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ISIS poster girl from the UK stripped of citizenship! Shamima not welcome

Shamima Begum, who joined the Islamic State group in Syria aged 15, is to lose her UK citizenship.

Whitehall sources said it was possible to strip the 19-year-old of British nationality as she was eligible for citizenship of another country.

Her family's lawyer, Tasnime Akunjee, said they were "disappointed" with the decision and were considering "all legal avenues" to challenge it.

Ms Begum, who left east London in 2015, had said she wanted to return home.

She was found in a Syrian refugee camp last week after reportedly leaving Baghuz - IS's last stronghold - and gave birth to a son at the weekend.

In an interview with the BBC on Monday, Ms Begum said she never sought to be an IS "poster girl" and now simply wished to raise her child quietly in the UK.

ITV News obtained the letter sent to Ms Begum's mother, asking her to inform her daughter of the decision.

Bangladesh link
Under the 1981 British Nationality Act, a person can be deprived of their citizenship if the home secretary is satisfied it would be "conducive to the public good" and they would not become stateless as a result.

Ms Begum said she travelled to Syria with her sister's UK passport but it was taken from her when she crossed the border.

She is believed to be of Bangladeshi heritage but when asked by the BBC, she said did not have a Bangladesh passport and had never been to the country.

On the question of Ms Begum's son, a child born to a British parent before they are deprived of their citizenship would still be considered British.

While it would theoretically be possible for the UK to then remove citizenship from the child, officials would need to balance their rights against any potential threat they posed.


A Home Office spokesman said: "In recent days the home secretary has clearly stated that his priority is the safety and security of Britain and the people who live here."

He said the department did not comment on individual cases but decisions to remove citizenship were "based on all available evidence and not taken lightly".

Lord Carlile, a former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said that if Ms Begum's mother was a Bangladeshi national - as is believed to be the case - under Bangladesh law Ms Begum would be too.

Dal Babu, a former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent and friend of Ms Begum's family, said they were "very surprised" by what seemed to be a "kneejerk reaction" by the Home Office.

Stressing that Ms Begum had never been to Bangladesh, Mr Babu said: "It seems to be a bizarre decision and I'm not entirely sure how that will stand up legally."

Islamic State has lost most of the territory it once controlled, but between 1,000 and 1,500 militants are believed to be left in a 50 sq km (20 sq mile) near Syria's border with Iraq.

Mr Javid told MPs earlier this week that more than 100 dual nationals had already lost their UK citizenship after travelling in support of terrorist groups.

Last year, two British men, accused of being members of an IS cell dubbed "The Beatles" were stripped of their citizenship after being captured in Syria.

'Willing to rehabilitate'
Ms Begum has said she does not regret travelling to Syria and was partly inspired by videos of fighters beheading hostages, as well as by videos showing "the good life" under IS.

However, she said she did not agree with everything the group had done.

"I actually do support some British values and I am willing to go back to the UK and settle back again and rehabilitate and that stuff," she told the BBC.

She admitted she was "shocked" by the 2017 Manchester Arena attack, which killed 22 people and was claimed by IS.

"I do feel that is wrong. Innocent people did get killed," she said.

But she also compared the attack to military assaults on Syria, saying: "It's one thing to kill a soldier, it's fine, it's self-defence.

"But to kill people like women and children just like the women and children in Baghuz who are being killed right now unjustly by the bombings - it's a two-way thing really because women and children are being killed back in the Islamic State right now.

"It's kind of retaliation. Their justification was that it was retaliation so I thought, okay, that is a fair justification."

Robbie Potter, who was seriously injured in the attack while he waited for his children in the foyer of Manchester Arena, said he felt "angry" and sickened by Ms Begum's comments.

"People have lost their kids, their family members. How must they feel seeing this, that we would even consider bringing someone else back?

"Let her come and meet the victims and people who lost their kids. If that's the way she wants it. Would she go in a room with them and see what their justification is?"

Ms Begum left the UK with two school friends, Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase in February 2015. Ms Sultana is thought to have died when a house was blown up, and the fate of Ms Abase is unknown.

Ms Begum gave birth to a baby boy last weekend, having previously lost two children.

Her husband, a Dutch convert to Islam, is thought to have surrendered to a group of Syrian fighters about two weeks ago.

Ms Begum has the right to appeal the Home Office's decision.

Oh my bleeding heart....

You reap what you sow my dear. ISIS can't provide now? Knocking on the UK's door? Sorry love no wants to answer...

By the way just a little tip, I wouldn't go to Bangladesh with Auntie Hasina around, she don't like your type much.


EXCELLENT NEWS!!!!!!..............:chilli:

This scumbag has been collaborating with devil worshippers who have killed 100,000s of innocent Muslims all across Syria. She should ideally be hanged like the dog she is.......8-)
Thats nonense I dont think they can strip her of citizenship if she was born in Britain. She has now where to go and no country will take her in given her antecedents.
To deport her to another country Britain needs to prove that she was a citizen of that country.

Britain cannot simply say that your parents came from another country and you can go there. That will be bull crap of highest order.

The fact is countries like India dont even accept Indians who illegally enter other countries unless they can conclusively prove that they were Indian with documentary proof.

Strip her citizenship and then do what? Britain cannot send her anywhere but only jail her. Every other country will say she was a british citizen earlier and send back to her place of origin i.e. Britain. It make no difference whether her parents are from BD or mars.

UK will be left holding the hot potato , there is no getting away from that.
No, UK has the most absurd laws when it comes to stripping nationality, so much so that now having Britis Passport for Non-Whites is same as having a glorified visa which can be cancelled at any time for many reasons.
You dont need to be a terrorist to lose your Britis nationality, in their law it says that "Unacceptable behaviour" is reason enough to have your British nationality cancelled. Now unacceptable behavior has no legal definition and it is a very broad term.
Even those born in UK same as the case of this IS girl, can lose British Nationality by the assumption that they are born of foreign parents so are "Eligible" for another country's citizenship . Basically UK asking her to go back tyo Bangladesh because her parents are from there and then apply for Bangladeshi nationality on that basis. She does not hold a BD passport at the moment.
Hence the notion among the non-white population that Britain will never be our "Motherland" . The motherland remains whwre we are ethnically from, as that land will eventually accept us when UK rejects us and Motherland wont Deport us when UK will .
So for me and million of Pakistanis living and even born in UK, legally Pakistan remains the "Motherland" as all of us are liable to be dumped on Pakistan whenever UK wants to cancel our British Citrizenship.
No, UK has the most absurd laws when it comes to stripping nationality, so much so that now having Britis Passport for Non-Whites is same as having a glorified visa which can be cancelled at any time for many reasons.
You dont need to be a terrorist to lose your Britis nationality, in their law it says that "Unacceptable behaviour" is reason enough to have your British nationality cancelled. Now unacceptable behavior has no legal definition and it is a very broad term.
Even those born in UK same as the case of this IS girl, can lose British Nationality by the assumption that they are born of foreign parents so are "Eligible" for another country's citizenship . Basically UK asking her to go back tyo Bangladesh because her parents are from there and then apply for Bangladeshi nationality on that basis. She does not hold a BD passport at the moment.
Hence the notion among the non-white population that Britain will never be our "Motherland" . The motherland remains whwre we are ethnically from, as that land will eventually accept us when UK rejects us and Motherland wont Deport us when UK will .
So for me and million of Pakistanis living and even born in UK, legally Pakistan remains the "Motherland" as all of us are liable to be dumped on Pakistan whenever UK wants to cancel our British Citrizenship.

Joining ISIS and contributing to the deaths of 100,000s of innocent Syrian Muslims is "acceptable" behaviour? Ideally she should be hanged like the dog she is.
These Isis dudes even renounced their citizenships and burnt their passports now they want to come back.

Let them stay their for all I care since they pledged their loyalty to isis now the Isis ship is sinking and the rats are abandoning ship.

I have no sympathy for her just like the rest of the terrorist rats like ypg, al qaeda, pkk, al shabab. Let them all die off for all I care.

Why did Britain not have checks and balances before these minors left Britain to join ISIS---.

Why did Britain not control the isis recruiters in uk---. People like Anjum Ch had a free hand for the longest---parents begging the uk govt to stop these criminals from openly recruiting in uk---but uk govt did nothing to stop the terrs openly recruiting young people in uk---.
great news terror prostitute did not deserve civil rights and civil society . go F0CK yourself from ISIS dogs and be sex slave of them now .
This girl stands nowhere now - she abandoned the UK to join IS and now she is abandoning IS because they are losing. I have zero respect or sympathy for her kind, Jihadi's who cant even die for their beliefs.

And yes, to see a young girl speak so vacantly, does make me feel a bit sorry. But i suspect that is more to do with the fact she just had a kid and is not getting any sleep. I don't believe she has changed her views - some of the things she says in her interviews are a dead giveaway. (talking about losing 'Dawla' - meaning she still thinks IS territory was blessed land; mentioning how 'we' lost Raqqa - her sympathies creep through)

If she had wanted to return 1 year after going - like the other girl who died out there - i would have lobbied to let her back for being a misled child. But this girl has happily stayed there for 4 years and only wants to come back when its all collapsed.

The best outcome would be if they accepted her in Bangladesh - it is a stable country where she and her child can live safe lives - and she can work out why her parents dragged themselves all the way to UK when they did.
News just in, senior Bangladeshi officials have said the girl is the UK's problem and nothing to do with them.
Back to square one, she may even end up stateless.
Stripped of nationality. This could have only happened to a non-white British.

Shouldn't Britain strip nationality of those who go and join IDF and fight for Israel?

Shamima Begum is a product of British society. While I dont agree with what she did, she shouldn't be disowned. Britain and Europe in general should look inward as to why ISIS was able to recruit so many youngsters from there. There is something wrong in their society and how it treats non-whites.
Stripped of nationality. This could have only happened to a non-white British.

Shouldn't Britain strip nationality of those who go and join IDF and fight for Israel?

Shamima Begum is a product of British society. While I dont agree with what she did, she shouldn't be disowned. Britain and Europe in general should look inward as to why ISIS was able to recruit so many youngsters from there. There is something wrong in their society and how it treats non-whites.

Non-Whites are treated better in the UK then they are in their home countries. If you don't like it here then go back to where you came from. No one is forcing you to stay in Britain and planes work every day. Please don't cry racism when you decide to become a terrorist and help contribute to the deaths of 100,000s of innocent Syrian Muslims. This terrorist should be severely tortured and hanged like the dog she is.
Non-Whites are treated better in the UK then they are in their home countries. If you don't like it here then go back to where you came from. No one is forcing you to stay in Britain and planes work every day. Please don't cry racism when you decide to become a terrorist and help contribute to the deaths of 100,000s of innocent Syrian Muslims. This terrorist should be severely tortured and hanged like the dog she is.

Dont make an argument that has no legs to stand on. This woman was British. She was born in Britain, educated in Britain. But by stripping nationality, she is being treated as a foreign.

Your argument means all non-whites who were born in Britain could be sent back anytime on one condition or another. That girl cant go to Bangladesh. She has no link to that country. The better option would have been to bring her and imprison her.

Now since you are so loyal to Britain, you did not tell me why British IDF soldiers are not treated the same way as this woman was.

There is no disagreement that non-whites are not treated better in general. Its just that there is some problem in assimilation that even second and third generation immigrants dont feel British enough.
No, UK has the most absurd laws when it comes to stripping nationality, so much so that now having Britis Passport for Non-Whites is same as having a glorified visa which can be cancelled at any time for many reasons.
You dont need to be a terrorist to lose your Britis nationality, in their law it says that "Unacceptable behaviour" is reason enough to have your British nationality cancelled. Now unacceptable behavior has no legal definition and it is a very broad term.
Even those born in UK same as the case of this IS girl, can lose British Nationality by the assumption that they are born of foreign parents so are "Eligible" for another country's citizenship . Basically UK asking her to go back tyo Bangladesh because her parents are from there and then apply for Bangladeshi nationality on that basis. She does not hold a BD passport at the moment.
Hence the notion among the non-white population that Britain will never be our "Motherland" . The motherland remains whwre we are ethnically from, as that land will eventually accept us when UK rejects us and Motherland wont Deport us when UK will .
So for me and million of Pakistanis living and even born in UK, legally Pakistan remains the "Motherland" as all of us are liable to be dumped on Pakistan whenever UK wants to cancel our British Citrizenship.
well she can be stateless at the best and from practical point of view I dont know how they are going to apply the law.

I dont know how this absurd UK law still remains unchallenged. It can be abused by ppl to frame others and throw them out of country.
well she can be stateless at the best and from practical point of view I dont know how they are going to apply the law.

I dont know how this absurd UK law still remains unchallenged. It can be abused by ppl to frame others and throw them out of country.

Unfortunately beneath the polite veneer, British are a racist lot.
Dont make an argument that has no legs to stand on. This woman was British. She was born in Britain, educated in Britain. But by stripping nationality, she is being treated as a foreign.

Your argument means all non-whites who were born in Britain could be sent back anytime on one condition or another. That girl cant go to Bangladesh. She has no link to that country. The better option would have been to bring her and imprison her.

Now since you are so loyal to Britain, you did not tell me why British IDF soldiers are not treated the same way as this woman was.

There is no disagreement that non-whites are not treated better in general. Its just that there is some problem in assimilation that even second and third generation immigrants dont feel British enough.

To debate this issue on a tv show, they even invited one white guy who fought as part of the YPG in Syria to represent the viewpoint of people who thought she should be stripped lol. You're pretty much right that there is no consistency.
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