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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’

Mehdi Imam, big man, chief, president, pm, the guy etc. etc. etc.

aaaaalllll stories, made up by ordinary me, attributed to holy ones.
Christians believe in it, so do pagans, and so do some musalmaans.

The people will keep waiting for the prophecies and the chosen ones whilst the rest of the world will evolve and move on.
Know one thing my fellow countrymen and subcontinent origin muslims...who are so much in love with this outdated notion of "caliphate" and "ummah" that they get all emotional and ready to throw away their lives.......know one thing and one thing only....that in any future caliphate you will be 3rd class citizens.....you will be virtual(if not literal) slaves.....you will be looked down upon and laughed at. You will be abused by your arab "overlords" because of your origin.

Hate propaganda. One of main IS leaders is from Chechnia..
No. Altho Thailand is very nice country.

Well, I just remember you having the Thai flag and telling that you were from Thailand. But it does not matter.

It is indeed. The food especially.
Well, I just remember you having the Thai flag and telling that you were from Thailand. But it does not matter.

Yes, I picked the Thai flag, cause the flag of Tahweed was missing. I'm not a Thai. Been in Thailand and some other SEA countries tho. Originally I'm from Europe.
Chalo bhai sharia khilafat ka rona rony walo jao ab iraq apka dream wahaan poora ho ga. Khaleefa kibayeet karo or hum kaferoo ki jaan choro ab:yahoo::woot:
According to our beilifes Imam Mahdi [AAT] will kill enemies of Muslims in Hijaz and Arabia like his grandfather Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].

As well he will destroy enemies of Muslims in the whole world.then he will show some miracles to the people and all of the people will become Muslim. According to our hadiths 2 / 3 of people before his arrival will die by war.

Wahabis do not believe in Imam Mahdi and even say:If he really exist we want to be in Dajjal corps!

cut the weed , this time of crap is what have kept sunni and shia clowns slaughtering each other for the last 1000 years.
cut the weed , this time of crap is what have kept sunni and shia clowns slaughtering each other for the last 1000 years.

Idiot! Shia and Sunni never killed each other. two wars occurred in beginning of Islam at 1400... years ago in Iran and Arabia (first Arabs and then Iranian invaded Arabs). No war in history has occurred in name Sunni Shia and never Sunni and Shia has fought each other.Wahabis today kill people and suicide themselves between them , these thing has nothing to Shia and Sunni. These things is because of Najdi fatwas and has begun from Taliban in Afghanistan up to now.
Which criteria of Khilafat do you think they do not meet.
we believe the califs were not chosen by men but in a Hadith their name were told by the holy prophet .

Please do not spread untruths. What you are implying in 2014, is totally incorrect.

No Khalifa was ever "elected" in modern sense.

They all were "strong armed" men who got to rule. At best (if we ignore all the fiascos) they were benevolent dictators from 2014 POV.

Let's not make them more holy than they were.

Thank you.
Othman selected by a council but Abubakr and Imam Ali were selected by popular vote.
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The Islamic world was at its strongest when we Arabs ruled the Caliphate for nearly 1000 years. Back then Muslims controlled land from Al-Andalus to Pakistan, Central Asia etc. The Muslim world was never more powerful, bigger or influential than during that period. Let alone the Islamic Golden Age which occurred at that time. The remaining time period was largely a shadow of its former self.

Sadly this Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is not a successor to those Caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and for Shia's the Fatimids). More like an evil cartoon character instead.

No, thanks not interested. Makkah and Madinah is controlled by its local inhabitants and will remain so.
what 1000? year ? after Haroon Alrashid there was no Control over Iran

Many Shias do not even accept your 12th Imam but let us leave the religious angle of this, no body can live for 1000+ years that is just logic. :pop:
that's what we call WOW factor , something is Impossiible because I can't do that , by the wa how you explain the age of some of the prophets or Kahaf companion , here we are talking of how God tdo things not Humans .
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we believe the califs were not chosen by men but in a Hadith their name were told by the holy prophet .

That's incorrect. Mohammad pbuh did not leave the next in line.
This is why people got confused

and got divided into many groups.

However two groups emerged from this chaos.

one who supported Ali ra and the other supported Abu Bakar ra

The rest is hisotry, nay very bloody history.

Followers of Ali believed in blood lines, like Firowns and Romans believed in blood lines.
even though Islam came to rid the concept of blood lines.


Othman selected by a council but Abubakr and Imam Ali were selected by popular vote.

popular vote?

CAre to give a vote count? who got how many?

or that too was sham election like Sisi's


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