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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’


Islam forbids nationalism of any kind and in his last speech the Prophet SAW stressed this point.

"An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood."

There is no Arab nationalism, Turkish Nationalism, Iranian Nationalism or Pakistani Nationalism in Islam.

Only he who fears Allah i.e. Mutaqqi is given preference.

The Caliphs asked the Arabs soldiers to intermarry among the local people after the conquests which resulted in cementing the relations between different peoples in Africa, Arabia, Turkey, Central Asia and India.

The enemies of Islam use their secret agents to make the tribes and sects fight with each other. Lawrence of Arabia is a case in point who raised the standard of Arab Nationalism.

Even now, the tribes in Afghanistan ie. Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks and Shias are being made to fight with each other. The sects in Pakistan and Iraq are fighting with each other. the Arabs and Berbers are fighting in Algeria. They have created a similar situation in Sudan among nomadic and agricultural people.

All of these nationalism are wrong and not allowed in Islam.

The Prophet SAW said

"O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray."
But for arabs rest of non arabs are inferior ...or miskeen .They deny but there act proves....
u prolly call him a Wahabi terrorist for destroying the Fatamid Caliphate :yay:
I don't have any special affection for Fatamids or Saladin, what I'm saying is, like every other human, he had mistakes too. So using him as an example is wrong.
I don't have any special affection for Fatamids or Saladin, what I'm saying is, like every other human, he had mistakes too. So using him as an example is wrong.

I used his example as history repeats itself.

Before Israel can be attacked, leaders who defend Israel's borders, must go. Syria, Jordan,...

Agree? Because some rockets from Gaza will not do the trick.
I used his example as history repeats itself.

Before Israel can be attacked, leaders who defend Israel's borders, must go. Syria, Jordan,...

Agree? Because some rockets from Gaza will not do the trick.

What a great plan: Exterminate and massacre Muslims in neighboring countries to fight Israel. Guess what? They haven't been able to kill even one Israeli yet, but nearly 200,000 of other Muslims have been killed.
What a great plan: Exterminate and massacre Muslims in neighboring countries to fight Israel. Guess what? They haven't been able to kill even one Israeli yet, but nearly 200,000 of other Muslims have been killed.

Your friend Assad with Iranian help massacres Muslims on a daily basis. But somehow IS would have killed double the figures of the syria civil war combined. Why don't u make it 3 million, joker?
Some countries have more nationalism, some less. All of us should strive to be part of ever expanding Ummah instead of contracting
Your friend Assad with Iranian help massacres Muslims on a daily basis. But somehow IS would have killed double the figures of the syria civil war combined. Why don't u make it 3 million, joker?
I also included casualties in both Syria and Iraq, because these scums are also fighting in these 2 countries.
I also included casualties in both Syria and Iraq, because these scums are also fighting in these 2 countries.

Still a fabulous lie and joke, your numbers. IS only entered Syria last year.

Assad killed many unarmed muslim civilians with his barrel bombs, skud missiles,... Nice try trying to blame IS for it.
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ISIS bigger threat to Israel than Iran: Mossad chief

“This is a worrisome problem for Israel...This organization is here to stay. They embrace the public like [Israeli ultra-Orthodox party] Shas does, with a welfare and education system. Hamas is a lightweight organization by comparison,” the report quoted Padro as saying.

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ابراهيم القصاص نائب تونسي يبايع أمير المؤمنين البغدادي وسط جلسة مجلس الشعب! وسط دهشه الحكومه ...

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