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Islam: The Misunderstood Religion! - Abdur-Raheem Green

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All 4 Madhabs? I thought there were more than 4 religions!

I don't know what this clown is going about, like I said he is just troll.
Well the Irish were suspected as terrorist for quite long UK(who know probably even now).
But thats hardly a consolation for muslims, rather it should make an irish guy angry.
Tamils are suspected in lanka.
Non of them had the notoriety because they were not in global scale, like global jihad has.

I know there is some negative feeling about muslims in western world, but I think that is relatively recent phenomena.
There does not seem to be a motive of western media, rather they are just playing along with public mood, and show some bad news(bad news sells).

Sure the Irish were suspected as terrorists but did the UK invade Ireland and murder 100k+ people?

And what do you mean global scale?
what does "global scale" have anything to do with anything?

All these terrorist groups targeted there perceived oppressors. The Irish targeted the English, the Tamils targeted the government etc etc.
AL quida target America.
Being a global scale, doesn't have anything to do with anything.

And since you are not Muslim I can forgive you for not knowing this but for last 1000 years Europeans (much like many Hindus) have hated Muslims. Unfortunately for us, in the last 500 years they have had the ability to do something about it.
In the last 50 year Muslims have always been presented as crazy barbarians who go around hijacking planes and committing unforgivable crimes such as the Iranian revolution.

If you look at news reports about Muslims in the last 50 years, more than 90% have been negative.

Another hilarious one.
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I don't understand?

I'm talking about the Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi'ee and Malik'ee school of thought(s).

Ohk, in that case you need to learn some more on Islam.. We call that "Fiqh" not a different religion within a religion.
Sure the Irish were suspected as terrorists but did the UK invade Ireland and murder 100k+ people?

And what do you mean global scale?
what does "global scale" have anything to do with anything?

All these terrorist groups targeted there perceived oppressors. The Irish targeted the English, the Tamils targeted the government etc etc.
AL quida target America.
Being a global scale, doesn't have anything to do with anything.

And since you are not Muslim I can forgive you for not knowing this but for last 1000 years Europeans (much like many Hindus) have hated Muslims. Unfortunately for us, in the last 500 years they have had the ability to do something about it.
In the last 50 year Muslims have always been presented as crazy barbarians who go around hijacking planes and committing unforgivable crimes such as the Iranian revolution.

If you look at news reports about Muslims in the last 50 years, more than 90% have been negative.
Muslims being shown as crazy barbarians in western media for 50 years? clearly you are telling lies.
Western media showed muslims as oriental, part of a different civilization, and clubbed them with hindus and far east traditions(chinease/japanese) for major part of last 50 years.
Muslims were never treated badly in UK because they were muslims, but rather because they were south asians(clubbed together with hindus again).

Islamophobia is clearly a post 9/11 phenomenon.

Hindu muslim enmity in India/pakistan/bangladesh is quite old(including last 50 years), I agree with that part.
But that is mutual hostility, islamophobia + hinduphobia.
Please dont bring crusade to the discussion.

Western tourists thronged in their millions to egypt, turkey, and some north african countries. If that was the popular sentiment, you wont get that many tourist there.
Muslims being shown as crazy barbarians in western media for 50 years, clearly you are telling lies.
Western media shows muslims as oriental, part of a different civilization, and clubbed them with hindus and far east traditions(chinease/japanese) for major part of last 50 years.
Muslims were never treated badly in UK because they were muslims, but rather because they were south asians(clubbed together with hindus again).

Islamophobia is clearly a post 9/11 phenomenon.

Hindu muslim animity in India/pakistan/bangladesh is quite old(including last 50 years), I agree with that part.
Please dont bring crusade to the discussion.

Western tourists thronged in their millions to egypt, turkey, and some north african countries. If that was the popular sentiment, you wont get that many tourist there.

yeah clearly I am telling lies, I mean I obviously have nothing better to do then to sit in front of a computer and tell lies to some random hindu.

you must have been sick when your guru did the class on manners.

as for the rest.
Simply look at articles from western media, and when I say western I mean American because no one cares about the UK.
Most headlines about Muslims in the last 50 years were about radical Nation of Islam, about the crazy Palistinians, and about the nut job Ayatollahs of Iran.
The major narrative was basically how bad Muslims were.
The word "Islamophobia" is a post 9/11 word but the feelings are a thousand years old.

And sorry to shatter your ego but India never really fit into a narrative in the last 50 years, it just wasn't an issue in the west. The biggest thing that happened in India was that the Beatles went there, got high out of their mind on drugs and wrote a few songs.
In the last 10 years the Indian narrative has become that they are telephone salesmen and customer service people.
yeah clearly I am telling lies, I mean I obviously have nothing better to do then to sit in front of a computer and tell lies to some random hindu.

you must have been sick when your guru did the class on manners.

as for the rest.
Simply look at articles from western media, and when I say western I mean American because no one cares about the UK.
Most headlines about Muslims in the last 50 years were about radical Nation of Islam, about the crazy Palistinians, and about the nut job Ayatollahs of Iran.
The major narrative was basically how bad Muslims were.
The word "Islamophobia" is a post 9/11 word but the feelings are a thousand years old.

And sorry to shatter your ego but India never really fit into a narrative in the last 50 years, it just wasn't an issue in the west. The biggest thing that happened in India was that the Beatles went there, got high out of their mind on drugs and wrote a few songs.
In the last 10 years the Indian narrative has become that they are telephone salesmen and customer service people.

Sorry, I believe you lied, not that you are a lier( that's not a bad manner in a discussion, I presume).
I talked about India in reply to hindu-muslim enmity you mentioned, do know where "India in western media" angle came from.

I still think you are just building a pattern of hostility towards muslims from western countries,(1000 years? ).
It will be nice if you can show some old article to prove it. Last 50 years nobody bothered about muslims in west.
Only evil were probably communists.
Ramming a military aircraft to an aircraft carrier is not same as ramming a civilian aircraft to a skyscraper.
I think we know that. But there were apparently people who blurred the distinction between an American occupier of their land and an American citizen. You should go ask them why instead of accusing us. Peace.
I think we know that. But there were apparently people who blurred the distinction between an American occupier of their land and an American citizen. You should go ask them why instead of accusing us. Peace.

You mean Islamic fundamentalists.
You mean Islamic fundamentalists.
Not at all, and I don't know what you mean when you say that term (I know the people from the American bible belt are called Christian fundamentalists). I meant Quaida and her sister organisations, from what has been reported in the media.
1.The Western Christian Civilization (WCC) have from day one vilified Islam and ostracized Muslims for their own motives. WCC through the writings and publications of early days ensured these objectives. The Church was the main financiers/promoters of the basic source references we have in the Western languages. Till recent times when writers like the Palestinian Christian historian Eduard Said or activist writers like the Pakistan born Tariq Ali opened our eyes, we had to rely on trust all these motivated WCC sources.

2. Instead of going into larger elaborations let me just mention two points that had put WCC on war path.

a. Islam does not permit a class of clergy. That was bad news to the Christian priests and Jewish rabbis.

b. Islam forbids "Usuary" or the use of money as a merchandise of trade. That was a death blow to the Church and the Synagogue who were working as banks in olden days and profiting from interests on deposits/loans. In present day this will cause the death of IMF/WB and the western capitalist system.
Too much power in the hands of mullah. Thats main issue with Islam.

I don't thing they teach any Islam after friday prayer. I bet it is mostly on geo-politics.
Zarvan dont post that racist fake muslim douche's vids
dont increase his popularity
I knew Sir you will not like Him Sir he is a great man and doing a great Job at least he is not ashamed of Islam

---------- Post added at 02:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

Introducing Islam to Non-Muslims - Yusuf Estes - YouTube
Why the West Needs Islam - Yusuf Estes - YouTube
Clearing Misconceptions - Yusuf Estes - YouTube

---------- Post added at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 PM ----------

Too much power in the hands of mullah. Thats main issue with Islam.

I don't thing they teach any Islam after friday prayer. I bet it is mostly on geo-politics.
Sir Geo politics is Part of Islam
Know The Final Messenger of Peace - 1 of 3 - YouTube
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