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Islam’s War of Annihilation Against Hindus

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Muslim birthrate is higher than Dharmic in India?

Yes it is more then the Dharmic. But if it will lead to a significant demographic change or whether the fertility rates will decrease and come to national average as prosperity and education spreads is an open question.
see you are wrong brother According to You if sword was used their would have not been any dharmic religions left in subcontinent, becuase according to you muslims do not have concept of human rights then you would have not been talking today as your forefathers would have been dead if the sword was used, I am a LIving Proof that the sword was not used Because MY extended family that lives in India is HIndu there were 2 brothers one of them converted to islam and the other stayed hindu when ISLAM first arived in subcontinent through the Traders, MY AUNT still Goes their Some time from ENgland just to visit them,

Keep your humour to yourself.:lol:Use the link I posted and dig into history to know about jagiya.I know it's hard for you to accept, how your forefathers were converted.
Keep your humour to yourself.:lol:Use the link I posted and dig into history to know about jagiya.I know it's hard for you to accept, how your forefathers were converted.
what ever dude then my GREAT GREAT GREATx10 UNCLE's family would have not still be hindu religion
Islam was driven out of Spain by the more powerful and more fanatic Christians of that time.

That is VERY simplistic view of what happened in Al-undolusia. Simplistic and incorrect.

Arabs just didn't have a chance .

Again, very simplistic. Arabs had 800+ years to obliterate a local culture, which they didn't,they merged with it. The very notion of Arabs in spain is wrong, there were other Muslims like Berbers,N.Africans,Turks there too.

India was not a new world country like Australia or America where the local population was much more primitive than the colonizing power.

That can be argued, as if what do we mean by primitive in that historic sense. The british didn't gas all of the aboriginals,they starved them to death or forced them off the cliffs, many were shot for sports. Stalin killed 7+ million of his own citizens through starvation, without firing squads, just 70 years ago.

India had a huge population and small but powerful kingdoms. so total annihilation was never possible.

It is possible,sir only if the ruling elite is willing to see it happen. Just read the stalin and mao's systametic starvation of their own people, millions of Chinese were also killed by Japs through starvation. That is recorded history, just for the sake or argument as if to killing that number of people is even possible, it is proven by history that it is.

Still, millions were killed during every invasion and has been recorded with pride by various Mughal historians.

I will like to see an authentic source to that claim.

You cannot wish away history.

I am not the one doing that.

India is a secular nation with a large muslim population.

That maybe irrelevant in this talk.

So we choose to not talk about it in fear of offending them.

Truth must be told, a democratic,secular state should tell what it believes is the truth,no one is stopping them.

Our school history books largely do not cover this topic.

Who's fault that might be?

Even Turkey does not deny that hundreds of thousands of Armenians died during WWI.

Turkey demands proofs, which Armenia has NEVER provided.

They just object to calling it a genocide.

One must wonder why they object?

I am an atheist

Good for you.

and am not making criticizing islam here.

No one has stopped you.

I am sure it has its merits which is attractive to certain people.

Provided proofs and logic, i am a man always willing to change my thoughts,.....its an evolution isn't it؟

But that does not change the actions of muslims throughout history.

Muslims did terrible things, however any allegation must be backed by credible proofs so no one could deny it, and it becomes the new norm. India is an independant nation, its free to reveal the history of evil Muslims, that may eclipse what Muslims gave TO India in development,science and technology,business,maritime transport,architecture,crafts,languages,cusine, dresses, literature,spirituality and what not.

India is free to reveal our true face....whats stopping it?
see you are wrong brother According to You if sword was used their would have not been any dharmic religions left in subcontinent, becuase according to you muslims do not have concept of human rights then you would have not been talking today as your forefathers would have been dead if the sword was used, I am a LIving Proof that the sword was not used Because MY extended family that lives in India is HIndu there were 2 brothers one of them converted to islam and the other stayed hindu when ISLAM first arived in subcontinent through the Traders, MY AUNT still Goes their Some time from ENgland just to visit them,

Lets put it this way,

The invading Muslim kings tried their best to convert the population of their areas into Muslims, and they employed all means possible - sword, Jijiya, destroying temples and monuments of other religions. The conversions by force were the most successful.

The population which did not convert to Islam in India and in Greece was because the invading forces could not force all of them due to lack of numbers or strength.

I for one would not agree at all that 40-50% of sub continent population converted by will. It will never happen that 40-50% of population will convert to a new totally alien culture by will. It is just impossible. You also have to think that as few people convert they face massive resistance from within their community. I know families who don't meet their brother or sisters who have converted. So it is not not possible to convert willfully for such big numbers.

Out of total number of conversions, It would be more like 2-3% converting by will and 90-95% converting under coercion.
You chose to ignore what i posted, therefore i don't feel obliged to reply to your rephrased ranting. I will however like to answer any specific and intelligent questions.

Whatever I posted is based on facts, which part of my post you didn't you agree with ??

Jajiya,Aurangjeb,Iran ,Egypt ?? Or

Spain , Greece ??
I would give you link to verify the facts.
A thought-provoking essay written by Narain Kataria, president of the Indian American Intellectuals Forum, sounds a familiar alarm. “Hinduism Faces Eclipse” reveals that “the anti-Hindu forces within and without India are working in tandem on an insidious mission to destroy our civilization and culture, and obliterate Hinduism from the Indian soil.” Kataria further contends that Indians are not facing terrorism, but worldwide jihad, which he calls a “fully globalized franchise…working overtime to destroy all non-Muslim nations.”

Muslims currently comprise 20 percent of India’s 1.2 billion population, the rest of which is overwhelmingly Hindu. But as Narain points out, Indian Muslims have engaged in a series of attacks on Hindu citizens, temples, religious festivals and unarmed pilgrims. He reminds us that a month after the 9/11 attacks in the United States, a proclamation was issued on Al Jazeera television promising that “Hindu India” would also be targeted for jihad. Two months after that, a suicide squad assaulted India’s Parliament House in New Delhi on December 13, 2001, killing 9 and wounding 18.

Since then thousands of terror attacks have besieged India. The city of Mumbai alone has been terrorized on four separate occasions. On March 12, 1993, 13 separate explosions in various parts of the city killed 257 and wounded more than 700. Most of the terrorists involved received arms and training in Pakistan, and Indian authorities contend the Pakistani intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was actively involved as well. On July 11, 2006, a series of pressure-cooker bombs exploded on commuter trains, killing 209 and wounding over 700. Once again, the ISI was involved, along with the Pakistani Islamist militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba, and the Students’ Islamic Movement of India, according to Mumbai police. On November 26, 2008, another wave of terror attacks perpetrated by Muslims targeted two luxury hotels, a Jewish center, a tourist restaurant and a crowded train station. Another 166 people were killed and more than 300 were wounded. And on July 13, 2011 three separate bomb blasts killed 26 and injured 130.

As recently as July 2012, riots in the state of Assam initiated by Muslim infiltrators from Bangladesh resulted in at least 74 deaths. Several Hindu women were raped and then chopped into pieces during the attacks.

Kataria blames these and other atrocities on “India’s decadent culture of political correctness and pock-marked ‘taqaiyah’ of ‘paid news,’ when no national leader dare muster the courage to speak truth.” The New York Times echoed that assertion when they covered India’s 2008 election campaign, noting that the nation’s fight against terror is “complicated by a political landscape in which parties vie for Hindu and Muslim voters’ loyalty.” Kataria told FrontPage that the Indian government “doesn’t understand Sharia,” and that the “politicians are afraid of Muslims” because they have organized highly effective political blocs, capable of removing anyone who would even suggest India is under Islamic siege.

The blocs’ ultimate purpose? “Muslims want to finish India as soon as possible,” contends Kataria.

Incrementalism is one of the key strategies employed by the Islamists. Thus it is no surprise Sharia courts have been successfully established in various parts of the country, including Hyderabad, Patna and Malegaon. As recently as two weeks ago, a Sharia court was set up in terror-scarred Mumbai by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB). Sounding familiar rhetoric, AIMPLB secretary Maulana Wali Rahmani contended that Sharia courts do not complete with India’s civil courts. ”On the contrary, Shariah courts will lower the burden of the civil courts where thousands of cases are pending and the judges are overworked,” he said.

Incrementalism is further explained by Times of India senior journalist Ramesh Khazanchi, who cites a series of events, including the banning of “Vishwaroopam,” a film critical of Islam, in Tamil Nadu theaters; the blacklisting of author Salman Rushdie at various literary festivals; and the war-mongering of the Owaisi brothers, leaders of the Muslim group Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM), who have threatened Hindus with annihilation, as more evidence that the “aggressive Indian Muslim has thus been emboldened by the state.”

Islam’s War of Annihilation Against Hindus | FrontPage Magazine

The Sacrifices of Guru Gobind Singh

"Prince Gobind Rai became guru at the age of nine with the beheading of his father by the Mogul Emperor, when Guru Teg Bahadur sacrificed himself to prevent forced conversion of Hindus to Islam."

Guru Teg Bahadur sacrificed his life for the others but did not convert. But he was above normal human beings. He could fight against the invader. But 90% of the normal population would rather convert then see their kids or parents being beheaded or being forced to pay too much taxes while living in poverty.

and that is the reality of conversions for 90%+ of the population.
The Sacrifices of Guru Gobind Singh

"Prince Gobind Rai became guru at the age of nine with the beheading of his father by the Mogul Emperor, when Guru Teg Bahadur sacrificed himself to prevent forced conversion of Hindus to Islam."

Guru Teg bahadur sacrificed his life for the others but did not convert. But he was above normal human beings. He could fight against the invader. But 90% of the normal population would rather convert then see their kids or parents being beheaded or being forced to pay too much taxes while living in poverty.

and that is the reality of conversions for 90%+ of the population.

We all respect the Gurus , I belong to Sanatan Dharm by birth but have immense Respect , Love and Gratitude for the 10 Gurus , but dont U think U r going a little off-topic with this post mate?
We all respect the Gurus , I belong to Sanatan Dharm by birth but have immense Respect , Love and Gratitude for the 10 Gurus , but dont U think U r going a little off-topic with this post mate?

No he isn't , since it highlights the barbaric deeds of Muslims for forced conversions.And Pakistanies were rebutting that.So it proves a point.
That is VERY simplistic view of what happened in Al-undolusia. Simplistic and incorrect.

Spanish Inquisition Documentary - YouTube

Again, very simplistic. Arabs had 800+ years to obliterate a local culture, which they didn't,they merged with it. The very notion of Arabs in spain is wrong, there were other Muslims like Berbers,N.Africans,Turks there too.
Technicality.. yes they were.. But your community was definitely not there. so you saying "we" were there is technically wrong.
The muslims didn't have a chance to win against the Spanish inquisition. That's what I meant. Their contribution to spanish society and culture is not in question.

That can be argued, as if what do we mean by primitive in that historic sense. The british didn't gas all of the aboriginals,they starved them to death or forced them off the cliffs, many were shot for sports. Stalin killed 7+ million of his own citizens through starvation, without firing squads, just 70 years ago.
The British didn't do it in India either. Because India is a fully functioning , saturated civilization with vast empires. The Americas and Australia were mostly smaller tribes. The local population were mostly killed by diseases introduced by the Europeans against which they had no immunity. It is not accurate to say that most of them were killed or started to death.

Gotta go now.. will answer the rest in some time.
Things like these were written and said from the early 20th century,and were gladly promoted by the British who used the policy of Divide and Rule...the result was that the Muslims felt insecured and then divided,then creation of Pakistan and religious fanatics....thus the Muslims of the entire subcontinent were divided and weakened,by "nations".....and turn back to 2013,we are being trolled by the westerners again,sad luck hindus,this time!
When Islam ruled the subcontinent, South Asia was at peace. As soon as Indians gain independence they plot evil against their neighbors.

Enough is enough! China will help Islam bring down the elephant once and for all!
When Islam ruled the subcontinent, South Asia was at peace. As soon as Indians gain independence they plot evil against their neighbors.

Enough is enough! China will help Islam bring down the elephant once and for all!

First implement Islam in China and provide freedom to all of your countryman and set example for others...If you can do that then definitely...We will follow you.....:cheesy:
Things like these were written and said from the early 20th century,and were gladly promoted by the British who used the policy of Divide and Rule...the result was that the Muslims felt insecured and then divided,then creation of Pakistan and religious fanatics....thus the Muslims of the entire subcontinent were divided and weakened,by "nations".....and turn back to 2013,we are being trolled by the westerners again,sad luck hindus,this time!

there is no conspiracy as pointed out in the article, and there is no war of annihilation going on. It was there during the times of Muslim invaders.

right now the most critical is the demographics of India. If demographics don't change significantly then nothing will happen. But if demographics do change significantly then there is a cause for concern.
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