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Is ZERO even??

:mad: Why am I feeling ignored?:mad:
Fine next time you will also be tortured. :)

sms said:
Answer x=1151, y=120
How did you get this??

sms said:
To answer your question it's actualy called Pell's Equation. ...
I didn't know what it is called but I know for a fact that (a2 - b2) is always expanded as (a - b) (a + b).
I then had to find out the square root of 92. :)
I got x= 1 and y= 0....which I know is just one set of values which satisfies the equation.

Yes, zero is even, it satisfies the condition of being divisible by 2, with zero as a remainder.
Yeah for practical purposes zero can be called even.
I didn't know what it is called but I know for a fact that (a2 - b2) is always expanded as (a - b) (a + b).
I then had to find out the square root of 92. :)
I got x= 1 and y= 0....which I know is just one set of values which satisfies the equation.

Imagine every set of equation in a graph, and every point they pass through is a probable answer.
It's one of the solutions. Doesnt mean there cant be others. This particular equation has infinite many solutions, Brahmagupta solved it using the "Chakravala method"

Anyway here is a short history of the equation:
Pell's equation
What is chakravala method??

Imagine every set of equation in a graph, and every point they pass through is a probable answer.
I was just pondering over the other ways this equation could be solved.
And I am sure each method would give a diff answer as there are so many values that satisfy this equation.

Another great example of europeans usurping Indian invention... now they want copyright/patent on everything...
They 've our Vedas...and researches 're going on them.
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Why is the unit hyperbola being compressed vertically by a factor of √n being discussed here ? Whats so special about it ?
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Why is the unit hyperbola being compressed vertically by a factor of √n being discussed here ? Whats so special about it ?
Because we Indians solved it in year 600 ce and europeans took another 1000 years to get their head wrapped around it and claimed it theirs?
Because we Indians solved it in year 600 ce and europeans took another 1000 years to get their head wrapped around it and claimed it theirs?
Oh, now i get it. The problem is to find integer solution to this equation. We are to find the smallest possible integer values of x and y that satisfy this equation. In 600 ce there were no real numbers only positive integers. That indian guy found integers that satisfied this equation.
Well it is a formidable problem. One has to delve deep into number theory to solve it.
For real numbers its not a problem at all. We just have to substitute a number for x and get the corresponding value for y. But that way we will be dealing with decimals.
@rmi5 smallest possible integer values are sought!
View attachment 112660

the equation is easy but confused me because my answer was zero.Lol

found this video interesting.......
Is Zero Even? - Numberphile from Numberphile

@thesolar65 @Skull and Bones I wanted to know that if y = 0 then the number 92 in this equation can be replaced by any other number..isn't it???

courtesy: @Cherokee

Thank you, but now I think why I wasted so much time thinking about this problem?.... God, I have left math long ago!!...:hitwall: My every day job is to inquire how many rooms got occupied?, if the rooms are cleaned properly or not, shouting at room boys, cleaners, seeing whether teachers are coming in time or not, listening to complaint against teachers, cooks, complaints from students, parents etc.....:hitwall:.And at the end of the day "How much I made on that day?"....:D Tagging me in math related problems gives me inferiority complex...:D
Thank you, but now I think why I wasted so much time thinking about this problem?.... God, I have left math long ago!!...:hitwall: My every day job is to inquire how many rooms got occupied?, if the rooms are cleaned properly or not, shouting at room boys, cleaners, seeing whether teachers are coming in time or not, listening to complaint against teachers, cooks, complaints from students, parents etc.....:hitwall:.And at the end of the day "How much I made on that day?"....:D Tagging me in math related problems gives me inferiority complex...:D
You speak as if I'm some genius! :lol:

Btw what is it that you do??

Trust me I was always confused as to categorise zero as an even or not, after all zero means nothing.But then this video says it's even bcoz zero satisfies all the conditions. Lol!

Brahmagupta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This guy is a Genius boss. A real genius.​

Pell's equation
Brahmagupta went on to give a recurrence relation for generating solutions to certain instances of Diophantine equations of the second degree such as
(called Pell's equation) by using the Euclidean algorithm. The Euclidean algorithm was known to him as the "pulverizer" since it breaks numbers down into ever smaller pieces.[15]

The nature of squares:
18.64. [Put down] twice the square-root of a given square by a multiplier and increased or diminished by an arbitrary [number]. The product of the first [pair], multiplied by the multiplier, with the product of the last [pair], is the last computed.
18.65. The sum of the thunderbolt products is the first. The additive is equal to the product of the additives. The two square-roots, divided by the additive or the subtractive, are the additive rupas.[7]

See how west has taken it from us.




Brahmagupta (598–668 AD)

The great 7th Century Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta wrote some important works on both mathematics and astronomy. He was from the state of Rajasthan of northwest India (he is often referred to as Bhillamalacarya, the teacher from Bhillamala), and later became the head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain in central India. Most of his works are composed in elliptic verse, a common practice in Indian mathematics at the time, and consequently have something of a poetic ring to them.

It seems likely that Brahmagupta's works, especially his most famous text, the “Brahmasphutasiddhanta”, were brought by the 8th Century Abbasid caliph Al-Mansur to his newly founded centre of learning at Baghdad on the banks of the Tigris, providing an important link between Indian mathematics and astronomy and the nascent upsurge in science and mathematics in the Islamic world.

In his work on arithmetic, Brahmagupta explained how to find the cube and cube-root of an integer and gave rules facilitating the computation of squares and square roots. He also gave rules for dealing with five types of combinations of fractions. He gave the sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers as n(n + 1)(2n + 1)⁄ 6 and the sum of the cubes of the first n natural numbers as (n(n + 1)⁄2)².



Brahmagupta’s rules for dealing with zero and negative numbers

Brahmagupta’s genius, though, came in his treatment of the concept of (then relatively new) the number zero. Although often also attributed to the 7th Century Indian mathematician Bhaskara I, his “Brahmasphutasiddhanta” is probably the earliest known text to treat zero as a number in its own right, rather than as simply a placeholder digit as was done by the Babylonians, or as a symbol for a lack of quantity as was done by the Greeks and Romans.

Brahmagupta established the basic mathematical rules for dealing with zero (1 + 0 = 1; 1 - 0 = 1; and 1 x 0 = 0), although his understanding of division by zero was incomplete (he thought that 1 ÷ 0 = 0). Almost 500 years later, in the 12th Century, another Indian mathematician, Bhaskara II, showed that the answer should be infinity, not zero (on the grounds that 1 can be divided into an infinite number of pieces of size zero), an answer that was considered correct for centuries. However, this logic does not explain why 2 ÷ 0, 7 ÷ 0, etc, should also be zero - the modern view is that a number divided by zero is actually "undefined" (i.e. it doesn't make sense).

Brahmagupta’s view of numbers as abstract entities, rather than just for counting and measuring, allowed him to make yet another huge conceptual leap which would have profound consequence for future mathematics. Previously, the sum 3 - 4, for example, was considered to be either meaningless or, at best, just zero. Brahmagupta, however, realized that there could be such a thing as a negative number, which he referred to as “debt” as a opposed to “property”. He expounded on the rules for dealing with negative numbers (e.g. a negative times a negative is a positive, a negative times a positive is a negative, etc).

Furthermore, he pointed out, quadratic equations (of the type x2 + 2 = 11, for example) could in theory have two possible solutions, one of which could be negative, because 32 = 9 and -32 = 9. In addition to his work on solutions to general linear equations and quadratic equations, Brahmagupta went yet further by considering systems of simultaneous equations (set of equations containing multiple variables), and solving quadratic equations with two unknowns, something which was not even considered in the West until a thousand years later, when Fermat was considering similar problems in 1657.



Brahmagupta’s Theorem on cyclic quadrilaterals

Brahmagupta even attempted to write down these rather abstract concepts, using the initials of the names of colours to represent unknowns in his equations, one of the earliest intimations of what we now know as algebra.

Brahmagupta dedicated a substantial portion of his work to geometry and trigonometry. He established √10 (3.162277) as a good practical approximation for π (3.141593), and gave a formula, now known as Brahmagupta's Formula, for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral, as well as a celebrated theorem on the diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral, usually referred to as Brahmagupta's Theorem.
Oh, now i get it. The problem is to find integer solution to this equation. We are to find the smallest possible integer values of x and y that satisfy this equation. In 600 ce there were no real numbers only positive integers. That indian guy found integers that satisfied this equation.
Well it is a formidable problem. One has to delve deep into number theory to solve it.
For real numbers its not a problem at all. We just have to substitute a number for x and get the corresponding value for y. But that way we will be dealing with decimals.
@rmi5 smallest possible integer values are sought!
Wrong. We had all that. Some invented earlier by Greeks and such and some invented by us, Indians. Challenge here is generating series of integral solutions, and coming up with generalized formula. This is the same person (Brahmagupta) who invented zero as we know till now.
can you believe it ? This guy has developed these things in 7th century ? One of the greatest mind world has ever produced. This is what I call creation. He really is a creator.

And all these things by thinking without using any calculator.
can you believe it ? This guy has developed these things in 7th century ? One of the greatest mind world has ever produced. This is what I call creation. He really is a creator.

And all these things by thinking without using any calculator.
cant say they didn't use calculators...we don't know of any is the truth. :-)
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