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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’

Cudos to the militairy strategists of the Islamic State.

Al-Qaeda’s Seven Point Plan

# The First Phase Known as “the awakening” — this has already been carried out and was supposed to have lasted from 2000 to 2003, or more precisely from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington to the fall of Baghdad in 2003. The aim of the attacks of 9/11 was to provoke the US into declaring war on the Islamic world and thereby “awakening” Muslims. “The first phase was judged by the strategists and masterminds behind al-Qaida as very successful,” writes Hussein. “The battle field was opened up and the Americans and their allies became a closer and easier target.” The terrorist network is also reported as being satisfied that its message can now be heard “everywhere.”

# The Second Phase “Opening Eyes” is, according to Hussein’s definition, the period we are now in and should last until 2006. Hussein says the terrorists hope to make the western conspiracy aware of the “Islamic community.” Hussein believes this is a phase in which al-Qaida wants an organization to develop into a movement. The network is banking on recruiting young men during this period. Iraq should become the center for all global operations, with an “army” set up there and bases established in other Arabic states.

# The Third Phase This is described as “Arising and Standing Up” and should last from 2007 to 2010. “There will be a focus on Syria,” prophesies Hussein, based on what his sources told him. The fighting cadres are supposedly already prepared and some are in Iraq. Attacks on Turkey and — even more explosive — in Israel are predicted. Al-Qaida’s masterminds hope that attacks on Israel will help the terrorist group become a recognized organization. The author also believes that countries neighboring Iraq, such as Jordan, are also in danger.

# The Fourth Phase Between 2010 and 2013, Hussein writes that al-Qaida will aim to bring about the collapse of the hated Arabic governments. The estimate is that “the creeping loss of the regimes’ power will lead to a steady growth in strength within al-Qaida.” At the same time attacks will be carried out against oil suppliers and the US economy will be targeted using cyber terrorism.

# The Fifth Phase This will be the point at which an Islamic state, or caliphate, can be declared. The plan is that by this time, between 2013 and 2016, Western influence in the Islamic world will be so reduced and Israel weakened so much, that resistance will not be feared. Al-Qaida hopes that by then the Islamic state will be able to bring about a new world order.

# The Sixth Phase Hussein believes that from 2016 onwards there will a period of “total confrontation.” As soon as the caliphate has been declared the “Islamic army” it will instigate the “fight between the believers and the non-believers” which has so often been predicted by Osama bin Laden.

# The Seventh Phase This final stage is described as “definitive victory.” Hussein writes that in the terrorists’ eyes, because the rest of the world will be so beaten down by the “one-and-a-half billion Muslims,” the caliphate will undoubtedly succeed. This phase should be completed by 2020, although the war shouldn’t last longer than two years.
the terms khilafat and khalifah are pretty vague .. mullah Omer must be hurt... on the birth of his rival.. lolzz
Know one thing my fellow countrymen and subcontinent origin muslims...who are so much in love with this outdated notion of "caliphate" and "ummah" that they get all emotional and ready to throw away their lives.......know one thing and one thing only....that in any future caliphate you will be 3rd class citizens.....you will be virtual(if not literal) slaves.....you will be looked down upon and laughed at. You will be abused by your arab "overlords" because of your origin.

Look down on us, huh we look down on them, we are people of great empires and history, how can you even compare a sand jigga to us.
Look down on us, huh we look down on them, we are people of great empires and history, how can you even compare a sand jigga to us.

Many ppl here have misconceptions .. Yesterday some arabi khar was telling me how we are "wannabe" Persian,Arab or Turk .. Which is pretty fukin retarded.. We are proud of our identity and our cultures .. We better die than be called arab, or indian .. Etc.
Many ppl here have misconceptions .. Yesterday some arabi khar was telling me how we are "wannabe" Persian,Arab or Turk .. Which is pretty fukin retarded.. We are proud of our identity and our cultures .. We better die than be called arab, or indian .. Etc.

Unfortunately Jahiliyya Arab thought is cuz of all unrests in your country.
Many ppl here have misconceptions .. Yesterday some arabi khar was telling me how we are "wannabe" Persian,Arab or Turk .. Which is pretty fukin retarded.. We are proud of our identity and our cultures .. We better die than be called arab, or indian .. Etc.

Just a Pakistani just a Khilji, Nothing compares to the above.

Our hero are people like Hulaku Khan, who showed these people who are superior along with the Othmans, great Sons of Asia.
Look down on us, huh we look down on them, we are people of great empires and history, how can you even compare a sand jigga to us.
My friend, say this on one of their airports when you have a job there.
There are no arab and non-arab lands. there are only Muslim lands
Secondly middle east has been ruled by Ottomans for centuries

Ottoman Qadi - islamic justice based on Islam i.e Quran, Sunnah, Ijmah, Qiyas

Islam forbids nationalism of any kind and in his last speech the Prophet SAW stressed this point.

"An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood."

There is no Arab nationalism, Turkish Nationalism, Iranian Nationalism or Pakistani Nationalism in Islam.

Only he who fears Allah i.e. Mutaqqi is given preference.

The Caliphs asked the Arabs soldiers to intermarry among the local people after the conquests which resulted in cementing the relations between different peoples in Africa, Arabia, Turkey, Central Asia and India.

The enemies of Islam use their secret agents to make the tribes and sects fight with each other. Lawrence of Arabia is a case in point who raised the standard of Arab Nationalism.

Even now, the tribes in Afghanistan ie. Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks and Shias are being made to fight with each other. The sects in Pakistan and Iraq are fighting with each other. the Arabs and Berbers are fighting in Algeria. They have created a similar situation in Sudan among nomadic and agricultural people.

All of these nationalism are wrong and not allowed in Islam.

The Prophet SAW said

"O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray."
Don't hold your hopes high, these cowards will not raise a finger towards Israel or Jerusalem. The only thing they know is killing Muslims.

Saladin fought against Muslims as well, before he recaptured Palestina.

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