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ISIS using weapons made in Israel

It's strange too that Bangladesh, has never been in the receiving end of al-qaeda or Islamic state. Neither has been Trinidad & Tobago. May be Bangladesh is immune too ? By your logic, Bangladesh and Trinidad must also be in cohorts with them. Use your brain... and think...

I never knew Trinidad and Tobago was of any interest to Al-Qaeda and Islamic State being a powerful state and all and involved in attacking Muslims or occupying their lands or having a regime that oppresses their Muslim population. .... As for Bangladesh we have been successful in thwarting AQ attacks during the last one year with almost 20 operatives arrested from the group and scores more from other outfits.
ISIS is already struggling with fierce opposition from countries they occupy, they would stand no chance against the Israelis. And why on Earth would Israel fund ISIS?
Also, I am serious what the hell kind of site are you reading?
About | Hang The Bankers
Garbage about some NWO, Anti-Vaccination articles, and anti-GMO garbage. It looks like a site filled with nothing but, conspiracy crap.
ISIS is already struggling with fierce opposition from countries they occupy, they would stand no chance against the Israelis. And why on Earth would Israel fund ISIS?
Also, I am serious what the hell kind of site are you reading?
About | Hang The Bankers
Garbage about some NWO, Anti-Vaccination articles, and anti-GMO garbage. It looks like a site filled with nothing but, conspiracy crap.

Have you heard about his book?..lol..something on the same lines.
Stop lying. Post the link or quote an official who have claimed supporting the rise of ISIS.

Screenshots of New Channels not even based out of America as a reference amounts to ZILCH !

But it is popular to encourage such balderdash conspiracy theories, ad nauseum. Next up: How 9/11 was staged by CIA.
And they probably have medical supplies from Cambodia, I have items made in China, is China supplying me with goods or am I acquiring them elsewhere?

But it is popular to encourage such balderdash conspiracy theories, ad nauseum. Next up: How 9/11 was staged by CIA.
And every conspiracy is spread by people who know pretty much 1% of what they are talking about, the rest is recycled from a source they saw on youtube who was of the same knowledge of them.
Everyone knows no true scotsman would commit these acts....
Stop lying. Post the link or quote an official who have claimed supporting the rise of ISIS.

Screenshots of New Channels not even based out of America as a reference amounts to ZILCH !

When UN, NYTimes or Haaretz become conspiracy-ist...

According to Israeli news agency Haaretz, the UN reports detailed several instances where close ties between the Syrian death squads and the Israeli military have been demonstrated.

As the International Business Times writes,

According to the UN reports, a person wounded on 15 September “was taken by armed members of the opposition across the ceasefire line, where he was transferred to a civilian ambulance escorted by an IDF vehicle.”

Moreover, from 9-19 November, the “UNDOF observed at least 10 wounded persons being transferred by armed members of the opposition from the Bravo side across the ceasefire line to IDF.”&

As per the details released by the Israel’s health ministry, so far some 1,000 Syrians have been treated in four Israeli hospitals. Besides the civilians, some are members of the secular Free Syrian Army rebel group.

Although initially claiming that it only treated civilians, Israel was forced to walk back from those claims somewhat after the release of the UN report. When asked by i24news whether or not Israel had treated members of ISIS or al-Nusra, an Israeli spokesman stated “In the past two years the Israel Defence Forces have been engaged in humanitarian, life-saving aid to wounded Syrians, irrespective of their identity.”

Of course, the assistance provided by Israel to the death squads was not isolated to mere medical treatment according to the report. As Haaretz reports,

Observers remarked in the report distributed on June 10 that they identified IDF soldiers on the Israeli side handing over two boxes to armed Syrian opposition members on the Syrian side.

The last report distributed to Security Council members, on December 1, described another meeting between IDF soldiers and Syrian opposition members that two UN representatives witnessed on October 27 some three kilometers east of Moshav Yonatan. The observers said they saw two IDF soldiers on the eastern side of the border fence opening the gate and letting two people enter Israel. The report, contrary to previous ones, did not note that the two exiting Syria were injured or why they entered Israel.

This specific event is of particular interest in light of what happened on the Syrian side of the border in the exact same region. According to the report, UN observers stated that tents were set up about 300 meters from the Israeli position for some 70 families of Syrian deserters. The Syrian army sent a letter of complaint to UNDOF in September, claiming this tent camp was a base for “armed terrorists” crossing the border into Israel.

Of course, it has been well known for quite some time that Israel has been providing wounded Syrian rebels with medical treatment inside Israel so that they can continue the Jihad against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. According to Colum Lynch of The Cable (the news wing of the Council on Foreign Relations Foreign Policy),
ISIS are using weapons made in Israel.
But where was the ISIS made ? That should be the point of focus.....not fringe topics like these.
Questions about who is behind the Islamic State keep arising.
Iraqi volunteer forces, known as Hashid Shaabi, discovered Israeli-made weapons at Islamic State (ISIL) positions in the Iraqi province of Anbar on Thursday, according to Al-Mayadeen television, Fars News Agency reported.

ISIS using weapons made in Israel








But it is popular to encourage such balderdash conspiracy theories, ad nauseum. Next up: How 9/11 was staged by CIA.


Clever replies will only get you so far---.

Indeed 9/11 was not staged by the agency or the fbi---but they did let it happen by not doing enough to stop it.
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