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ISIS is selling oil in Turkey

There are plenty of reports from numerous sources explaining how Asshead was buying oil from ISIS, a simple google search would clear it for you.

He didn't allow it, they took it by force, so he has no choice but to make a deal with them to keep the oil supply coming.

I google search about ISIS and i find plenty of evidence that Saudi Arabia and US have jointly created ISIS.

According to an interview broadcast by the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya news channel, prince Abdul Rahman al-Faisal is the ruler of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS).

Prince Abdul Rahman al-Faisal, a graduate of Sandhurst military academy, is the brother of Foreign Affairs Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal, and of Prince Turki al-Faisal, Saudi Ambassador to the United-States and the United-Kingdom.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant led by Prince Abdul Rahman

Anyway, isn't it obvious that Takfiri and Salafist filth around the world is financed by Saudi Arabia?
And Syria sunk the Titanic and destroyed the challenger shuttle... :coffee:

on topic, ISIS was raised and only became strong because the west allowed chaos in Syria, there was no strong ISIS in 2010.. unstable Syria means unstable region...
Isis exists since 2005-2006.

On topic
The title: "ISIS is selling oil in Turkey", the article: (but illegally)
Isis exists since 2005-2006.

On topic
The title: "ISIS is selling oil in Turkey", the article: (but illegally)
in 2005-2006 they were weak, no one even heard of them... however when the Syrian conflict happened, chaos started, foreign terrorists started coming to Syria, other countries even supported them, and now they are afraid of them, thus they grew stronger thanks to the west and their puppets in the region for igniting and supporting this war in Syria.. unstable Syria means unstable region...
I do not recall Saddam Hussian sliting throats of anyone or Iraqis were divided in 3 parts, he was a strong man who held the country together and was tricked by America into invading Kuwait. Yes he fucked some kurds who wanted to separate but what else you expect? better a few hundred die than 200,000 +

You value slitting throats above the use of deadly chemical weapons?
And how can you call him a strong man who held his country together? He declared war on Iran, started a massive war, suffered an insurgency by Kurds and faced great opposition from Shias. Eventually, his policies led to his demise and his country collapsed. Iraq today is a result of the weakness of Arab leaders, including Saddam.
A few hundred Kurds didn't die, buddy.
One of Saddam's most brutal attacks was the Halabja chemical attack which ended with 3000 killed and a few thousand injured.

I guess your mentality is, as Saddam didn't parade the killing of a couple of journalists, he was a nice guy.

Edit: I removed pictures since PDF has a new policy.
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You value slitting throats above the use of deadly chemical weapons?
And how can you call him a strong man who held his country together? He declared war on Iran, started a massive war, suffered an insurgency by Kurds and faced great opposition from Shias. Eventually, his policies led to his demise and his country collapsed. Iraq today is a result of the weakness of Arab leaders, including Saddam.
A few hundred Kurds didn't die, buddy.
One of Saddam's most brutal attacks was the Halabja chemical attack which ended with 3000 killed and a few thousand injured.

I guess your mentality is, as Saddam didn't parade the killing of a couple of journalists, he was a nice guy.

Edit: I removed pictures since PDF has a new policy.
remove link to.
Saddam had charisma, he had style and you can't beat a good old fashioned dictator. He was a unique chap who will be missed by many I am sure.

He was a dictator, and like all dictators they rule by fear not peace. Probably shouldn't waste my time arguing with you.
For the greater good sometimes bad acts need to be done, I do not support what he and chemical Ali did in that act but the Kurds were rising up and he needed to squash them which he did. As for the Iran-Iraq war it was a pointless war backed by the west who sold arms to both parties and neither Iraq or Iran got anything from it.

Saddam had charisma, he had style and you can't beat a good old fashioned dictator. He was a unique chap who will be missed by many I am sure.

Greater good?
His assimilation campaign was counter-productive and only caused greater hatred.
Notice how Iraq started the Iran-Iraq war.

Unfortunately, we've reached such terrible times, we look back at dictators before and feel nostalgic for them.

unlike the rest of the pussy middle east rulers he dared attack Israel with scuds and he was right to attack the back stabbing Kuwaitis who increased the price of oil to destroy the Iraqi economy after the Iran war.

Ah, that's diplomacy, right? Threaten a country with scuds. Socialists back in the day were just as f**cktarded and rabid as the Islamists of the modern era, as we can see from Black September in Jordan.
Look at his party he had a high ranking Christian among his ranks and yes Shias were not always treated as good but they never had their Mosque bombed, plus he had to keep a close eye on Iran and people think ruling Iraq was a easy job like 123 but it was hard and it needed a tough man to do the job which he did until he made some vital errors.

He had Assyrians in his government. Big deal.
Assyrian Christians suffered under his Arabization too, you see. Anyone who didn't fit his standard of "Arab"? Ostracize them, demolish their homes, relocate them, make sure they are oppressed until they are Arab. This wasn't just Kurds, it was anyone who wasn't "Arab" enough.

I do not recall any of the yazidi females being sold like animals in Mosul under Saddam's days.

Point? You saw widespread murder and massacres and chemical attacks, though, didn't you? What are you trying to justify here? A socialist and secular murderer is better than a religiously inclined murderer? A murderer is a murderer, and that's that. Doesn't matter what they did, or how they did it. At the end of the day, all that ISIS and Saddam had left behind were lost lives.

bloody American savage history in wiping out red Indians to slavery, it is not new and it will always exist.

Why feel the need to mention this? It was wrong, and many Americans have admitted it. Unlike other countries around the world, the US has made some attempt at acknowledging Native Americans in history and modern American society. They're still in a bad position, you might argue, but the US has done something, which is extremely are.

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