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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’


Ummah and Caliph are things of past. Ottoman experience taught us and still teaching us that multiculturalism is hell. Doesnt want to sound hysterical, but lost many family members during the crisis of dissolution of Ottoman Empire. Many other Turks may tell such stories.

I personally dont want anything with Arabs, Kurds, Armenians nor Greeks. We should have taken and integrated Syrian and Iraqi Turkmens long time ago. After then should have sealed the border. My feelings.

And to deny the existence of 20 million + Kurds inside Turkey is lunacy

I thought Turkey was secular. But I don't think you consider it secular. It is a fascist country by what you are describing. But I know Turkey is not a fascist state, and almost half the Sunni Sufi Scholars in Turkey are Kurds.
The Islamic world was at its strongest when we Arabs ruled the Caliphate for nearly 1000 years. Back then Muslims controlled land from Al-Andalus to Pakistan, Central Asia etc. The Muslim world was never more powerful, bigger or influential than during that period. Let alone the Islamic Golden Age which occurred at that time. The remaining time period was largely a shadow of its former self.

Sadly this Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is not a successor to those Caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and for Shia's the Fatimids). More like an evil cartoon character instead.

No, thanks not interested. Makkah and Madinah is controlled by its local inhabitants and will remain so.

I may not agree with this guy going around killing...But in no way is your tone about Arabs an better May I remind you:

“O People! listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers, fast during month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat (obligatory charity). Perform Hajj if you can afford to.“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly.Do not therefore do injustice to yourselves. Remember one day you will meet Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

-Prophet's last sermon...

Who will issue visa to such constantly rotating personalities?

The one who give visas will be the true rulers. Rest of that will remain just a show-Shaw
How hard is it to get a visa? esp if you will be (for the purpose of the argument) ruling or leading a large chunk of land?! That too when lots of it has oil!
And to deny the existence of 20 million + Kurds inside Turkey is lunacy

I thought Turkey was secular. But I don't think you consider it secular. It is a fascist country by what you are describing. But I know Turkey is not a fascist state, and almost half the Sunni Sufi Scholars in Turkey are Kurds.

Number 20 millions? Taken from Kurdish tawus bird worshipping separatists site?
Who will issue visa to such constantly rotating personalities?

The one who give visas will be the true rulers. Rest of that will remain just a show-Shaw

Nah we turning the Hejaz into Vatican city type setup. They will remain in Hejaz one from each country and the seat will rotate. :cheesy:

I don't see how stating well-known facts have anything to do with that.

Local Hijazis will not accept any foreign Muslim rule. Arabs in general (with good reason) already see themselves as inheritors of the Caliphate.

I doubt that anybody will accept foreign rule. Last time it happened little good came out of it.

There will be no Caliphate as we once knew it. This is an idiotic thread and discussion.

I for once will not accept foreign rule over Makkah and Madinah. Nor do I accept non-Arabs to accept Arab rule again for centuries.

Thus no Caliphate. Fair enough.
Mullah Omar also declare himself as Caliph.. now we have Bagdadi Caliph.. one has to be haramzada and the other has to be harami... will they fight each other to decide who is real harami or haramzada?

oh by the way.. will lal Masjid and our Deobandi Mullahs immigrate to that wahabi Caliphate?
Mullah Omar also declare himself as Caliph.. now we have Bagdadi Caliph.. one has to be haramzada and the other has to be harami... will they fight each other to decide who is real harami or haramzada?

oh by the way.. will lal Masjid and our Deobandi Mullahs immigrate to that wahabi Caliphate?

excellent catch. Yes, as you can see there are two caliphs now. And the important point is, they both are members of the same ideology.

Thanks for sharing.

Every new empire will control more. That's logical progression due to improved communication.

These days KSA is within the US empire. We may hate to accept it but it is a reality.

Old style empires of direct control are dead.

New empires with indirect rule are the way to go.

This is why I say it doesn't help to live in the past.

Thank you
Caliph is Barack Obama, advisor to Caliph is netanyahu.

Baghdadi is a puppet released from US prison.

I don't see how stating well-known facet have anything to do with that.
Even if it is a fact it is racist and against the last sermon...Are you followers of the Prophet and his sayings or of your own ego? - An honest question dont go all ninja on me...I am still fasting :(
Local Hijazis will not accept any foreign Muslim rule. Arabs in general (which good reason) already see themselves as inheritors of the Caliphate.
Yet they refuse to work...What they see themselves is as king and Caliph is not a King...He has no right on the national treasury nor is the wealth askewed in 1 man! And just coz Hijazis wont accept any foreigner then they should be quoted the last sermon and asked who was it for? Prophet knew how the Arabs would behave and left a warning...Do you not heed the warning then? Do you not follow your own prophet?
I doubt that anybody will accept foreign rule. Last time it happened little good came out of it.
For that I have this verse: and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.' (Surah Baqarah: 216)
There will be no Caliphate as we once knew it. This is an idiotic thread and discussion.
However it was predicted there will be victory of Islam...How can that be without a leader...I didnt say it had to be this guy...but there will be....
I for once will not accept foreign rule over Makkah and Madinah.
And again Prophet's last sermon should come to your mind as a Muslim to overcome ego ...that sermon was told to Arabs and asked to forward it...

No, that's Muqtadā al-Ṣadr.
Oh I was trying to figure out what you wrote...quick google helped ;)

yes. it is ethno fascist Arab vs. ajam debate.

Brother @al-Hasani said "We Arabs" ruled the world.

The reality is that modern day Saudi Arabia was dark place (intellectually and scientifically) even during those 1000 years.

All the science, progress, etc. was being done 100s if not 1000s of miles from modern day KSA.

Sorry to say that

Didn't mean to start an ethnic discussion during Ramzan.

Peace to you all.

Nah we turning the Hejaz into Vatican city type setup. They will remain in Hejaz one from each country and the seat will rotate. :cheesy:

Oh btw

have you ever travelled through Hijaz ( I mean outside Makkah madian Jaddah)?

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