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Islam: The Misunderstood Religion! - Abdur-Raheem Green

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This thread is not about me, it is about misunderstanding that non muslims( and even muslims) have about islam.
I was only making a general point, I did not say muslims were bad to me or good to me, or indifferent.

You sound like you only care about yourself. If you look at everything in such a self absorbed way nobody will treat you well.
You sound like you only care about yourself. If you look at everything in such a self absorbed way nobody will treat you well.

I would probably blame it on my poor English.
I some time use "I" or "you" to make a general assertion/observation.
I once told one guy,"you should not be drinking so much if you care about your health" while reading some news, and that guy was like "me?? when did I ever drank too much, and whats wrong with my health?".
Islam Whether Islam is a misunderstood religion or not, I personally find it hard to take any religion seriously which propagates laws such as death to apostates and stoning to death for adulterers.

Among many other "laws" not exclusive to Islam.
This thread is not about me, it is about misunderstanding that non muslims( and even muslims) have about islam.
I was only making a general point, I did not say muslims are bad to me or good to me, or indifferent.

And people arguing about suicide bombing, I dont think that is the main reason for misunderstanding(as some put it). They are probably minor inconvenience compared to other things.
It has to do with the whole package, 9/11, democracy, minority rights in islamic countries and access to 24 hour news.

Not to beat a dead horse but once again, all this anti Islam/anti muslim hype is really only created by western media who have an agenda against Islam/Muslims.
Before 9/11 the biggest terrorist attack on American soil was by a white christian named timothy Mcvay. You know what happened to him? The police caught him and put in on trial.
You know what didn't happen?
The american military murdering 100k + people.

In Canada, to this day the biggest terrorist attack has been by Sikh groups angry at 1984 massacre.
The Canadian government and media response to this was so pathetic that to this day the victims are demanding justice.
hell, some Canadian politicians go to parades on Diwali, organized by some of these terrorist members.

the list goes on
Spain: Basq
etc etc
but only the Muslims are targeted like they are some kind of special monsters.
Islam Whether Islam is a misunderstood religion or not, I personally find it hard to take any religion seriously which propagates laws such as death to apostates and stoning to death for adulterers.

Among many other "laws" not exclusive to Islam.

Feel free to not take it seriously and move on chap.
Islam Whether Islam is a misunderstood religion or not, I personally find it hard to take any religion seriously which propagates laws such as death to apostates and stoning to death for adulterers.

Among many other "laws" not exclusive to Islam.

I think you are misinformed about the apostate law.
The only way you can be executed if you fulfill both these requirements:
1. Apostate
2. Commit treason

is you simply apostate then the law cannot be applied to you.

But all of this is moot since the only one who can apply this law is the government and in this modern age we don't have any Islamic governments.

As for adulterers, well, just keep it a secret and you won't have any problems ;)
I think you are misinformed about the apostate law.
The only way you can be executed if you fulfill both these requirements:
1. Apostate
2. Commit treason

is you simply apostate then the law cannot be applied to you.

But all of this is moot since the only one who can apply this law is the government and in this modern age we don't have any Islamic governments.

As for adulterers, well, just keep it a secret and you won't have any problems

He's just trolling.
Islam Whether Islam is a misunderstood religion or not, I personally find it hard to take any religion seriously which propagates laws such as death to apostates and stoning to death for adulterers.

Among many other "laws" not exclusive to Islam.

Thats not right... Put other religions aside for a while and point me where exactly Islam recommends above mentioned punishments?? Also, kindly elaborate "apostate" wrt Islam?
I think you are misinformed about the apostate law.
The only way you can be executed if you fulfill both these requirements:
1. Apostate
2. Commit treason

is you simply apostate then the law cannot be applied to you.

But all of this is moot since the only one who can apply this law is the government and in this modern age we don't have any Islamic governments.

As for adulterers, well, just keep it a secret and you won't have any problems ;)

What is treason defined as in an Islamic state? Whatever it is it applies to all citizens, muslim or no-muslim. However some say that apostatising (in an Islamic state) is treason itself. :)

To my knowledge, all 4 Madhabs agree that apostates are to get the death penalty, "treason" or "no treason".

As for the issue with adulterers, I agree with you - it's best to not go there. :)
Not to beat a dead horse but once again, all this anti Islam/anti muslim hype is really only created by western media who have an agenda against Islam/Muslims.
Before 9/11 the biggest terrorist attack on American soil was by a white christian named timothy Mcvay. You know what happened to him? The police caught him and put in on trial.
You know what didn't happen?
The american military murdering 100k + people.

In Canada, to this day the biggest terrorist attack has been by Sikh groups angry at 1984 massacre.
The Canadian government and media response to this was so pathetic that to this day the victims are demanding justice.
hell, some Canadian politicians go to parades on Diwali, organized by some of these terrorist members.

the list goes on
Spain: Basq
etc etc
but only the Muslims are targeted like they are some kind of special monsters.

Well the Irish were suspected as terrorist for quite long UK(who know probably even now).
But thats hardly a consolation for muslims, rather it should make an irish guy angry.
Tamils are suspected in lanka.
Non of them had the notoriety because they were not in global scale, like global jihad has.

I know there is some negative feeling about muslims in western world, but I think that is relatively recent phenomena.
There does not seem to be a motive of western media, rather they are just playing along with public mood, and show some bad news(bad news sells).
Thats not right... Put other religions aside for a while and point me where exactly Islam recommends above mentioned punishments??

Well I don't want to derail this thread but there are many ahadith on these punishments. You can look them up.

Again I don't want to derail the thread by posting ahadith and fatwas by scholars of Islam.
Well I don't want to derail this thread but there are many ahadith on these punishments. You can look them up.

Again I don't want to derail the thread by posting ahadith and fatwas by scholars of Islam.

Why not? This thread is all about Islam...

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What is treason defined as in an Islamic state? Whatever it is it applies to all citizens, muslim or no-muslim. However some say that apostatising (in an Islamic state) is treason itself. :)

To my knowledge, all 4 Madhabs agree that apostates are to get the death penalty, "treason" or "no treason".

As for the issue with adulterers, I agree with you - it's best to not go there. :)

All 4 Madhabs? I thought there were more than 4 religions!
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