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ISIS: Give over girls for 'sex jihad'

Oh MY GAWD? they are brinign the word Jihad everywhere they want to without reliaing the shit they are doing? what kind of idiots are these? i dont even have words too call them, the ugliest of abuses seem to be getting nice for them, i say KILL THEM ALL.

they are just trying to give a bad name to Islam

btw @Zarvan , your views on this shit?
If true I hope we get rid off these dumbos soon but when governments fail to implement Islam these kind off groups start coming up our governments are failing to do their main job as Muslim
If true I hope we get rid off these dumbos soon but when governments fail to implement Islam these kind off groups start coming up our governments are failing to do their main job as Muslim
Zarvan my dear, i already think Pakistan has an Islamic system, we are just un able to implement it properly, dont you think so too?
Lol at the @Indian posters here going soft on ISIS because they treat Indians there equality compared to Arab dictators.

Now more and more Indians are gonna sympathize them.

You are misreading it. Some Indians may be pleasantly surprised at the release of the nurses, but to say that we will sympathize with them (their objectives, methods etc) is stretching it.
hard situation for the locals

They are armed, but unorganized. Anyone attempting to form an organized attack against ISIS could be tipped of followed by a beheading, no one wants to take the risk.

would you flatten tehran with your own people in it ?
May Allah protect all of our sisters, disagreeing with one is one thing. But this is just not even human.

May Allah curse and destroy all that have done this, are responsible for it in anyway shape or form, and or supporting it to further their agenda. May they all rot in hell.
Zarvan my dear, i already think Pakistan has an Islamic system, we are just un able to implement it properly, dont you think so too?
We are not even close to being an Islamic system
We are not even close to being an Islamic system
why? whats wrong with our current constitution? the only thing wrong i find is Interest and in Islamic punishments (which is no big deal, as they still deliver the message)
Releasing your nurses doesn't vanish hundreds of their suidcide bombings and terrorism against civilians. They have just established their Caliphate, and what they are seeking exactly, is finding soft spots and sympathizers around the world, not making even more enemies. They have done the wise thing for themselves, and not a humanitarian gesture.

About this story, it may or may not be true, but don't forget the nature of this group.

Do you have a soft spot for groups like TTP, LeJ too? Well guess what? Those groups are considered not that that compared to ISIS, its atrocities and savageness.
Ur iranian gov is equally as guilty of this mess. Along with others that you blame day in day out. And I pray that all that sit in their cozy houses pushing us to our dooms, get their dew reward soon.
I am sick of all these positive reporting on ISIS by Indian media and surprised to see many people even buying it.
May Allah protect all of our sisters, disagreeing with one is one thing. But this is just not even human.

May Allah curse and destroy all that have done this, are responsible for it in anyway shape or form, and or supporting it to further their agenda. May they all rot in hell.

No we are not. Instead blame the scumbags who are joining ISIS in masses from countries like Kuwait, KSA, Jordan, Egypt and etc. stop blaming Iran for everything that happens in ME. IS already created right after American invasion of Iraq and Iran had nothing to do with it. Now we are the ones fighting this cancer and you are the ones sometimes cheering for them in your hearts and sometimes blaming their terrorist attacks. How many Iranian members does ISIS have? 1 or 2 members?
How many Arab members have joined ISIS from the gulf alone? 5,000? 10,000? You should blame yourselves for having societies that breed these animals.
No we are not. Instead blame the scumbags who are joining ISIS in massed from countries like Kuwait, KSA, Jordan, Egypt and etc. stop blaming Iran for everything that happens in ME. IS already created right after American invasion of Iraq and Iran had nothing to do with it. Now we are the ones fighting this cancer and you are the ones sometimes cheering for them in your hearts and sometimes blame their terrorist attacks. How many Iranian members does ISIS have? 1 or 2 members?
How many Arab members have joined ISIS from the gulf alone? 5,000? 10,000? You should blame yourselves for having societies that breed these animals.

More nonsense. Your pariah state is the main sponsor of terrorism in the world. Your so-called "Islamic" regime sponsors hundreds of Shia extremist groups inside Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen etc. that are killing civilians in the hundreds.

You are spnsoring genocide in Syria as well.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This mess is largely thanks to the imcompetent Shia Islamist and retard Al-Maliki that you support.

ISIS are mostly made up by local Iraqis. As are their leaders. People from the Arabian Peninsula don't exceed more than 1500 members in total.

There are more Chechens alone.

ISIS: Give over girls for 'sex jihad'
Posters in public places tell Mosul residents to bring daughters to 'fulfill their duty'
Published: 12 hours ago

Radical Islamists murdering and imposing mayhem across Iraq, now calling themselves Islamic State but generally known as ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, have demanded both property and human lives as the price of their rapid advances.

Now they want girls.

ISIS has been putting up posters throughout Mosul, one of the captured Iraqi cities, telling residents to bring their unmarried daughters to ISIS soldiers, according to a report from the Clarion Project, a respected nonprofit organization that works to expose Islamic extremism, primarily through documentary films it produces.

Citing Arabic sources including those inside Mosul, the report said the posters call for girls to participate in “jihad al-nikah,” or “sex jihad.”

The Clarion Project cites information from Al-Masryalyoum, a “respected” Egyptian daily newspapers along with other Arab press sources.

Posters in public places in Mosul read:

“We call upon the people of this county to bring their unmarried girls so they can fulfill their duty in sex jihad for their warrior brothers in the city and anyone who will not appear will feel the full force of the Shariah [Islamic law] upon him.”

The report said ISIS fighters have been going door-to-door, entering houses, killing the men and raping women, too.

Four such victims committed suicide, the report said, citing information from Rupert Colville, a spokesman in Geneva for Navie Pillay, a United Nations human rights official.

Clarion Fund said, “Al-Iraqiya TV station published a report about the story of two Iraqi girls who were raped by the armed men of ISIS in Mosul … The two girls, who are sisters, said that ISIS fighters came into their house, killed the men and afterwards, they took turns raping the women.”

“They came into the house. They were disgusting. They were armed and spoke among themselves in a language we did not recognize. We were afraid; I tried to save my sister, but one of them hit me with his weapon – on my body and then on my face – me and my sister. I blacked out and woke up to the sounds of the screaming of my neighbor while one of the jihadis was playing with my hair,” the girl said, according to the report.

While there are no statistics on the number of women who have been attacked, raped and murdered by ISIS since the Islamists entered Mosul, there are reports of those who fled to avoid such attacks.

The report cited Um-Lara, who escaped with four daughters, ages 14 to 23. They told a Russian news agency the militants had kidnapped “many” women in Mosul.

Read more at ISIS: Give over girls for ‘sex jihad’

That's just called rape. There is no so-called "Jihad al-Nikah" in Sunni Islam.

ISIS have 10.000 members in total in both Iraq and Syria out of a population of about 60 million in total (Both Iraq and Syria). Your false numbers are thus extremely hillarious.

I'm not interested in excuses about why ISIS is created. IS was already there before even Maliki came to power as PM in 2006.

So if they start targeting you guys tomorrw, I'm totally justified to blame Saudi policies for their attacks?

I'm sick of people blaming Iran for everything that happens in ME, it's time to grow up and accept your failures and mistakes instead of blaming others. IS has nothing to do with Iran or Maliki or Shias, it was an off shoot of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad established by the great scumbag, Zarqawi and its Iraqi branch was activated from 2003.
If you guys didn't have Iran, who else would you blame for your problems?

I'm not interested in excuses about why ISIS is created. IS was already there before even Maliki came to power as PM in 2006.

So if they start targeting you guys tomorrw, I'm totally justified to blame Saudi policies for their attacks?

I'm sick of people blaming Iran for everything that happens in ME, it's time to grow up and accept your failures and mistakes instead of blaming others. IS has nothing to do with Iran or Maliki or Shias, it was an off shoot of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad established by the great scumbag, Zarqawi and its Iraqi branch was activated from 2003.
If you guys didn't have Iran, who else would you blame for your problems?

The point is that you tried to blame all the mess in the region on 1 party which we all know is a stupidity and false. Every regional player has contributed to the mess. I know it and you know it. So quit the blame game especially as you are an Iranian. It's just stupid and embarrassing. I never claimed any innocence.

You fail to understand this thing. ISIS is an indigenous organization. Founded in Iraq and led by Iraqi leaders and a Iraqi chain of command. They operate in Iraq and Syria now.

Since when is Iraq and Syria KSA's or other Arab countries problem? Is Afghanistan Iran's problem? What about Tajikistan?

The rise of ISIS is due to the genocide of Al-Asshead in Syria (that you support) and the sectarian policies of Al-Maliki to a great extent.

ISIS as we know it today is only a few years old. It gained widespread fame after the Syrian civil war.

No GCC government has anything to do with ISIS. A few donors (this only make up 5% of the revenue of ISIS) from across the world is not going to change that or a few hundred volunteers (already outcasts and brainwashed) that are burning their passports.

ISIS and groups like that are not seen in stable and prosperous countries for a reason.

I'm not interested in excuses about why ISIS is created. IS was already there before even Maliki came to power as PM in 2006.

So if they start targeting you guys tomorrw, I'm totally justified to blame Saudi policies for their attacks?

I'm sick of people blaming Iran for everything that happens in ME, it's time to grow up and accept your failures and mistakes instead of blaming others. IS has nothing to do with Iran or Maliki or Shias, it was an off shoot of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad established by the great scumbag, Zarqawi and its Iraqi branch was activated from 2003.
If you guys didn't have Iran, who else would you blame for your problems?

If there was not an Iran? Unthinkable for them. Iran is what gives them a sense of purpose, and something to rally against.
All these nurses are malayalis.They expressed their expereince in malayalam.And can only find in our local papers and medias.
I know it is hard to believe.That is why we are almost certain they are under instruction from some of most powerful supporters in Arab Region.Another chance is our Govt might gave them money.Still we dont know.
Another possibility Indian agencies have tie up with former Iraq Army officers during Saddam Regime who now are also a part of ISIS.Any way there is some reason.

Bangladeshi nurses did not opt to return and now working for ISIS government. ;)
The point is that you tried to blame all the mess in the region on 1 party which we all know is a stupidity and false. Every regional player has contributed to the mess. I know it and you know it. So quit the blame game especially as you are an Iranian. It's just stupid and embarrassing. I never claimed any innocence.

You fail to understand this thing. ISIS is an indigenous organization. Founded in Iraq and led by Iraqi leaders and a Iraqi chain of command. They operate in Iraq and Syria now.

Since when is Iraq and Syria KSA's or other Arab countries problem? Is Afghanistan Iran's problem? What about Tajikistan?

The rise of ISIS is due to the genocide of Al-Asshead in Syria (that you support) and the sectarian policies of Al-Maliki to a great extent.

ISIS as we know it today is only a few years old. It gained widespread fame after the Syrian civil war.

No GCC government has anything to do with ISIS. A few donors (this only make up 5% of the revenue of ISIS) from across the world is not going to change that or a few hundred volunteers (already outcasts and brainwashed) that are burning their passports.

ISIS and groups like that are not seen in stable and prosperous countries for a reason.

When did I say ISIS is only KSA or Arab's fault? My answer was directed to @Aslan who said we are responsible for this, but I merely mentioned number of fighters that join them from both Iran and other Arab states as one aspect of the situation, not generalizing the whole mess to one country or group.
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