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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’

That's incorrect. Mohammad pbuh did not leave the next in line.
This is why people got confused

and got divided into many groups.

However two groups emerged from this chaos.

one who supported Ali ra and the other supported Abu Bakar ra

The rest is hisotry, nay very bloody history.

Followers of Ali believed in blood lines, like Firowns and Romans believed in blood lines.
even though Islam came to rid the concept of blood lines.

popular vote?

CAre to give a vote count? who got how many?

or that too was sham election like Sisi's

we believe he didn't left Islamic community without somebody to take care of it.

and let just say the power of the ones who voted for AbuBakr were greater than the ones who voted for Imam Ali.
we believe he didn't left Islamic community without somebody to take care of it.
no written record. Just rumors. Sorry to say.

and let just say the power of the ones who voted for AbuBakr were greater than the ones who voted for Imam Ali.
You said "popular vote".
Please stick with your own terminology.
No use to hijack modern terms in order to legitimize tribal power struggle.

Thank you
no written record. Just rumors. Sorry to say.

You said "popular vote".
Please stick with your own terminology.
No use to hijack modern terms in order to legitimize tribal power struggle.

Thank you
I want to see the written records of when first time the holy prophet received the message of God. and also the rest of his life in Mecca before the migration
I want to see the written records of when first time the holy prophet received the message of God. and also the rest of his life in Mecca before the migration

Aghan Jaan

Quran is written record for the divine revelations.

rest of them are just stories, rumors, Alaf Lyla, Ali baba Chalees Chor stuff

Khuda Hafiz
Idiot! Shia and Sunni never killed each other. two wars occurred in beginning of Islam at 1400... years ago in Iran and Arabia (first Arabs and then Iranian invaded Arabs). No war in history has occurred in name Sunni Shia and never Sunni and Shia has fought each other.Wahabis today kill people and suicide themselves between them , these thing has nothing to Shia and Sunni. These things is because of Najdi fatwas and has begun from Taliban in Afghanistan up to now.

Wahabi is a term used by iran to label sunnis so as to hide their sectarian side . Currently Iran is engaged in a sectarian genocide on sunnis in both Syria and Iraq .

The current shit we have started from your shitty islamic revolution back in 1979 , before that time we never had issues with religion .
Wahabi is a term used by iran to label sunnis so as to hide their sectarian side . Currently Iran is engaged in a sectarian genocide on sunnis in both Syria and Iraq .

The current shit we have started from your shitty islamic revolution back in 1979 , before that time we never had issues with religion .

wahabis are killing people not Iran .
wahabis are killing people not Iran .

Yeah like the barrel bombs and shia sectarian militias in syria , well done .

Most civilians were killed by Assad army in syria especially his barrel bombs sent from iran .

A brainwashed clown like yourself will not feel until you get killed like those killed by your country .
Yeah like the barrel bombs and shia sectarian militias in syria , well done .

Most civilians were killed by Assad army in syria especially his barrel bombs sent from iran .

A brainwashed clown like yourself will not feel until you get killed like those killed by your country .

I have no problem with killing khawarij taliban and beheaders if u think they are right go fight for them.
In an audio recording distributed online, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al Sham (ISIS) declared its chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “the caliph” and “leader for Muslims everywhere”.

is this a joke? Nobody even heard of this guy until CNN and Al Jazeera reported about him

what a locust

r u dreaming???? they would be burned alive if they even take a step towards Jordan...

the only reason they succeed in iraq was due to the local population.....also credit goes to that Iranian puppets .

this is what happened when some one tried to cross jordan border with weapons


Pakistan has close military ties with the Jordanians...in the past when they faced insurgency by rebel groups we came to their help. Jordan faces a lot of threats and has been at the receiving end of a lot of fallout from wars in Iraq, Syria and Falasteen. We wont allow Jordan to fall.

Luckily geography is on your side, you dont share mountainous borders with your neighbours. Wish we were that fortunate.
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Pakistan has close military ties with the Jordanians...in the past when they faced insurgency by rebel groups we came to their help. Jordan faces a lot of threats and has been at the receiving end of a lot of fallout from wars in Iraq, Syria and Falasteen. We wont allow Jordan to fall.

Nothing for Jordan will happen, since Jordan is one states of USA.
is this a joke? Nobody even heard of this guy until CNN and Al Jazeera reported about him

what a locust

Pakistan has close military ties with the Jordanians...in the past when they faced insurgency by rebel groups we came to their help. Jordan faces a lot of threats and has been at the receiving end of a lot of fallout from wars in Iraq, Syria and Falasteen. We wont allow Jordan to fall.

Luckily geography is on your side, you dont share mountainous borders with your neighbours. Wish we were that fortunate.
Joke or not that man has more an area under his control which is bigger than many countries including some Muslim countries

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