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Islamabad is desperate for indian support in its civil war against the Taliban

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Jul 3, 2009
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A quagmire of indecision
Islamabad is desperate for support in its civil war against the taliban


It is "the most dangerous place in the world", according to Barack Obama. It's also where 90% of our own home-front terrorist threat comes from, according to Gordon Brown. Forget scratched heads and reddening faces over Manchester's missing weapons of destruction. No anxious leader can forget Pakistan - or fail to remember one lethally complex thing. Pakistan's crisis is political as well as religious, economic as well as tribal, personal as well as endemic. Call Jinnah's pure state a failed state now and expect ritual resentment. But ask in return what equals "success", and hear silence descend. The misty, murky road from Operation Pathway is not so long after all.

Nightmare scenarios? General Petraeus hints at Pakistani chaos and collapse only a few months away. Maybe more troops in Afghanistan, more drones over Waziristan and more billions of dollars to bolster President Zardari's rocky regime can turn things around - but maybe (indeed, probably) not. Obama's latest plan for the region wins Nato applause because it sets narrower ends and means: searching out and destroying al-Qaida's safe redoubts. But its credibility drains the moment you cross Pakistan's borders.
Can US troops pursue the Taliban far into tribal territory - or even into the Swat valley, which has slipped, by feeble negotiation, out of central government control? Can drones smashing hamlets and hide-outs do the job instead? Whatever the Pentagon might like to believe, the answer on both counts is a straight no. Pakistan can't cope with anything that seems like American invasion. The drones that kill terrorists also kill innocent villagers. Even robots have no impunity.

Pakistan public opinion simply does not accept that Nato's war is its war as well. Like Pakistan's curiously conflicted army and its squabbling political parties, it cannot yet set the crisis in some neat western framework. Though many thousands of civilians - and many hundreds of troops - have died in this real civil war against real terror, it does not know where it stands or what it believes must be done. It needs help, desperately. The difficulty, though, is that the help it needs most is the help no one seems prepared to give.

A couple of weeks ago, India's leaders were smiling for group photographs in London's Excel Centre, representatives of an economic giant fit to sit alongside China at an expanded world power table. This week India begins another mammoth election process, an epic of democracy. Yet where - in so much of the hustings talk - is there recognition of the peril that Pakistan's internal implosion might bring? And where is the resolve to stretch out a hand of understanding or positive aid?

India's economic advance is new: India's political chieftains, though, are old, and set in their ways. They knew who to blame after Mumbai. They see the Taliban beginning to target Kashmir. They do not trust President Zardari or his army or his spooks. They welcome the announcement by Washington's special envoy, Richard Holbrooke, that India "is the absolutely critical leader in the region" with an enhanced role in Afghanistan, but they leave subcontinental relations frozen as usual. They do not realise they are not absolutely critical in Kabul, but in Islamabad itself.

Pakistan's army, which should be bringing the rule of law to Waziristan and freeing Swat from virulent zealotry, still gazes east when it looks for an enemy. The only foe that matters is India. The weapons and tactics it cares about are designed for another Indian war. Army intelligence, remember, set out to destabilise Russia in Afghanistan because Moscow was seen as New Delhi's friend in the first campaign Osama bin Laden helped finance. The easiest charge against Presidents Karzai and Obama now is that they are too close to India. They have chosen the "wrong side". Are the Taliban allies or monsters, then? Aren't they really fighting the great, all-purpose menace?

It is an increasingly dotty thesis. It idiotically blanks out the trail of murder and gangsterism that tugs Pakistan apart. And yet, until it's laid to rest, Islamabad seems doomed to wallow in a quagmire of indecision. A terrorist training haven 200 million souls strong? A government that suddenly locks up 625 suspects while we suck thumbs over 11? A nation split and split again by religion, politics and sheer incomprehension? This isn't some settled state where Brown can call Zardari and agree protocols as easily as stamping a visa. It's the unsteadiest state around: and any true pathway to rescue it from extremism has to begin with the neighbour who matters most.


---------- Post added at 08:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 AM ----------

Peter Preston on the crisis in Pakistan, the Taliban, and why India should help out | Comment is free | The Guardian
uh my question.... did this guy actually goto school ? the one who wrote this thing.... cuz the first thing i think they teach is how to write a thesis statement that has something to do with your essay/article...." islamabad is desperate is desperate for india's help"... this guy should be writing stuff for some paparazzi magazine not the guardian..... and secondly before the flame wars start here's the fact

Pakistan is here to stay and it doesnt need anybody's help.... nothing and i mean nothing in this entire world can change that fact and the day we go.... y'all are coming with us and you know it
uh my question.... did this guy actually goto school ? the one who wrote this thing.... cuz the first thing i think they teach is how to write a thesis statement that has something to do with your essay/article...." islamabad is desperate is desperate for india's help"... this guy should be writing stuff for some paparazzi magazine not the guardian..... and secondly before the flame wars start here's the fact

Pakistan is here to stay and it doesnt need anybody's help.... nothing and i mean nothing in this entire world can change that fact and the day we go.... y'all are coming with us and you know it

You are also not making sensible post. Whether any country need help or not is one point. Here we need to see that both nations dont have good relationship otherwise help could have taken out who knows. Pak Officials in Naxals and Indian Officials in Wazar*** who knows.
take help form china....becz britain is now going to quite and i think 2 to 3 yrz us also...
Unnecessarily provocative title. Pk is not asking for Indian help and India need not make any unwanted gratuitous offers.
pakistan may not want indian help and going by what creder said, it does NOT NEED the help.

the question that comes to mind is, even if the pakistan wanted some help, what form could it take?

i believe if asked for GoI should give as much help as it can. a stable pakistan is in india's good intrests.

pakistan surely wont need more money, US is already providing a lot of it.

pakistan can not be given weapons to fight the TTP, it already has enough weapons to take on india itself.

what can can india do at all to help pakistan?
Old article.

The author has no credibility. He has faced numerous charges of misconduct in the past by the British House of Commons.
I think what the article means is even if pakistani terrorists attack and kill innocent indians..we should keep quiet,smile and hug the pakistanis.
The most reader unfriendly article ever. Can not get a single line from that
or May be i have to study more after completion of my overseas studies:blink:.
britain is now going to quite and i think 2 to 3 yrz us also...

and thus the end to this whole drama... States, canada and the brits go home, so do the taliban... we secure our borders and good riddance
You are also not making sensible post. Whether any country need help or not is one point.

then what is the "point" of this article.... its title says islamabad is "desperate" for help.
I feel so uneducated. Can't understand the article. :(
one way for indians to help us is thet keep there mouth shut ant stop calling terriorist to pakistanisand what ever happend nature cannot be changed we dont need indian crapy weapons, monies n we eant them to get out of afghanistan and take ur RAW's terriorists with you
take help form china....becz britain is now going to quite and i think 2 to 3 yrz us also...

Some smoke weed some drink allots that not a qualification to become journalist but Non the less if Indians wants to follow a fool more power to you we are more then enough capable of handling any thing that sends our way.(wink wink RAWs Trained dogs)
We do not need Britons help as they are fighting in Afghanistan with 30 other countries and are still running away from there we are doing the job on our own but you know who will need help in Afghanistan after the British and the rest of the world has gone INDIA:hang2: question is who is going to help YOU.:toast_sign:
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