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Ishaq Dar Says that He Had 58 Meetings in 4 Days in USA

Not to take the thread off-topic, but the world is a terrible place:

"For a while she was a streetwalker in Italy (“That was horrible… I was scared of the other women as well as the clients. They were very, very tough characters”) and then she was forced to work in a series of brothels where men would pay €20 for a grubby, two-minute encounter. “It was just the way they operated,” Megan says. “They [the men] were queuing up outside. There were 10 to 15 rooms in the same place and it’s just… literally, you don’t stop… If I did 40 to 50 people, that would be nothing. It wasn’t enough.”

On one particular night, she says she had sex with 110 men before being violently sick
. The owner of that brothel closed up early when he saw how ill she was. “I thought that was decent of him,” Megan writes, “which shows just how distorted my sense of normality had become.”

Back on topic, as I said before, only fools and horses can be impressed with the claim made in the OP.
Eh horrible and sickening indeed. Another off topic, this is what a suppressed and exploited woman is, not those wearing hijab or making dinner for family.
Eh horrible and sickening indeed. Another off topic, this is what a suppressed and exploited woman is, not those wearing hijab or making dinner for family.

Moving back to the topic, one wonders if all the people came to meet Dar, or did he spend some time traveling between meetings as well? The numbers quoted in the OP would be difficult to rationalize for meetings at the level required for matters of such importance.
Moving back to the topic, one wonders if all the people came to meet Dar, or did he spend some time traveling between meetings as well? The numbers quoted in the OP would be difficult to rationalize for meetings at the level required for matters of such importance.
Well my take is the numbers of meeting in US or any where else are not going to solve the economic and political- economic issues of Pakistan. The recipe is very clear, get a bail out program and follow the terms with deep austerity measures, use the respite to perform reforms and let some head rolls (economically), inspire confidence in young and educated to invest in Pakistan while at the same time work to provide first-world level bureaucratic services to workers and investors in Pakistan, move away from state owned enterprises, show that Pakistan is a calm and stable country in which you can plan you business for next 10 years. Now who can or how can we bell the cat is the issue - one thing is clear Ishaq Dar with this hodge-podge unnatural political alliance wont do it and cant do it either.
Moving back to the topic, one wonders if all the people came to meet Dar, or did he spend some time traveling between meetings as well? The numbers quoted in the OP would be difficult to rationalize for meetings at the level required for matters of such importance.
Realistically, he had 8 meetings in 4 days and in each meeting, there were 7 or 8 participants around the conference room table. The minister has counted them as 58 meetings since there were, may be, 58 handshakes or exchange of business cards/QR Codes.
one thing is clear Ishaq Dar with this hodge-podge unnatural political alliance wont do it and cant do it either.

Neither these idiots, or those that will be installed next, will be able to deliver anything along the lines of what you suggest. Business as usual will remain.

Met the doorman at the hotel and shook his hand - counts as a meeting

15 meetings isn’t output - it’s inefficient.

What could he have accomplished in 4 good meetings instead of needing 15

What I am afraid of is that the doofus that Dar currently reports to will take the number of meetings as a yardstick of performance.
He is buying a lot of real estate and most meetings are private to park his haram money. Nothing good for Pakistan.
Neither these idiots, or those that will be installed next, will be able to deliver anything along the lines of what you suggest. Business as usual will remain.

What I am afraid of is that the doofus that Dar currently reports to will take the number of meetings as a yardstick of performance.
If that is their measurement of performance (which Pakistan still takes a key metric in work culture) then it will be.

It’s changing in startup (read under 40s) culture but only in the key urban and non government environments.

Time sheets are still the focus - not actual results
If that is their measurement of performance (which Pakistan still takes a key metric in work culture) then it will be.

It’s changing in startup (read under 40s) culture but only in the key urban and non government environments.

Time sheets are still the focus - not actual results

LOL. The good old emphasis on karawayee, and never the nataij. The more things change .... .... :D
LOL. The good old emphasis on karawayee, and never the nataij. The more things change .... .... :D
Those are there in urban grads - startups and otherwise . But its still very cultural- take the banning by Amazon of an entire Pakistani area because they are violating rules and engaging in illegal activities to take advantage of Amazon’s fulfillment facilities.

The focus isn’t to “lets work with them to follow the rules” - but lets break the system as quickly as possible to rake in as much as possible regardless of the impact on your own country’s reputation and the over Amazon small business ecosystem. And this isn’t about singular individuals but an entire society engaging in fraudulent practices for quick, fast short term gains to fill their pockets.. today.

That is all you need to know why Pakistan needs to fail and burn so either a cleanse happens or at least some good people can recoup and come out of its miserable criminal cultural malaise.
That is all you need to know why Pakistan needs to fail and burn so either a cleanse happens or at least some good people can recoup and come out of its miserable criminal cultural malaise.

I agree with your analysis, but while I may agree with the need you describe above, I also see no reason for it to actually happen. That is a pity and a relief at the same time.
I agree with your analysis, but while I may agree with the need you describe above, I also see no reason for it to actually happen. That is a pity and a relief at the same time.
I agree - those with wishful “Sri Lankas” happening forget that country is nearly 50% ahead in literacy and post LTTE fairly cohesive.
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