wherein the Taliban managed to get 253 inmates out of the jail.

Apart from that, the armed force defence installations including those of PAF and Pakistan Navy are guarded under the ‘homogenous’ security arrangement. In the last Ramazan, the PAF and PN had guarded their respective installations while military was mostly involved in the security provision to the army installations, airports and defence production facilities. The joint user airports are jointly guarded by the PAF and military, 26 of the 43 operational airports are mainly secured by the Pakistan Army. The remaining 17 are non-operational.

Besides the 18 air and seven naval bases that were marked as high priority targets last year and this year too, following are some other defence installations facing maximum security threats: PAEC, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Air Weapons Complex (AWC), Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC), Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT), Heavy Industries Taxila Educational City (HITEC), Chashma Nuclear Power Plant (CHASNUPP), Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DESTO), Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL), Pakistan Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH), Engineering Research Laboratories (ERL), Dera Ghazi Khan Uranium Mine, Golra Ultracentrifuge Plant, Daud Khel Chemical Plant, Pakistan Ordnance Factories (Havelian and Wahh Cantt), Gadwal Uranium Enrichment Plant, Goth Machchi Nitrogen Fertiliser Plant, Havelian Explosives and Ammunition Plant, Hawkes Bay Depot, Khushab Reactor, Khewra Soda Ash Plant, Space and Upper Atmospheric Research Commission (SUPARCO), Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) Rawalpindi, Haripur Nitrogen Fertiliser Plant, Lahore Weapons Plant and Karachi Superphos Fertiliser Plant.

They should have done this before,but still I appreciate their on time response,just saw a news today,it said,that intelligence has reported of possibility of terrorist attack on red zone areas of country,may Allah protect us of their 'fitna'

Seriously man, we would wait like sitting ducks, and pray that militants dont attack this installation or building, why not bloody do something, moi, mod, pm, military, take an effing step before its too late :hitwall:

You still expect them to react on this?these cold blooded dead zombies,who are already sucking our blood,wake up!!!!
the best thing they should have done long ago was to bar beggers from entering Airport premses as a terrorist can disguise as one and gather intelligence, in fact a relative who works on airport had an exchange of harsh words with policeman for letting them in, as one of the beggars swore at him.
You allow beggars inside airports???? :woot:
Seriously man, we would wait like sitting ducks, and pray that militants dont attack this installation or building, why not bloody do something, moi, mod, pm, military, take an effing step before its too late :hitwall:

The stress of all these deployments will increase and take its toll on morale and discipline if allowed to widen in reaction to such attacks every time they happen. You are correct that a proactive policy to reduce the risks of such attacks is more important.
Seriously man, we would wait like sitting ducks, and pray that militants dont attack this installation or building, why not bloody do something, moi, mod, pm, military, take an effing step before its too late :hitwall:

It's too late to do any proactive thing now...

The proactive thing had to be done a couple of months back to yield the result now. At this moment, all we can do is wait and watch and defend.

Being proactive means pounding their a$$es in Waziristan and border areas and Karachi...and you can't do that now.

If God forbid any plan for these last days of Ramzan has been made, little can be done except defending.
So basically the Army is supposed to do the jobs of all the other institutions? This is absolutely ridiculous.

However something has to be done about the South Waziristan agency being used as bastion and a launching pad by the militants from where they attack Dera Ismail Khan, Bannu and Hangu. I believe a major operation is needed in South Waziristan. We talk about clearing the north but the real threat lies in South Waziristan where the head of the Pakistani Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud is based.

An operation should be launched in all of Waziristan. When SW was cleared in 2009, the militants just packed up and moved to the vicinity of NW and Afghanistan. We need to deny the militants any space, deny them the ability to regroup.
Let's just outsource internal policing to the Army permanently!

This is getting beyond ridiculous now...

Atleast in PPP times, there was some semblance of governance. Now, absolutely nothing. You don't even know if someone is governing Pakistan in terms of security. Previously, Rehman Malik at least did make some statements (and now most of his statements are proving to be true), now Ch Nisar is in Aitekaf, Nawaz Sharif and half of the cabinet is in their favorite summer resort, info minister is God knows where and it's a big void.

Same is the situation with KPK, but at least they are giving out some semblance of authority, some steps being taken by the CM, info minister giving out some statements etc.

The situation in security matters is truly pathetic in both provinces and centre since the elections, maybe the new parties need some time to adjust...let's hope they adjust quickly.
So basically the Army is supposed to do the jobs of all the other institutions? This is absolutely ridiculous.

An operation should be launched in all of Waziristan. When SW was cleared in 2009, the militants just packed up and moved to the vicinity of NW and Afghanistan. We need to deny the militants any space, deny them the ability to regroup.

I said something very similar here:

That is precisely the problem.

When nations compete, the ones with all their institutions working will always do better where one institution does everybody else's job. Our Army may be the best Army in the whole world, but it cannot spread itself so thin. In the long run, that simply does not work. A paraplegic cannot win a Triathlon, no matter how powerful his arms are. Legs are legs. And specially if the competition is able-bodied.
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