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ISIS is selling oil in Turkey



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Feb 24, 2013
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ISIS is selling Oil from captured Syrian & Iraqi fields in Turkey. Turkey is assisting financing of ISIS.

ISIS has laid miles of Oil Pipelines through Iraq and Syrian border into Turkey from where it easily sells Oil to raise millions of dollars. Turkish Govt is working hand in glove with ISIS by allowing the illegal Oil sales.

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) has been selling smuggled Syrian oil in Turkey worth $800 million, according to Ali Ediboglu, a lawmaker for the border province of Hatay from the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP).

“ISIS is a terrorist organization that poses a global threat, a group that kills recklessly and believes that killing people is a ticket to heaven,” Ediboglu said. “One would expect such a group to engage in certain attacks in Turkey any time. Turkey’s cooperation with thousands of men of such a mentality is extremely dangerous. You can never know what demands they could make to Turkey, a country whose regime they consider to be un-Islamic. No one can guarantee they will not repeat the massacres they commit in Iraq today or carry out similar attacks in Turkey tomorrow.”

Oil revenues

Ediboglu said: “$800 million worth of oil that ISIS obtained from regions it occupied this year [the Rumeilan oil fields in northern Syria — and most recently Mosul] is being sold in Turkey. They have laid pipes from villages near the Turkish border at Hatay. Similar pipes exist also at [the Turkish border regions of] Kilis, Urfa and Gaziantep. They transfer the oil to Turkey and parlay it into cash. They take the oil from the refineries at zero cost. Using primitive means, they refine the oil in areas close to the Turkish border and then sell it via Turkey. This is worth $800 million.”

Is Turkish intelligence helping fighters?

Ediboglu further stated: “Fighters from Europe, Russia, Asian countries and Chechnya are going in large numbers both to Syria and Iraq, crossing from Turkish territory. There is information that at least 1,000 Turkish nationals are helping those foreign fighters sneak into Syria and Iraq to join ISIS. The National Intelligence Organization (MIT) is allegedly involved. None of this can be happening without MIT’s knowledge.”

Taraf’s earlier report on diesel smuggling

Last Aug. 20, Taraf carried a report headlined “Smugglers riding on a billion dollars.” It reported that Turkish soldiers clashed with and repelled hundreds of horse riders and thousands of foot smugglers at the Syrian border on a daily basis. It pointed out that the biggest fight between the [Syrian Kurdish] People's Protection Units (YPG) and the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra in Rojava [northern Syria] was over the revenues from the sale of the region’s petroleum products to Turkey.

The report noted that some 2,000 oil wells exist in the Rumeilan region, which lies on the other side of the border stretching between [Turkey’s] districts of Cizre in Sirnak province and Nusaybin in Mardin province. “The region’s oil is being smuggled to Turkey. The daily amount of smuggled diesel fuel has reached 1,500 tons, which corresponds to 3.5% of Turkey’s consumption,” it added.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/tr/...isis-selling-smuggled-oil.html##ixzz3D9IcZzzn

Opposition MP says ISIS is selling oil in Turkey - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Report: Turkey's Border Towns Provide a Welcoming Market for ISIS Oil

Is NATO Ally Turkey Tacitly Fueling the ISIS War Machine? - The Daily Beast

ISIS commander has also claimed that Turkish govt is supporting the terrorist group.

If US/NATO is serious in defeating ISIS. They can seize illegal Oil sale by ISIS in Turkey thereby starving ISIS of millions of dollars of financing.
They're actually selling oil to Asshead regime in Syria
They're actually selling oil to Asshead regime in Syria

Why don't you direct your anger at Abdul ASSHEAD?

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Nothing new/surprising, of course everybody knows they have been doing it since the Syrian uprising began. The only thing now is to see if our governments in the west/U.S will put more pressure on Turkey and Saudi Arabia to stop their support to these scums called 'rebels/Freedom fighters' :disagree:
Definitely not.
They've had a hand in the creation of ISIS. They're probably reaping the benefits right now.
You've been throwing around this pic lately, did you just learn how to use photoshop kid ? Back to your daily dose of Piss TV now.

Assad Helped Build al-Qaeda In Syria - Business Insider

Argument that Assad Built Al Qaeda is similar to - Soviets built Mujahideen in Afghanistan and Pakistan Army built TTP/BLA.

They're actually selling oil to Asshead regime in Syria

So Assad allowed rebels to takeover Syrian Oil fields so that Assad can purchase oil from rebels. Great logic. Where is your brain?
Argument that Assad Built Al Qaeda is similar to - Soviets built Mujahideen in Afghanistan and Pakistan Army built TTP/BLA.

So Assad allowed rebels to takeover Syrian Oil fields so that Assad can purchase oil from rebels. Great logic. Where is your brain?

Arab Dictators and regimes have all used terrorist organisations for their own benefit. Some at different points in time. There are rumours that Syria had a greater connection to the Lockerbie bombings than Libya, which I believe.
Argument that Assad Built Al Qaeda is similar to - Soviets built Mujahideen in Afghanistan and Pakistan Army built TTP/BLA.

You should have open that linked first before you opened your mouth and started spewing all that BS, Asshead didn't create Al-Qaeda or ISIS in Syria but he "indirectly" helped them get richer and stronger by buying oil from them, There are plenty of reports from numerous sources explaining how Asshead was buying oil from ISIS, a simple google search would clear it for you.

So Assad allowed rebels to takeover Syrian Oil fields

He didn't allow it, they took it by force, so he has no choice but to make a deal with them to keep the oil supply coming.

Where is your brain?

Where's yours ?
Arab Dictators and regimes have all used terrorist organisations for their own benefit. Some at different points in time. There are rumours that Syria had a greater connection to the Lockerbie bombings than Libya, which I believe.
And Syria sunk the Titanic and destroyed the challenger shuttle... :coffee:

on topic, ISIS was raised and only became strong because the west allowed chaos in Syria, there was no strong ISIS in 2010.. unstable Syria means unstable region...
And Syria sunk the Titanic and destroyed the challenger shuttle... :coffee:

on topic, ISIS was raised and only became strong because the west allowed chaos in Syria, there was no strong ISIS in 2010.. unstable Syria means unstable region...

A Syrian cell and Iranian terrorists were more involved in the Lockerbie Bombing than the Libyans.

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