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ISIL Discussions

They came through Syria, now all quit crying.
Fucking drama and brainless monkeys we have on this website
Please respect our intellect. The Saudi-Iraq border is sealed. The so called ISIL reached to Iraq through Syria everyone one knows it. You guys are completely brainwashed by the wannabe Arab Mullah propaganda machine like Piss Tv, Al-Manar, Al-Aalam and so on. Not to mention Your Mullah censorship polices that are making you roaming in your own world.
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Well, Baathist rule the country for many decade , it will take time to accept democracy . Iraqi shia and sunni should realize, that Iraq is their country, end of day they have to live togather , have no choice. Both should kick out foreign elements from their house. People should learn from Pakistan, today every Pakistani stand up against extremism and stand behind Pakistan army. Pakistan been suffered from these foreign element, recent attack on Karachi airport.

Even when they were not ruling there were ethnic, sectarian and political problems. The formation of Iraq was always doomed to be a failure. It has been the most chaotic state in the ME for the past 100 years. That really should say all that is needed. It's not even a country anymore. Kurdistan is more or less fully independent. Meaning all the mountainous areas.

The problem is that both Sunnis and Shia want to rule and since people in that country do not know anything other than fierce rule and brutality they always want to oppress the opposition. If there was a clear majority of 1 sect there would not be such problems.

Now I will get a horde of idiotic Farsis claiming that everything under Maliki was fine and no oppression, marginalization, brutality, failed policies etc. took place contrary to all the proofs and facts.

Anyway that failed government should stop blaming others for their enormous failures and idiotic policies. Those idiots are still using fake bomb detectors 8 years after it was proven to be hoax. What do you expect from them? They have blamed everybody. KSA, Qatar, Turkey, earlier Syria, Kuwait and the Mullah's as well under a different leadership.

The solution is to seal off your borders. The monkeys who want to join the show on either sides cannot be fully stopped though.

Even when they were not ruling there were ethnic, sectarian and political problems. The formation of Iraq was always doomed to be a failure. It has been the most chaotic state in the ME for the past 100 years. That really should say all that is needed. It's not even a country anymore. Kurdistan is more or less fully independent. Meaning all the mountainous areas.

The problem is that both Sunnis and Shia want to rule and since people in that country do not know anything other than fierce rule and brutality they always want to oppress the opposition. If there was a clear majority of 1 sect there would not be such problems.

Now I will get a horde of idiotic Farsis claiming that everything under Maliki was fine and no oppression, marginalization, brutality, failed policies etc. took place contrary to all the proofs and facts.

Anyway that failed government should stop blaming others for their enormous failures and idiotic policies. Those idiots are still using fake bomb detectors 8 years after it was proven to be hoax. What do you expect from them? They have blamed everybody. KSA, Qatar, Turkey, earlier Syria, Kuwait and iran as well under a different leadership.

The solution is to seal off your borders. The monkeys who want to join the show on either sides cannot be fully stopped though.

"oppression, marginalization, brutality, failed policies" This is the root of the unrest!
Trolling on this forum is NOT a good idea!
Again, false news coming out of Iran. With Iranians promoting it. They're saying they need propaganda to win this war. Meaning they aren't willing to make political adjustments to suit the whole population of Iraq and want to continue with their supremacy against Sunni's. These people are sick.

Muslims aren't supposed to go on such websites, that's your thing keep it to yourself and go get married.

Its interesting to see you two blaming others in this forum .

Hazy , I'm sure I'm not famous for being troll in this site and that's why I've never been banned after 2 years .

But since you accused me again , I need to remind you that you accused me of lying and posting propaganda about execution of shias a few days ago , The next day dozens of other people posted that with pictures .

You're doing it again which might embarrass you next days .

At least 4 women have killed themselves in Mosul for forcible marriage lately .
I would wait for more credible links. If true they will appear somewhere authentic.
That's not the case, they just people to believe that this is a struggle against Israel/US. Even though Iraq was asking for US support and Iran was willing to cooperate. It goes against the narrative. So they want their people to think it's not that way.

There's no 'ultra-conservative' people in Iran. That conservative stuff happens between them and Sunni's.
It's very simple. Every evil thing in Middle East has to be connected with West or Israel only then people will be motivated to fight or do whatever they want.
"oppression, marginalization, brutality, failed policies" This is the root of the unrest!

Now the STATE (yes the state) have reactivated all those Shia terrorist groups sponsored by Mullahistan. That will help for sure.:lol: Solving one problem by creating another.


Look at all the religious Shia flags. Great way to deal with and prevent sectarianism. Even the army which is supposed to be fully neutral has used sectarian speech and symbols before entering majority Sunni areas. This surely also creates trust I would say. Great policies. Keep using those fake bomb detectors as well and sending Shia terrorists to Syria by the hundreds each month and then having the audacity to cry about sectarianism or "foreign interference". It's fine when the big daddy and holy cow in Mullahistan is dictating.
Even when they were not ruling there were ethnic, sectarian and political problems. The formation of Iraq was always doomed to be a failure. It has been the most chaotic state in the ME for the past 100 years. That really should say all that is needed. It's not even a country anymore. Kurdistan is more or less fully independent. Meaning all the mountainous areas.

The problem is that both Sunnis and Shia want to rule and since people in that country do not know anything other than fierce rule and brutality they always want to oppress the opposition. If there was a clear majority of 1 sect there would not be such problems.

Now I will get a horde of idiotic Farsis claiming that everything under Maliki was fine and no oppression, marginalization, brutality, failed policies etc. took place contrary to all the proofs and facts.

Anyway that failed government should stop blaming others for their enormous failures and idiotic policies. Those idiots are still using fake bomb detectors 8 years after it was proven to be hoax. What do you expect from them? They have blamed everybody. KSA, Qatar, Turkey, earlier Syria, Kuwait and iran as well under a different leadership.

The solution is to seal off your borders. The monkeys who want to join the show on either sides cannot be fully stopped though.

Iraq is land of over 600 registered tribes. God knows how to make peace between them. In such scenario all arab countries should follow KSA pattern, where no place for any foreign elements, if someone cross the limit , they deal with bullet.

"oppression, marginalization, brutality, failed policies" This is the root of the unrest!
Democracy recently arrived in middle east. It will take time, but its best solution to bring harmony in different sections of society. Otherwise countries turn into Tutsi vs Hutu culture.
Its interesting to see you two blaming others in this forum .

Hazy , I'm sure I'm not famous for being troll in this site and that's why I've never been banned after 2 years .

But since you accused me again , I need to remind you that you accused me of lying and posting propaganda about execution of shias a few days ago , The next day dozens of other people posted that with pictures .

You're doing it again which might embarrass you next days .

At least 4 women have killed themselves in Mosul for forcible marriage lately .

Bullcrap, unlike you I can read Arabic and they are Shia/Iranian sources citing 'Jihad Nikah' once again trying to demonize Sunni Muslims.

NO marriages even took place, take your crap propaganda and put it where it belongs. Stop spreading offensive misinformation which hurts all Muslims.
Iraq is land of over 600 registered tribes. God knows how to make peace between them. In such scenario all arab countries should follow KSA pattern, where no place for any foreign elements, if someone cross the limit , they deal with bullet.

First of all tribalism has no function anymore other than cultural, ancestral and historical. Only in some areas do tribal heads have any social influence. So tribes have nothing to do with it. You have Arab tribes in Iraq (Shammar, Bani Khalid, Malik, Tamim etc.) who are both Sunni and Shia and they have no problems with each other and enjoy close cooperation. At least this was the case historically and still is by large.

This is about the lust for power and the use of sectarianism to gain that power. Iraq will always be dominated and influenced by neighbors. That's the bad luck of Iraq and the Iraqi people. Too many countries have their interests there. All this is not helping.

But the biggest problem is that people have not known anything other than oppression, violence and fierce rule. This is not healthy. Imagine what all that conflict and wars have created of problems among ordinary people. Most are filled with hatred. It's not all their fault and some of it is the fault of outsiders. But you can't escape all that.

The ISIS is obviously worse than Al-Maliki (undoubtedly) and I don't consider them Muslims or sane people but no way are they the only problem. Maliki's regime is a problem in itself. Then you have the Kurdish factor. The Kurds are laughing since all of this unrest fits into their plan of carving out as much Iraqi Arab land as possible never to return it.

When the ISIS retards are gone the Kurdish problem will be even more visible and a possible war over territories, water resources etc. will be next. But the question is whether that will be against an Iraq as we know it today. Or whether the Shia Arabs in the South will give a **** about some Kirkuk while they are feeding the country already (oil wealth).

In short the country is screwed.
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Iraqi men who volunteered to join the fight against a major offensive by ISIL in northern Iraq climb on an army truck outside a recruiting center in the capital Baghdad on June 13, 2014.

Thousands of Sunni Muslims have flocked to recruiting centers throughout Iraq to join the battle against the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists, heeding a call to arms by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani.
As Iraqi army, along with volunteer militia, has stepped up its counter-attack against ISIL militants, the number of Sunni volunteers rushing to recruiting centers has gone up.

Volunteers formed human chains outside several recruiting centers in the capital Baghdad and other cities in a show of unity and solidarity with the Shia Muslims.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Iraqi tribal members as well as clerics in the holy city of Najaf in southern Iraq held rallies to express their support for the army’s fight against terrorists.

As the number of volunteers rises, several new recruiting centers have been set up across Iraq.

Basra governorate has allocated 40 million Iraqi dinar to equip volunteers fighting against ISIL terrorists, a provincial official said.

A senior provincial official in Basra estimated that more than one million citizens will volunteer to join the fight against terrorists.

On June 10, ISIL militants took control of Mosul, which was followed by the fall of Tikrit, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) northwest of the capital, Baghdad. Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced out of their homes since then.

The ISIL militants have vowed to continue their raid toward the capital Baghdad, but Iraqi forces and around 1.5 million volunteers succeeded in halting the terrorists’ advance and pushing the militants back.
Again No source? Whats wrong with you?
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