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Islam’s War of Annihilation Against Hindus

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India is probably the only country where it didn't happen. In most of the countries invaded my muslims, there was total conversion within a couple of generations.

You should add, BY CHOICE
Read about Gingis khan who was more powerful than the Muslims in his time, despite that, 3 out of four of his kingdoms converted to Islam by their own choice, so did the descendants of Gingis khan himself; because they found out that it was the best choice after trying Judaism, Christianity and their own Buddhist religion which had principle very close the the Islamic ones.
In the subcontinent, what is the ratio of Hindus to Muslims?

And does this "War of Annihilation" apply to the other Dharmic religions, specifically Buddhism?

the ratio of Hindus to Muslims in subcontinent will be close to somewhere 3 Hindus to 2 Muslims.

The war of annihilation applies to other Dharmic religions also.
You should add, BY CHOICE
Read about Gingis khan who was more powerful than the Muslims in his time, despite that, 3 out of four of his kingdoms converted to Islam by their own choice, so did the descendants of Gingis khan himself; because they found out that it was the best choice after trying Judaism, Christianity and their own Buddhist religion which had principle very close the the Islamic ones.

See the results when Islam was choosen by choice and not sword: Islam in Mongolia is practiced by approximately 5% of the population. Only 5% and not 50%.

the extremely high % of conversions in India was by no means done by choice.
Once again a stupid Hindu brainfart article...
Lets put it this way,

The invading Muslim kings tried their best to convert the population of their areas into Muslims, and they employed all means possible - sword, Jijiya, destroying temples and monuments of other religions. The conversions by force were the most successful.

The population which did not convert to Islam in India and in Greece was because the invading forces could not force all of them due to lack of numbers or strength.

I for one would not agree at all that 40-50% of sub continent population converted by will. It will never happen that 40-50% of population will convert to a new totally alien culture by will. It is just impossible. You also have to think that as few people convert they face massive resistance from within their community. I know families who don't meet their brother or sisters who have converted. So it is not not possible to convert willfully for such big numbers.

Out of total number of conversions, It would be more like 2-3% converting by will and 90-95% converting under coercion.

History contradicts what you are saying; how Islam propagated to millions of people who embraced it happily in just 10 to 20 years after the passing away of Prophet Mohammad? certainly not by the sword.
Muslims at that time had no military power to overwhelm and subjugate millions of people in such a short time. to understand it, you have to understand the power of faith in God, the power of the divine message in the Koran and that short period of time is one of the miracles of Islam.

Hindus are showing up till now their aggressive behaviour and ignorance, by meeting the Muslims at that time with the same behaviour or worst, than they got war, and even though, Muslim war history is witness to the Indian lies, since Muslims, even after being massacred by the Christians or the Moguls or others , showed mercy upon them when they defeated them.
So, all this Hindu talk is a self projection of Hindu thoughts and deeds, with gilt feelings hunting you till now, not to say that jealousy is killing you slowly but surely.
You should add, BY CHOICE
Read about Gingis khan who was more powerful than the Muslims in his time, despite that, 3 out of four of his kingdoms converted to Islam by their own choice, so did the descendants of Gingis khan himself; because they found out that it was the best choice after trying Judaism, Christianity and their own Buddhist religion which had principle very close the the Islamic ones.


Check yourself, how tolerant is /was your faith.
Most Hindus were left unharmed after Muslim invasion... If Muslims wanted they could have converted and enslaved all you Hindus.. But they didnt, because they knew you Hindus will never come out of stone age mentality & culture of throwing your widows into fire or discriminating between colors.

Now the Hindus think they are powerful cuz they defeated Mughal with Most help of British, which later British enslaved them, did more harm to them than what Mughal did, and basically left the rich and prosperious Hindustan, to the $hit, third world dump called India.
History contradicts what you are saying; how Islam propagated to millions of people who embraced it happily in just 10 to 20 years after the passing away of Prophet Mohammad? certainly not by the sword.
Muslims at that time had no military power to overwhelm and subjugate millions of people in such a short time. to understand it, you have to understand the power of faith in God, the power of the divine message in the Koran and that short period of time is one of the miracles of Islam.

Hindus are showing up till now their aggressive behaviour and ignorance, by meeting the Muslims at that time with the same behaviour or worst, than they got war, and even though, Muslim war history is witness to the Indian lies, since Muslims, even after being massacred by the Christians or the Moguls or others , showed mercy upon them when they defeated them.
So, all this Hindu talk is a self projection of Hindu thoughts and deeds, with gilt feelings hunting you till now, not to say that jealousy is killing you slowly but surely.

we are not talking about spread of Islam in Islamic countries.

History contradicts your claims of willfull acceptance in Subcontinent. Genghis khan was stronger then the Muslims, and the people who converted willfully resulted in only 5% of Mogol population to follow Islam. Nowhere close to the 50% conversion in India.

This itself is proof that if the muslim invaders had failed to take over India, then 95% of the total population of entire subcontinent would be Dharmic as of today and only 5% maybe Muslims.
we are not talking about spread of Islam in Islamic countries.

History contradicts your claims of willfull acceptance in Sub continet. Genghis khan was stronger then the Muslims, and the people who converted willfully resulted in only 5% of Mogol population to follow Islam. Nowhere close to the 50% conversion in India.

This itself is proof that if the muslim invaders had failed to take over India, then 95% of the total population of entire subcontinent would be Dharmic as of today and only 5% maybe Muslims.

This is why I strongly lobby for a better education system in India. Its churning out idiots like you, which we have to face on PDF.

After Mongol Empire was splintered by the Muslims, most of the remenants converted to Islam.
No, they didn't conquer Mongolia again.

One descendant was Timur, which you Hindus remember awfully too well.
Another was Babur. ;)
we are not talking about spread of Islam in Islamic countries.

History contradicts your claims of willfull acceptance in Subcontinent. Genghis khan was stronger then the Muslims, and the people who converted willfully resulted in only 5% of Mogol population to follow Islam. Nowhere close to the 50% conversion in India.

This itself is proof that if the muslim invaders had failed to take over India, then 95% of the total population of entire subcontinent would be Dharmic as of today and only 5% maybe Muslims.

50% is proof of the power of Islam, not of the sword, since you already had enough manpower to overwhelm the Muslims, and the same weapons they teached you to make and use, So...
Most Hindus were left unharmed after Muslim invasion... If Muslims wanted they could have converted and enslaved all you Hindus.. But they didnt, because they knew you Hindus will never come out of stone age mentality & culture of throwing your widows into fire or discriminating between colors.

Now the Hindus think they are powerful cuz they defeated Mughal with Most help of British, which later British enslaved them, did more harm to them than what Mughal did, and basically left the rich and prosperious Hindustan, to the $hit, third world dump called India.

They did and today you and your ilks have population of 55 0 millions in Indian subcontinent.Go threw the thread your queries have already been addressed.:wave:
They did and today you and your ilks have population of 55 0 millions in Indian subcontinent.Go threw the thread your queries have already been addressed.:wave:

You are mad Hindu?
You guys were basically just jizaya factories. Don't try to elevate yourself too high now! The lift is broken!
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