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Islam is abused in Bollywood

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Jan 5, 2008
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Did u find that some words of Islam are using in hindi cinema of Bollywood for just nothing. I'm not fanatic but when "ALLAH" is being used in the song where the heroines are not well dressed specially u will find in the recent film like "RACE" , more specifically in the song titled 'Allah dohai he'. These type of dreadful works should be stopped immediately.
Who force you to watch bollywood movies?

Hazrat ALI is respectable in all school of thoughts and to all Muslims

How can S*n o* b***H take the name of Hazrat ALI while the INDIAN Sl**ts dancing .
As far as I know, no bollywood director reads this forum; so what can you guys do? bollywood movies are already banned in Pakistan.

If the majority wants to watch the smuggled video tapes & have access to dish network, their is nothing much we can do, rather then not watching it ourself
I think We MUSLIMS are _______ when we watch BOLLY WOODIES.I HATE THEM and hate those who play these kind of songs and Movies .
I think We MUSLIMS are _______ when we watch BOLLY WOODIES.I HATE THEM and hate those who play these kind of songs and Movies .

Just a personal question, does anyone in your family watches Bollywood movies?

[Anwer it truthfully]
May or not be I do watch Bollywood movies but u have no right to use Islam associate with these type of works

Rights..? "Allah" is not a name specific to a person nor God. So, saying "Allah" won't mean the "Allah" that muslims beleive in. It is a Arabic word means "God". So, there is no need to get persmission to use a word from a language.

If you don't like then don't watch. You have no rights tell the bollywood how to make movies.
Rights..? "Allah" is not a name specific to a person nor God. So, saying "Allah" won't mean the "Allah" that muslims beleive in. It is a Arabic word means "God". So, there is no need to get persmission to use a word from a language.

If you don't like then don't watch. You have no rights tell the bollywood how to make movies.

I think other than u everybody knows what Allah mean to the muslims. Try to respect others religion.
Man you people are touchy...do you realize the amount of abuse Jesus takes in both Hollywood and TV. And don't even get me started about Europe!
May or not be I do watch Bollywood movies but u have no right to use Islam associate with these type of works

There aren't a single muslim man in India have come forward to raise his voice against such film depiction, since they now that the motive of such depiction is not to spoil the dignity of Islam.
Rights..? "Allah" is not a name specific to a person nor God. So, saying "Allah" won't mean the "Allah" that muslims beleive in. It is a Arabic word means "God". So, there is no need to get persmission to use a word from a language.


every body know that "ALLAH" is a spacific name that use just for muslim's God. and the name used in arabic for God is " ILAH ". ALLAH is a name used By Quran n Bible too, that mean just muslim's God.

May or not be I do watch Bollywood movies but u have no right to use Islam associate with these type of works

They have no right? Who decides what can be said and what can't be said? You?

Freedom of speech is not selective. Anyone can say anything they want. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Problem solved.
I think other than u everybody knows what Allah mean to the muslims. Try to respect others religion.

Hey go and see a good itching doctor. It can be dangerous for your back. I never saw you talking some positive thing.

Allah word is used in the songs when ever writer wants to take the name of GOD and urdu is perfect language for songs and that is why Allah word comes first. Our muslim brothers in India never took your view, only their view is important not yours, for use of Allah word is indian songs and movies, because I know most of times you see pirated version.
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