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ISIS poster girl from the UK stripped of citizenship! Shamima not welcome

I have mixed feelings on it
what attracts some many women to go to Syria & Iraq. Im quit intrigued.

Unfortunately beneath the polite veneer, British are a racist lot.
yeah I get that, even though societies,countries or ppl claim they are open,better...etc But once you scratch the surface there will see lot more dirt. Just let the sleeping dogs lie.....

what attracts some many women to go to Syria & Iraq. Im quit intrigued.

girls get attracted to bad boys, you know at that age you get such thinking....
News just in, senior Bangladeshi officials have said the girl is the UK's problem and nothing to do with them.
Back to square one, she may even end up stateless.

One of the requirements of revoking UK nationality is that the person must not become stateless.
One of the requirements of revoking UK nationality is that the person must not become stateless.

Bangladesh has refused the UK has to take her back.
Take her back and throw her into jail, it's best for all now. Her newborn can be given to the grandparents.
Bangladesh has refused the UK has to take her back.
Take her back and throw her into jail, it's best for all now. Her newborn can be given to the grandparents.

That child must be kept away from the mother who could bring him up with the wrong ideas.
UK grandparents are the best as they will bring the child up as a Muslim.
That child must be kept away from the mother who could bring him up with the wrong ideas.
UK grandparents are the best as they will bring the child up as a Muslim.

Yes that's the correct course now. I'm sure the grandparents will also be careful about keeping him away from extremism. She was radicalised online.
Bangladesh has refused the UK has to take her back.
Take her back and throw her into jail, it's best for all now. Her newborn can be given to the grandparents.

A matter for the courts to decide, I suppose.
Is anyone else concerned about the baby growing up in the same environment she did?
Wouldn't it be better for the baby if it were separated from the family itself?
Is anyone else concerned about the baby growing up in the same environment she did?
Wouldn't it be better for the baby if it were separated from the family itself?

She was radicalised through a friend at school who had already run off to syria before her. The school never informed her parents even after they found out the daughter was taking on the ideas of ISIS in school. We shouldn't blame the family because teens are very capable at hiding things.

I wouldn't take that kid away from the family as it would be raised as a non-Muslim probably which isn't good.
Stripped of nationality. This could have only happened to a non-white British.

Shouldn't Britain strip nationality of those who go and join IDF and fight for Israel?

Shamima Begum is a product of British society. While I dont agree with what she did, she shouldn't be disowned. Britain and Europe in general should look inward as to why ISIS was able to recruit so many youngsters from there. There is something wrong in their society and how it treats non-whites.

There is something wrong with *some* Muslims in Europe, and these Isis recruits are the symptoms. If any of these recruits makes it back to their European Countries, they should be interned as prisoners of war, until the Islamist movement has capitulated all over the world.
Once that happens, life will improve for ordinary Muslims all over Europe.

Bangladesh has refused the UK has to take her back.
Take her back and throw her into jail, it's best for all now. Her newborn can be given to the grandparents.
The mother was brought up by parents and grand parents.
What guarantees that the kid will not end up the same if brought up in the same environment?
Unfortunately beneath the polite veneer, British are a racist lot.

Yet there you are living there quite shamelessly.

All your failure, all sylheti ghetto failure is because British are "a racist lot".

I suppose Americans, Canadians are all a racist lot too because of how badly your lot do there.

It is never your fault but everyone else's for your predicament.

I am glad name of Bangladesh has been brought into all of this regarding this ISIS bitch.

"Racist" British need to know exactly what undercurrents there are among you lot....and hopefully over time will take action much more conclusively.
Yet there you are living there quite shamelessly.

All your failure, all sylheti ghetto failure is because British are "a racist lot".

I suppose Americans, Canadians are all a racist lot too because of how badly your lot do there.

It is never your fault but everyone else's for your predicament.

I am glad name of Bangladesh has been brought into all of this regarding this ISIS bitch.

"Racist" British need to know exactly what undercurrents there are among you lot....and hopefully over time will take action much more conclusively.

Shut up you moron and crawl back under the gutter you came from.

This matter does not concern you one bit.
Shut up you moron and crawl back under the gutter you came from.

This matter does not concern you one bit.

Hey @waz @Indus Pakistan @Jungibaaz do you think British are a "Racist lot"?...esp compared to this guy (seeing how triggered he gets when you fact check his hypocrisy)?

Same British people that let this guy come into UK and live there in first place....so waaisist they are.

Our lot does so terrible, it has to be the waisssissm obivously! DUH!

I bet you anything this guy would be singing praises about the "waississsst" British right now if this ISIS lady was Pakistani descent instead of Bangladeshi.

@Vergennes @Cell_DbZ @Hamartia Antidote @KAL-EL @T-123456 @OsmanAli98 @Desert Fox @Metanoia @VCheng @AgNoStiC MuSliM @doorstar
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