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ISIL Discussions

They aren't supported by either you're correct. I still can't understand how they're making advances like this with small numbers.
There is no opposition..The Iraqi army fled...
Rand Paul: US arming ISIS terrorists

Senator Rand Paul said the US government has been arming ISIS militants in Syria and funding its allies.

US Republican Senator Rand Paul has accused the US government of arming the terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS).

Paul has told NBC News’s ‘Meet the Press’ that the US government has been funding ISIS's allies and supporting the terrorist group in Syria.

“They're emboldened because we've been supporting them … It could be Assad [could have] wiped these people out months ago,” the Kentucky senator said.

“I personally believe that this group would not be in Iraq and would not be as powerful had we not been supplying their allies in the war.”

Rand said that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two major Persian Gulf allies of the US, have been funding the terrorist group.

“We should prevent [ISIS] from exporting terror but I'm not so sure where the clear-cut American interest is,” Paul added.

Earlier this week, an independent news website, WND, reported that ISIS members have been trained by the CIA at a secret base in Jordan in 2012 to fight the Syrian government.

There were also reports by the Reuters and the British newspaper and, The Guardian, that the US, Britain and France provided training to Syrian insurgents.

Meanwhile, Turkey’s main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) accused the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) that the government provided logistical, military, and medical support to ISIS militants fighting the Syrian regime.

CHP Deputy Chairman Muharrem Ince revealed that an ISIS commander, Abu Muhammad, had received medical treatment at the Hatay State Hospital on April 16, 2014.

“The date is April 16, 2014. This is the Hatay State Hospital. This is one of the ISIL commanders. His name is known. I call the Health Ministry to respond to this and call on it to release the patient records at the hospital on this date,” Ince told reports.

Another top-ranking opposition party official, Ihsan Ozkes who is CPH Istanbul deputy charged that al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front militants have received medical treatment at guesthouses run by Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate (DIB) in Turkey under the supervision of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT).

PressTV - Rand Paul: US arming ISIS terrorists

ISIL, US project to subjugate Mideast: Analyst

The ongoing offensive by the Takfiri militants in Iraq is the continuation of the US project to dominate the Persian Gulf region, an analyst writes for Press TV.

“[US] neoconservatives had long sought to dominate the Persian Gulf and use it as a launch pad in their grand strategy of global dominance… Sectarian division eliminated resistance to the plan. The ISIL is that continuation,” Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich wrote in a column for the Press TV website.

The analyst’s comments come against the backdrop of acts of terror by the so-called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq.

She said the ISIL activities “would also justify” the US presence for combating “terrorists” with a view to dominating the “Persian Gulf region as planned.”

Sepahpour-Ulrich said the US and its allies initially armed the “ISIL terrorists in Syria” to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad and “drag Iran (and Hezbollah) into this quagmire with the intention of bleeding all sides.”

"But Iran and Syria were only part of the equation. America had global designs,” wrote the analyst.

Sepahpour-Ulrich said Washington has long used “terrorism” as its “weapon of choice.”

The ISIL militants have overrun most of one province and parts of three others north of Baghdad. The terrorists also captured four cities as well as a border crossing with Syria during Friday and Saturday clashes in Anbar Province.

Days ago, Iraq’s top Shia cleric, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, called for the people to join the battle against the terrorists and defend the country. Iraqi media say more than two million people have so far voiced their readiness to join the fight.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has repeatedly blamed Saudi Arabia and Qatar for the security crisis and growing terrorism in his country, and denounced the Al Saud regime as a major supporter of global terrorism.

PressTV - ISIL, US project to subjugate Mideast: Analyst
Iraqi Mujahideen arrest an American puppet 'judge' who 'sentenced' Saddam Hussein to death - Kavkazcenter.com

Iraq victim of imperialistic crusaderism: Analyst

Interview with political commentator Randy Short

Press TV has conducted an interview with political commentator Dr. Randy Short to discuss the current events unfolding in Iraq.

Below is an approximate transcription of the interview:

Press TV: Dr. Short in your perspective, why is Washington continuing to say that there needs to be a government change in Baghdad when a parliamentary election was held and Prime Minister Nouri Maliki party actually won?

Short: Yes. Well, the United States is deeply stained by the ISIL or ISIS. This is basically a force that allows a plausible deniability. They trained, funded and supported them via proxies in Jordan and Turkey, and they wished to dismember Iraq into three states. As well, this new fighting allows them to resume the conflict in Syria, another state that had a resounding election, success for the Baathist party of President Bashar al-Assad, so they don’t want to let go.

Press TV: Dr. Short, Mr. Nashashibi just mentioned the key word or the phrase of the day “the sectarian strife” and we are seeing this being mentioned a lot on the mainstream, if you want to call them, networks, and yet on the ground right now in Iraq, we see Shias, we see Sunnis, we see Kurds, we see Turkmens, all of them working together to try to fight ISIL. I’d like your take on this sir. Is what we are looking at sectarian?

Short: They are all represented in the government. We have projects like Blue Beam. We’ve had the CIA and other people Mockingbird get involved with the media. So, a lot of what we are fed is created in the Pentagon and Langley, or by the British intelligence MI6. We have journalists who are essentially covert spies who feed a lot of toxic information to the public. When you say it’s sectarian that would say that there are only Shia in the government. That is impossible. They had all kinds of people in the government of Iraq, the same way you have all kinds of people in the government of Syria. In fact, you have them in Iran. This is really an effort to smear Shia and to build up hatred.

This is part of a gang-counter-gang strategy that is being used by Mossad and all of them to make the different Muslim brothers and sisters fight each other and it is not going to succeed and they act as if Iraq is a theocratic state when it is a secular state still. If they elected to have theocracy that is still the will of the people, what difference does that make to Washington or London, what kind of government do the Iraqi people want for themselves?

Press TV: Let me get you in on this, because Mr. Nashashibi has just said the ISIL are killing Shias and Sunnis and Kurds, and anyone and everyone, basically, that they want to kill. So, if they are the main entities behind the violence that we are seeing take place in Iraq and are killing across the board, then does that not negate the sectarian factor, not that sectarianism may not exist, but that this is a war based on sectarianism?

Short: OK. There is a sectarian dimension, but it is not Muslim. It is called imperialistic crusaderism, masquerading behind perhaps some great alleged Abrahamic religions. This is a replay of people in other places seeking to divide up and to take from others. It is greed, is the religion of capitalist imperialists and which you see so many people, regardless of their religion dying.

And there are parties Mr. Nashashibi can’t say, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United States, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, and to some degree, Egypt, all of these parties that are partnered in the elites benefitting at the expense of most of the people, they are the ones guilty. And the manipulation of the media is to make Islam bad, to make Muslims bad, to make Shia sinister, to make Sunnis sinister, instead of looking at the wickedness that is perpetrated by a global system that needs oil, water, and warfare, and drugs to make huge profits.

That is what is at stake here and it does benefit, I differ with Mr. Nashashibi, dividing up Iraq allows for them to destabilize the whole region to the benefit of Israel and private corporations that want water, oil, drugs, and confusion. Follow the money. It’s not the people.

Press TV: Dr. Short, your take on that. We are looking at for example Iraq. As I mentioned earlier, it hasn’t been that long that there was a parliamentary election. Your take on what our guest in London has just said sir.

Short: Well, he’s giving it in a vacuum. Maliki is far more democrat than the dictator Saddam Hussein that the US supported. Syria is more a democracy than the dictatorship that the United States supported in Iran under the Shah. Dictatorships have facilitated the imperialism in the post-second World War era where Britain, the United States, and this so-called New World Order have facilitated having strong men that steal from their people whether it’s [Hosni] Mubarak, whether it’s Saddam Hussein or the Shah [of Iran], or for that matter Saudi Arabia. Those monarchies are leaders that enrich themselves at the expense of the masses of people as long as they support capitalism and are obedient to the West, they are not opposed. They only talk about human rights when they have leaders that stand up to them, whether they are democratic like [Mohamad] Mosaddegh or if they have a dictatorial streak. Look at what happened to Chavez.

PressTV - Iraq victim of imperialistic crusaderism: Analyst
There is no opposition..The Iraqi army fled...

the true Iraqi army did his job and gave Mousel to ISIS ... the real iraqi army are bathis and they did what they suppose to do , arm ISIS with more weapon ...

I don't know what drug Maliki used when he decided to accept Baathis in new iraqi army !?
The west always scapegoating the gulf states
'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback - Steve Clemons - The Atlantic

I don't know what drug Maliki used when he decided to accept Baathis in new iraqi army !?
The baathists were disbanded by the US administration and the Iraqi government that took over...Maliki did the same thing that "Saddam", playing the general , fired all the able and capable officers and replaced them by his cronies...For a brand new and super armed army, that is sad, very sad in the Iraq history...
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June 24, 2014

UK defence secretary in UAE to discuss ISIL threat

Philip Hammond, the UK defence secretary, is to visit the UAE and other Arabian Gulf countries to discuss the threat militant group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) poses to Iraq and the wider region.

Mr Hammond was due to arrive in the Gulf early Tuesday to meet foreign and defence ministers of the governments of the UAE and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar.

The two-day visit is seen by London as an opportunity to discuss the need for a political solution to the crisis in Iraq which is inclusive and representative of all Iraq’s communities.

The meetings with allies will again demonstrate the UK’s commitment to the security of Gulf countries, said a UK Government spokesman.

Speaking ahead of the visit, Mr Hammond said: “The UK is deeply concerned by the recent developments in Iraq and the gains made by ISIL. Although the UK is not planning a military intervention, we are committed to finding a long-term political solution.

“We remain committed to the security of the Gulf and want to reassure our friends and allies that we will do everything possible to support those who are working for a stable and democratic Iraqi state and to alleviate humanitarian suffering.

“As the Foreign Secretary [William Hague] and I have previously made clear, the response to these events must be led by the Iraqi government. We are urgently looking at ways to help the Iraqi government, for example with counter-terrorist expertise.”

UK defence secretary in UAE to discuss ISIL threat | The National
anyone considering ISIL thugs to be Soldiers of God, has some serious thinking to do. Do you guys want to welcome, thugs who crucify people for missing Friday prayers and carry out mass execution of POWs, into the fold. Muslim population needs to get its priorities right and so does the Iraqi government.
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