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Is yoga Hindu?

Buddhist have 'Nirvana', not Moksha.

Not all Buddhist follow the path to Nirvana the same way not all Hindus follow the path to Moksha.

But the spiritual law code for the Buddhist which they call "Arya Astanga Marga" is the same as the path mentioned in "Astanga Yoga". Its nothing but Yama and Niyama.
Mate , Nirvana and Moksha is same state of mind and soul. It is like I call water as "paani" and you call it "JAL". Nothing difference.
One of the other things my dad did was take us to visit some ancient historical sites. And when we saw the broken structures, we used to ask him the reason behind them and he used to then tell us the stories of how the invasion and destruction happened.

This naturally made us curious and made us want to know more and that search for the truth took me to many corners and formed my opinion.

One of the other resources I had growing up was an amazing periodical called Chandamama magazines. Those were AMAZING resources to understand India and our culture. I don't think they exist today.





That seems a good idea. I will start taking the kids along with me now to visit all our historical sites. We did subscribe to Chandamama and Amar Chitra Khata for quite a while. Absolutely loved those.
Buddhist have 'Nirvana', not Moksha.

Not all Buddhist follow the path to Nirvana the same way not all Hindus follow the path to Moksha.

But the spiritual law code for the Buddhist which they call "Arya Astanga Marga" is the same as the path mentioned in "Astanga Yoga". Its nothing but Yama and Niyama.
That seems a good idea. I will start taking the kids along with me now to visit all our historical sites. We did subscribe to Chandamama and Amar Chitra Khata for quite a while. Absolutely loved those.

I did not have a subscription to chandamama, I used to buy second hand books from the local Raddhi shop to read :D

Its a shame that both Chandamama and Indrajal comics have stopped publications. BJP or RS or somebody should restart the Chandamama series and publish the old lot again for the new generation. Its a treasure trove of culture and information and help teach value systems to children.

Mate , Nirvana and Moksha is same state of mind and soul. It is like I call water as "paani" and you call it "JAL". Nothing difference.

Naturally since the buddhist taught Hinduism with a different name.
I did not have a subscription to chandamama, I used to buy second hand books from the local Raddhi shop to read :D

Its a shame that both Chandamama and Indra have stopped publications. BJP or RS or somebody should restart the Chandamama series and publish the old lot again for the new generation. Its a treasure trove of culture and information and help teach value systems to children.

Naturally since the buddhist taught Hinduism with a different name.
Hinduism is vast. That's why I said in my first post , it will be mistake if you consider Hinduism as religion. Hinduism is civilization. All south Asian are part of this civilization. Anybody can pick anything from Hinduism and start it follow. nothing wrong in it. I myself is Punjabi and Sikhism has also concept of "Moksha".
Hinduism is vast. That's why I said in my first post , it will be mistake if you consider Hinduism as religion. Hinduism is civilization. All south Asian are part of this civilization. Anybody can pick anything from Hinduism and start it follow. nothing wrong in it. I myself is Punjabi and Sikhism has also concept of "Moksha".

Do you consider Sikhism a religion ?

Sikhism is also a derivative of Hinduism's Bhakthi marga.

Guru Nanak's own son was a Naga Yogi.

Baba Siri Chand,

Real yoga is movements i make when my tummy aches
Do you consider Sikhism a religion ?

Sikhism is also a derivative of Hinduism's Bhakthi marga.

Guru Nanak's own son was a Naga Yogi.

Baba Siri Chand,

No, I don't consider Sikhism as religion . its a "panth". I put Guru Nanak Ji and Buddha in same category. Both chose spirituality to achieve Moksha .
Lol Yoga in itself is a way of life, it is one of the ways to raise the Kundalini Shakti (Coiled Energy of Mother Universe in humans) to pass through all Chakras and unite with the Sahasrara Chakra providing supreme bliss and oneness with the Divine
What did I just read?:cheesy:
What you are explaining is wrong. Its a misinterpretation of Ashtang Yoga or the Eight Stage Yoga. Also known as the 8 limbs of Yoga.

The eight Stages are,

Stage 1. Yama - This is the first step to prepare the MIND. It means ethical practices and there are practice principles in it,
i.) Ahimsa (Non Violence)
ii.) Satya (Speaking / acting in Truth)
iii.) Asteya (No stealing - object or thought)
iv) Brahmacharya (Sexual Restraint)
v) Aparigrah (Non possession of material goods)

Stage 2: Niyama - This means Practical Laws to be observed to help discipline the Mind, They are,
i.) Shaucha (cleanliness - of body and surrounding)
ii.) Samtosha (contentment - focus on what really matters)
iii.) Tapas (Self Fire - breathing exercise design to uncoil Kundalini)
iv.) Swadhyaya (Self Enquiry - Open mind)
v.) ishvara pranidhana (Offer Self to god - dedication to the practice of Yoga)

Stage 3: Asana - The Various Body Postures that prepare your Body (strength) for the pursuit of truth. This is what passes for Yoga in the West.

Stage 4: Pranayama - Breath Control designed to give your complete control over the body in time.

Stage 5: Pratyahara - Withdrawing from 6 senses. Oblivious to the world.

Stage 6: Dharana - Maintaining concentration without break on what one beings to perceive.

Stage 7 : Dhyana - Profound and deep Meditation without effort.

Stage 8: Samadhi - Final state where the consciousness no longer need the Physical body and merges with the Cosmic consciousness.

What a beautiful and comprehensive post. You should post this ton other blogs, youtube as well where people who think they know Yoga can see it.
No point of posting here as most things here are seen from the prism of Islamic vs Sanatan Dharm.
Real yoga was made in 1960's

Not real Yoga .But modern Yoga .

Honestly ,the individuals that can perform the real yoga is rare ,perhaps extinct in this world .
Yoga has different way and most extreme cases of Hatha Yoga cant be seen in it true nature in this world .
And those who perform that wont come in public like Baba Ramdev .

All those yoga practices are just waterdown version of real gold of Indian civilization or contribution
What a beautiful and comprehensive post. You should post this ton other blogs, youtube as well where people who think they know Yoga can see it.
No point of posting here as most things here are seen from the prism of Islamic vs Sanatan Dharm.

Thanks, but this is known to many of the serious practitioner.

Yoga is not theory, it is to be practised. There is no point in teaching the theory of Yoga, I posted it so that people can understand what it really means. Just to counter misinformation.

Ashtang yoga is not the only form of Yoga, its the most popular form of Yoga. The Philosophy behind Ashtang Yoga is known as Sankya. The real education is in Sankya and the practice is Ashtang Yoga.

The other methods of Yoga are -

2. Hatha yoga,

This means "Forced Yoga". In this the practitioner attempts to short cut the principles of Yama and Niyama of Ashtang yoga by forcing the mind to extremes. It does that by the practice of PranaYama.

It is a system designed for serious practitioners who can dedicate their entire live to this. So that means removing one from society and taking sanyas.

In absence of that, it become another form of physical exercise since the mind is not given sufficient time to develop.

Another form of this yoga is LAYA Yoga.

This is a powerful form of Yoga that focuses on awakening your Kundalini chakra and then forcing evolution to make you reach a higher state of consciousness. Again PranaYama is used to force evolutionary reaction in the body. Once the stage of Dyana is reached, then the Yogi focuses on one of his chakras using "Mandala Drishti" which is a tantric practice of representing your Chakras in geometric shapes.

He then proceeds to raise his consciousness by forcing the 'Naadis' to open. Naadi's are the energy path also used in Acupuncture / Acupressure. Its forced evolution. There is a practice called 'Nadi shodhana' which is a form of PranaYama that helps open the naadis/channels.

This is why its also known as Kundalini Yoga.

Laya Yoga has the same origin as Hatha yoga and is founded by the same ancient guru Matsyendranath.

3. Mantra yoga

This is a Tantric Yoga practice and is what people see in temples. Here the mind is forced to wake up by use of Mantras designed to invoke an external energy/power.

When I had suggested 'Japa' in my earlier post, it was to denote this type of Yoga. It is suitable for the simple minded and weak minded. Children or very old people. You will find a lot of this in Buddhist monasteries.

For e.g. chanting Maha Mrityunjaya mantra.

The Entire Temple practice and Agama practices are rooted in this yoga.

4. Shasta yoga or Shiva Yoga

This is a pure Tantrik Yoga practice and is also known as siddhaSana . In this the guru can help you unlock your Kundalini chakra (called shakti / power) and through a gradual step by stop process will help your reach Samadhi. In this the Guru uses his own shakti to help the student reach the samadhi faster.

The various steps in this practice are,
i. ) Kundalini Chakra Dhyana Kriya
ii.) Shiva Pranashakti Kriya
iii.) Sourabha Samadhi Kriya
iv. ) Shiva Jyoti Kriya
v. ) Om Samadhi Kriya

Here this will explain Chakkras to you in a simple language.

This is what Yoga does.

Just saw that, its pretty cool for kids. He calls the Kundalini chakra as the earth chakra. In many ways its an accurate description. It is the core of our existence on this earth. Pure instincts and base desires.
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