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Islam’s War of Annihilation Against Hindus

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History only remembers the conquerors.
Not the pathetic conquered.
You were among the conquered ones. :D and not conquerors.

This is why I strongly lobby for a better education system in India. Its churning out idiots like you, which we have to face on PDF.

After Mongol Empire was splintered by the Muslims, most of the remenants converted to Islam.
No, they didn't conquer Mongolia again.

One descendant was Timur, which you Hindus remember awfully too well.
Another was Babur. ;)

you would also be following Dharmic religion if there was a Ghengis Khan to stop the invasion of the Muslim invaders.:P
Most Hindus were left unharmed after Muslim invasion... If Muslims wanted they could have converted and enslaved all you Hindus.. But they didnt, because they knew you Hindus will never come out of stone age mentality & culture of throwing your widows into fire or discriminating between colors.

Well they converted and enslaved your ancestors . Feel bad for you:lol:

left the rich and prosperious Hindustan, to the $hit, third world dump called India.

Pakistan was also a part of Hindustan :omghaha:
You are the convert , you were conqured not the Hindus , who kept on fighting to keep their faith alive.

Actually we all were conquered, just my ancestors kept their dignity by converting and not yours.

Only reason Mughals didnt converts yours is because they needed jizaya to keep empire alive.
No Hindu dared to "fight".Lol you Hindus were too busy fighting eachother. :lol:
One example of Muslims controlling you was when caste system was banned.lol.
You are mad Hindu?
You guys were basically just jizaya factories. Don't try to elevate yourself too high now! The lift is broken!

Haha :omghaha: , convert is ranting and feeling proud now for bending in front of Arabian and sucking up to their faith.
Haha :omghaha: , convert is ranting and feeling proud now for bending in front of Arabian and sucking up to their faith.

I hope you are praying towards us for having enough generousity to keeping your faith alive. :omghaha:

Pakistan was also a part of Hindustan :omghaha:

Yeah, but not part of any British legacy like India is.
Actually we all were conquered, just my ancestors kept their dignity by converting and not yours.

Only reason Mughals didnt converts yours is because they needed jizaya to keep empire alive.
No Hindu dared to "fight".Lol you Hindus were too busy fighting eachother. :lol:
One example of Muslims controlling you was when caste system was banned.lol.

Go and read history text book, hindoos had option to convert or pay jagiya, but unlike your ancestors our choose to live in poverty but didn't convert like your greedy and lazy forefathers.
I hope you are praying towards us for having enough generousity to keeping your faith alive. :omghaha:

Kept the faiths alive? is that what's happening in Pakistan with the systematic elimination of all minorities other than sunnis?
50% is proof of the power of Islam, not of the sword, since you already had enough manpower to overwhelm the Muslims, and the same weapons they teached you to make and use, So...

lolz... if there was enough manpower to oppose then the muslim invaders would have never succeeded in invading the subcontinent kingdoms.
In the subcontinent, what is the ratio of Hindus to Muslims?

And does this "War of Annihilation" apply to the other Dharmic religions, specifically Buddhism?

Buddhist population decreased from close to 30% to 0% in Bihar within a gap of 10 years after attack by bakhtiyar khilji .

The reason for total annihilation of Buddhist in India by muslims was the fact that they did not had standing armies.That means that they were not left alone by muslims like rajput in rajasthan or south India under vijaynagar empire were left alone.In India subcontinent, except the area which today constitute pakistan, muslims never established unbroken rule in India.Rajasthen was semi/independent (tribute paying), south had vijaynagar empire, kalinga repelled islamic invasion so did north east under ahom dynasty.

You cannot force people to convert by sword if your empire had not stabilized politically.
Moozlums didn't obliterate hinduism when they held absolute power centuries,instead they chose to coexist peacefully and emmbraced it.

This paranoia is stupid, the worst thing is that there are people who will believe it.

lol lol lol..do you guys really believe that ? the whole religion of peace thing ?
I hope you are praying towards us for having enough generousity to keeping your faith alive. :omghaha:

We were not on your mercy, you couldn't have controlled the vast swath of land if you would have tried forced conversion and subject of the land would have revolted and joined neighbours kingdom.
When your kings become strong they tried to convert, Aurangjeb destroyed thousands of temples, converted lakhs of hindoos ,similarly Tipu Sultan converted four lakh hindoos.So use the link and enlighten yourself.
lolz... if there was enough manpower to oppose then the muslim invaders would have never succeeded in invading the subcontinent kingdoms.

Actually there was.
Ever heard of divide and rule?
I thought Muslim population in India was 13pc from census, :what: and members in pdf, and "thought " provoking articles written by nutters claim its 20, 25, 30 and 35 :cheesy:

Almost all details from the census 2011 has been released except for religion. And it wont be released before the elections. Take a guess why.
I hope you are praying towards us for having enough generousity to keeping your faith alive. :omghaha:

it is not you who invaded. You were also invaded by the islamic invaders. So stop praising those who invaded us both.

Pakistan was under Muslim invaders for the longest period of time. So most of the population there and other Indian areas under Muslim rule for longer periods of time had to convert. But a normal person would rather convert then see his family being harmed. It is not the fault of those who converted under pressure. The Indian Kingdoms of those times should have come together to defend against the invaders.

At the same time, it doesn't condone the barbarism of the invading forces and their killings and conversions by force of the peaceful people of Hindustan.

Actually there was.
Ever heard of divide and rule?

Yes I mean there was not enough United Manpower to defend.
History contradicts what you are saying; how Islam propagated to millions of people who embraced it happily in just 10 to 20 years after the passing away of Prophet Mohammad? certainly not by the sword.
Muslims at that time had no military power to overwhelm and subjugate millions of people in such a short time. to understand it, you have to understand the power of faith in God, the power of the divine message in the Koran and that short period of time is one of the miracles of Islam.

Hindus are showing up till now their aggressive behaviour and ignorance, by meeting the Muslims at that time with the same behaviour or worst, than they got war, and even though, Muslim war history is witness to the Indian lies, since Muslims, even after being massacred by the Christians or the Moguls or others , showed mercy upon them when they defeated them.
So, all this Hindu talk is a self projection of Hindu thoughts and deeds, with gilt feelings hunting you till now, not to say that jealousy is killing you slowly but surely.

Before muhammad won Arabia, Islam was followed just by handful of Arabs and Islam spread only after military supremacy of muhammad was established. Even after that Arabs revolted on the first opportunity. See Ridda wars.

PS: Religions can only be spread by sword, if there is a competing religion present in the reason. This fact is not exclusive to Islam.
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