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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’

Abu bakr ra was not elected. he was strong armed with the help of Umer ra.

Read Shibli Nomani's excellent book "Alfarooq".

Thank you

I am well aware of how things went down in terms of Abu Bakr RA nomination and have my own opinion on how things should have gone down but I think that such things are irrelevant today. :D
Good move!! It's about time all Muslims united around a "strong horse".
Please avoid personal attacks.

As I said, if you want to believe in fairy "tails",
Santa Clause, Ali Baba chalees chor, etc. Please be my guest.

no need to associate me with anyone that you abhor to begin with.

Happy Ramazan.

It is "tales" not tails :lol:

Don't try to preach to Muslims your non-Muslim beliefs. Be straight forward and open.

Most Pakistanis here are very open, straight forward, and honest.
Anyway my opinion on this is that this is the Khwarjis last gasp as they are tired of waiting around, the Shiites already went through this when they created the Vilayat Faqih system this is Khwarji answer and will be just as absurd as the former.
Caliphate cannot be declared by a group of terrorists.
The basic requirement of Islamic Caliphate is that it should have control of Makkah and Madinah,

So this guy can claim whatever he likes....

The problem is that the caliph is generally understood to be both the spiritual as well as temporal leader.

Actually the basic requirement is a shurah council of pious people (non existing today of course) who get recommendations and they choose based on that ...Or even voting..

1: Consensus (ijma'). The Sunnis say that the choice of caliph rests first and foremost on selection by the community, so that if the ummah elects a given individual as its leader, he must be accepted as such and his commands must be obeyed.

2: The second method consists of Consultation and the exchange of views among the prominent members of the community. Once they agree among themselves on the choice of a leader for the community, his caliphate becomes legitimate and it is incumbent on everyone to obey him.

3: The third method consists of the caliph nominating his own successor. This happened in the case of 'Umar, who was appointed caliph by Abu Bakr without any objection being raised by the Muslims.

Not the first time this century though:
In 2001, Osama bin Laden called upon Muslims to “establish the righteous caliphate of our ummah”, a man who would lead and organise the ummah. A Sunni, he would enforce a single Sharia. The bewilderingly many extant sects and schools of thought would have to vanish, either by persuasion or by coercion. Since Shias obviously cannot be persuaded, they (and others) would have to be subdued.
Please avoid personal attacks.

As I said, if you want to believe in fairy "tails",
Santa Clause, Ali Baba chalees chor, etc. Please be my guest.

no need to associate me with anyone that you abhor to begin with.

Happy Ramazan.

and please, don't insult the beliefs of Muslims. 99.9% or more of Pakistani Muslims believe in Imam Mahdi AS

if you do not respect the beliefs of other Muslim groups, refrain from insulting them

Ummah and Caliph are things of past. Ottoman experience taught us and still teaching us that multiculturalism is hell. Doesnt want to sound hysterical, but lost many family members during the crisis of dissolution of Ottoman Empire. Many other Turks may tell such stories.

I personally dont want anything with Arabs, Kurds, Armenians nor Greeks. We should have taken and integrated Syrian and Iraqi Turkmens long time ago. After then should have sealed the border. My feelings.
Good move!! It's about time all Muslims united around a "strong horse".

Sorry but the vast majority of us are fine the way we are. Lol at the "strong horse" comment though I do not think anyone would call Baghdadi a strong horse.
but I think that such things are irrelevant today. :D
The whole Khilafah Concept is irrelevant today.

Discussion of Khilafah is like proposing camel caravans for shipping goods from China to EU

Why someone asks?

Because this is how it was done in 750AD you say!

I am well aware of how things went down in terms of Abu Bakr RA nomination and have my own opinion on how things should have gone down :D
Off course that is intellectual discussion.

We should do this after Aftari and Taraveeh over hot cup of dhood patti (chai).

May peace be upon you and may peace prevail in the world during this holy month.

Ummah and Caliph are things of past. Ottoman experience taught us and still teaching us that multiculturalism is hell. Doesnt want to sound hysterical, but lost many family members during the crisis of dissolution of Ottoman Empire. Many other Turks may tell such stories.

I personally dont want anything with Arabs, Kurds, Armenians nor Greeks. We should have taken and integrated Syrian and Iraqi Turkmens long time ago. After then should have sealed the border. My feelings.

Don't worry mate I am not going to give these clowns Bayah. :lol: We Muslims cannot even properly run small nations how the hell will we manage a huge landmass it would be more chaos than we see today, no thank you.
Please avoid personal attacks.

As I said, if you want to believe in fairy "tails",
Santa Clause, Ali Baba chalees chor, etc. Please be my guest.

no need to associate me with anyone that you abhor to begin with.

Happy Ramazan.

imam Mendhi will have to come, he is not even born yet . so he will be leader who will revive islam to its original state , from where he will appear and how , all this information can be found in authenticated hadith .. well its not as fairy tale as so many peoples believe .. some peoples can deny and some peoples believe .. but what i fear that when he will appear , peoples will start fighting on his " firqa " some say he will shia , other will claim him to be sunni.. but i pray that difference between muslim will over soon
The whole Khilafah Concept is irrelevant today.

Discussion of Khilafah is like proposing camel caravans for shipping goods from China to EU

Why someone asks?

Because this is how it was done in 750AD you say!

Off course that is intellectual discussion.

We should do this after Aftari and Taraveeh over hot cup of dhood patti (chai).

May peace be upon you and may peace prevail in the world during this holy month.

My personal belief on the Khalifa is that we need a rotating body from amongst the 56 or 57 nations seated in Mecca. Every two years the "Caliph" will rotate. He will serve as our "pope" there to guide us but stay the hell out of political realm. This is the only way imo to remove the mad village mullahs from power.

For this to happen Saudis need to be kicked out of the Hijaz, they have already abused it enough as it is.

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