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ISIS poster girl from the UK stripped of citizenship! Shamima not welcome

Good let such scum die in the he'll of Middle East. Should never be allowed to set foot in civilized lands. There are many such people in civilized lands.

Cannot really agree with this decision.

Sajid Javid is playing politics and is not applying the law correctly. He is just out for his own career here.

The biggest thing in this girl's favour is that she was just 15 when she left and so was a minor and cannot be held responsible for her decisions then.

Last thing is that no government should have the right to take someone's citizenship away as that just cheapens it.
Hah... you go about saying death to non Muslims and expect them to love you?
Muslims should stop believing in this type of myth that Islam is greatest and everything can be sacrificed for this idea. It's just an idea in your brain although powerful, but still a myth. She and such type of people should pay for their sins.
Everyone should have right to do his own choices in life and also face the consequences of those choices.Great decision from UK,hopefully courts in other countries will follow this example when dealing with creatures like this.
- We are Muslim, we are told to enjoin good and forbid what is wrong. So I'm not going to be silently endure people like Sajid.
True. And I am not going to endure people like you who I consider as heretics. Take that as my contribution to "enjoining good" and trying to dissuade "wrong".
True. And I am not going to endure people like you who I consider as heretics. Take that as my contribution to "enjoining good" and trying to dissuade "wrong".

Do what you like and label me what you like, I'm not really bothered. But I do think that basically makes you a takfiri if you're going around calling people heretics for disagreeing with you on a forum. You think in the same way as these ISIS people do.
Sajid Javid is playing politics and is not applying the law correctly.
Okay would you prefer if he played by your "ghetto religion"? And in case you missed the memo he is a politician.

But I do think that basically makes you a takfiri if you're going around calling people heretics for disagreeing with you on a forum.
Well, you are a takfiri.

But I do think that basically makes you a takfiri if you're going around calling people heretics for disagreeing with you on a forum. You think in the same way as these ISIS people do.
You don't like it when the pole [which you were sticking up Sajid Javid] is shoved up your backside, do you? Then suddenly your croaking "takfiri".
Well, you are a takfiri.

Prove it. The only one on this thread who has called someone a apostate was you when you called me a heretic.

You don't like it when the pole [which you were sticking up Sajid Javid] is shoved up your backside, do you? Then suddenly your croaking "takfiri".

I've told you above, I'm not really bothered by your words. People insult each other on the internet all the time, I've gotten used to it.

Sajid is a bad man and an uncle Tom. I will continue to stand by my words.

If you are calling people heretics for disagreeing with you then yes that basically makes you a takfiri. It's the living definition of the word.
I say so., that's my proof.

Why are you so mad and emotional over someone disliking a politician?

If I had insulted you personally, I would've understood your reaction but you're acting like I insulted your dad or something by showing my dislike of Sajid lol...
Is it me or some British Muslims are being tricked into becoming anti state actors.
But what I heard is that she was married 3 times to Isis linked men but she is so young.
all the better
Shamima Begum, who joined the Islamic State group in Syria aged 15, is to lose her UK citizenship.

Whitehall sources said it was possible to strip the 19-year-old of British nationality as she was eligible for citizenship of another country.

Her family's lawyer, Tasnime Akunjee, said they were "disappointed" with the decision and were considering "all legal avenues" to challenge it.

Ms Begum, who left east London in 2015, had said she wanted to return home.

She was found in a Syrian refugee camp last week after reportedly leaving Baghuz - IS's last stronghold - and gave birth to a son at the weekend.

In an interview with the BBC on Monday, Ms Begum said she never sought to be an IS "poster girl" and now simply wished to raise her child quietly in the UK.

ITV News obtained the letter sent to Ms Begum's mother, asking her to inform her daughter of the decision.

Bangladesh link
Under the 1981 British Nationality Act, a person can be deprived of their citizenship if the home secretary is satisfied it would be "conducive to the public good" and they would not become stateless as a result.

Ms Begum said she travelled to Syria with her sister's UK passport but it was taken from her when she crossed the border.

She is believed to be of Bangladeshi heritage but when asked by the BBC, she said did not have a Bangladesh passport and had never been to the country.

On the question of Ms Begum's son, a child born to a British parent before they are deprived of their citizenship would still be considered British.

While it would theoretically be possible for the UK to then remove citizenship from the child, officials would need to balance their rights against any potential threat they posed.


A Home Office spokesman said: "In recent days the home secretary has clearly stated that his priority is the safety and security of Britain and the people who live here."

He said the department did not comment on individual cases but decisions to remove citizenship were "based on all available evidence and not taken lightly".

Lord Carlile, a former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said that if Ms Begum's mother was a Bangladeshi national - as is believed to be the case - under Bangladesh law Ms Begum would be too.

Dal Babu, a former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent and friend of Ms Begum's family, said they were "very surprised" by what seemed to be a "kneejerk reaction" by the Home Office.

Stressing that Ms Begum had never been to Bangladesh, Mr Babu said: "It seems to be a bizarre decision and I'm not entirely sure how that will stand up legally."

Islamic State has lost most of the territory it once controlled, but between 1,000 and 1,500 militants are believed to be left in a 50 sq km (20 sq mile) near Syria's border with Iraq.

Mr Javid told MPs earlier this week that more than 100 dual nationals had already lost their UK citizenship after travelling in support of terrorist groups.

Last year, two British men, accused of being members of an IS cell dubbed "The Beatles" were stripped of their citizenship after being captured in Syria.

'Willing to rehabilitate'
Ms Begum has said she does not regret travelling to Syria and was partly inspired by videos of fighters beheading hostages, as well as by videos showing "the good life" under IS.

However, she said she did not agree with everything the group had done.

"I actually do support some British values and I am willing to go back to the UK and settle back again and rehabilitate and that stuff," she told the BBC.

She admitted she was "shocked" by the 2017 Manchester Arena attack, which killed 22 people and was claimed by IS.

"I do feel that is wrong. Innocent people did get killed," she said.

But she also compared the attack to military assaults on Syria, saying: "It's one thing to kill a soldier, it's fine, it's self-defence.

"But to kill people like women and children just like the women and children in Baghuz who are being killed right now unjustly by the bombings - it's a two-way thing really because women and children are being killed back in the Islamic State right now.

"It's kind of retaliation. Their justification was that it was retaliation so I thought, okay, that is a fair justification."

Robbie Potter, who was seriously injured in the attack while he waited for his children in the foyer of Manchester Arena, said he felt "angry" and sickened by Ms Begum's comments.

"People have lost their kids, their family members. How must they feel seeing this, that we would even consider bringing someone else back?

"Let her come and meet the victims and people who lost their kids. If that's the way she wants it. Would she go in a room with them and see what their justification is?"

Ms Begum left the UK with two school friends, Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase in February 2015. Ms Sultana is thought to have died when a house was blown up, and the fate of Ms Abase is unknown.

Ms Begum gave birth to a baby boy last weekend, having previously lost two children.

Her husband, a Dutch convert to Islam, is thought to have surrendered to a group of Syrian fighters about two weeks ago.

Ms Begum has the right to appeal the Home Office's decision.

Oh my bleeding heart....

You reap what you sow my dear. ISIS can't provide now? Knocking on the UK's door? Sorry love no wants to answer...

By the way just a little tip, I wouldn't go to Bangladesh with Auntie Hasina around, she don't like your type much.

Thats nonense I dont think they can strip her of citizenship if she was born in Britain. She has now where to go and no country will take her in given her antecedents.
To deport her to another country Britain needs to prove that she was a citizen of that country.

Britain cannot simply say that your parents came from another country and you can go there. That will be bull crap of highest order.

The fact is countries like India dont even accept Indians who illegally enter other countries unless they can conclusively prove that they were Indian with documentary proof.

Being born in Britain and British by birth means nothing if your parents were immigrants.
The British government will strip your citizenship and assume that you can take nationality of your parents country even if you yourself are not dual citizen.
That's why most British Pakistani keep links with Pakistan as you never know when you or your grand kids will be asked to go back to motherland.
Strip her citizenship and then do what? Britain cannot send her anywhere but only jail her. Every other country will say she was a british citizen earlier and send back to her place of origin i.e. Britain. It make no difference whether her parents are from BD or mars.

UK will be left holding the hot potato , there is no getting away from that.
I posted this in the other thread.

I personally would not want to share a bus with her. It's hard to trust someone who went through all this effort to join IS. She hasn't expressed regret either, her statements are full of weasel words. She's probably still a supporter of IS. It's possible she could be a sleeper cell or something like that.

However that doesn't make her Bangladesh's problem. She should be locked up, either in Syria (if it can be proven she commited a crime there), or in the UK (if it can be proven she commited a crime).

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