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S Arabia financing ISIL terrorists: Iraq Cabinet


A session of the Iraqi cabinet (file photo)

The Iraqi government has once again blamed Saudi Arabia for a rise in bloodshed and terrorist attacks in the country.

The Iraqi cabinet said in a statement that Riyadh is supporting and financing the Takfiri militants of the ISIL.

It added that the Arab kingdom must be held responsible for the crimes committed at the hands of the insurgents.

"We strongly condemn this stance," the statement read, adding, "The Saudi government should be held responsible for the dangerous crimes committed by these terrorist groups."

"We hold it (Saudi Arabia) responsible for what these groups are receiving in terms of financial and moral support," the statement added.

On Monday, Riyadh rejected Baghdad’s accusations and blamed Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for what it called “pursuing sectarian policies”.

According to the Iraqi government, Saudi Arabia’s comments are a further indication of Saudis’ siding with the terrorists.

Meanwhile, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has informed UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that Riyadh must be held accountable for the recent wave of terrorist attacks having claimed thousands of lives in Iraq.

On June 10, the ISIL militants took control of Mosul, which was followed by the fall of Tikrit, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) northwest of the capital, Baghdad. Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced out of their homes since that time.

The ISIL militants have vowed to continue their raid toward the capital, Baghdad. Al-Maliki has said the country’s security forces would confront the terrorists, calling the seizure of Mosul and some other towns by militants a “conspiracy.”

The Iraqi premier has blamed Saudi Arabia and Qatar for the security crisis and growing terrorism in his country, denouncing Riyadh as a major supporter of global terrorism.

PressTV - S Arabia financing ISIL terrorists: Iraq Cabinet
Well they have to blame some one for their incompetencies.
Looks like the ultra-conservative wing of Iran's government is not happy about the thawing relations with the West, so they keep releasing more and more ridiculous nonsense through their media outlets, such as PressTV.
It's Maliki's sectarian politics that has created this whole mess!! Unfortunately he doesn't have an army to back him up either. So the only way out for him, when Baghdad falls will be to run off somewhere!

The truth is that Iraq since it came into existence in 1920 on paper (officially becoming independent in 1932) has been nothing more than trouble for the region outside of a successful period in the late 1960's and most of the 1970's due to the oil wealth and relative (you still had the Kurds roaming wild, border disputes, numerous could d'état, political oppression and rivalry etc.) stability. Not only the region as a whole but for the people themselves. It's time to divide the country into 2 or 3 parts. The current makeup is a huge failure and has always been that. The only reason why it never erupted was due to brutal dictators such as Saddam etc. Even before the creation of Iraq that place was full of infighting. The sacking of Baghdad, Battle of Karbala, earlier as well etc.

It's ironic that the Sunni-Shia schism happened in what is now Iraq 1400 years ago as well……Puts the current events into perspective.

It's a shame but it's hard to escape from all that. Might change in the future though. But it's a big mess and I doubt that it will change much.

Might read the memoirs and sayings of al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf ath-Thaqafī - the governor of what is now Iraq as well.
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ISIL, Israel plot to save Zionists: Iran cmdr.


Iran’s Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi

The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a plot by the Israeli regime to drive away revolutionary forces from Israeli borders and provide a safe haven for the Zionists, a high-ranking Iranian military commander says.

“The government, army and Muslim and revolutionary people of Iraq can strengthen the Iraqi revolution… through unity and solidarity,” Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said on Tuesday.

He added that the US, which is now angry with the result of Iraq’s elections, was founder of terrorist groups.

The US aims through any kind of military intervention in Iraq to foil the positive result of the country’s elections, the Iranian commander said, adding, “They are still an ally to supporters of terrorists in the region.”

On April 30, Iraq held parliamentary elections - its first nationwide polls since the US troops withdrew in 2011 - despite threats by al-Qaeda-linked militants to ruin the election process.

Iraq’s electoral commission put the turnout from the elections at about 60 percent. Results from the vote showed that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law alliance had won the largest share of votes, garnering 92 out of 328 parliamentary seats.

Firouzabadi further called on the Iraqi people to remain united to suppress the ISIL Takfiri militants.

Iraqi forces continue the battle against the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group. The terrorists are advancing in the country, threatening to take their acts of violence to several Iraqi cities, including the capital, Baghdad.

PressTV - ISIL, Israel plot to save Zionists: Iran cmdr.
Well, Baathist rule the country for many decade , it will take time to accept democracy . Iraqi shia and sunni should realize, that Iraq is their country, end of day they have to live togather , have no choice. Both should kick out foreign elements from their house. People should learn from Pakistan, today every Pakistani stand up against extremism and stand behind Pakistan army. Pakistan been suffered from these foreign element, recent attack on Karachi airport.


Christian civilians stand outside the Church of the Virgin Mary in the northern town of Bartala, on June 15, 2012, east of the northern city of Mosul.
The European Union Special Representatives (EUSR) in Iraq said on Monday that terrorists belonging to the Al-Qaeda-offshoot group of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have torched several churches in northern city of Mosul and raped at least five women.
The churches are the only Christian houses of worship that serve the city’s Christian population, Alsumaria news network reported.

The fighters invaded the churches, destroyed all crosses, burned the altars, and caused severe damage to the properties.

The fighters raised the flag of ISIL (a variation of Al-Qaeda’s flag) atop the churches and then proceeded to torch them.

The European Union Special Representatives have also reported that ISIL blockaded the streets and raped at least five women.

Local residents have left their houses on fear of more rids by the ISIL terrorists, the EU watchdog added.

U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville also on Friday highlighted disturbing reports including the suicide of four women after being raped by ISLI militants.

He said his office had reports the killings included the execution of dozens of civilians working for the police and a court employee in central Mosul by ISIL militants.

Four women had killed themselves after being raped or forced to marry ISIL militants, 16 Georgians had been kidnapped, and prisoners released by the militants had been looking to exact revenge on those responsible for their incarceration, he added.

The UN's human rights chief also expressed alarm on Friday at reports of extrajudicial killings and summary executions in Iraq as militants advance across the north, warning that civilians were particularly at risk.
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