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Is yoga Hindu?

Apka matlab samaj ne aya?
Humara matlab tha madarrsa ya matho (Hindu /buddhist versions of religious schools) main Jo chhote chhote bachche ratta lagaate hain..wo to willingly nahi hota.. wo to ma baap aur Guruji ke pressure main aake lagaate hain .. nahi to chhadi (stick) khani padegi. Isn't it ?

Real yoga was made in 1960's

I disagree. Yoga was invented by a sage Patanjali in his book Yogsutra which was written about 2nd century BC.

But I agree that It became popular in 1960's when Beatles and other western groups come to India for Yoga.
You raise a very valid point here.

Let me answer you very sincerely,since I am a practitioner of yoga from last 12 years.

1. Yoga is not just stretching of muscles. Yoga is western abbreviation of word YOG .Yog means Union in Sanskrit.

2. Yog has different interpretations.You can call it a Union of body and mind or Union of soul and God or Union of Devotee and God.

3. What you see i.e. stretching of muscles is only a preparatory stage of real Yoga. Yoga has 8 stages .Asana i.e. stretching of muscles is only 4 th stage. After it comes Pranayama i.e. breathing exercises. After it Dhyan i.e. mediation.After it comes Samadhi which is a way above meditation. It is a way of seeking God internally.

4. Bhakti yoga (in Islamic religion , doing sajda before Allah and offering Namaz) is THE HIGHEST form of YOGA. You don't need to stretch your muscles or breathing exercises if you are already connected with God(Allah).

5. To me yoga is just a way among many or a tool by which you bring yourself closer to God which gives inner peace.

What you are explaining is wrong. Its a misinterpretation of Ashtang Yoga or the Eight Stage Yoga. Also known as the 8 limbs of Yoga.

The eight Stages are,

Stage 1. Yama - This is the first step to prepare the MIND. It means ethical practices and there are practice principles in it,
i.) Ahimsa (Non Violence)
ii.) Satya (Speaking / acting in Truth)
iii.) Asteya (No stealing - object or thought)
iv) Brahmacharya (Sexual Restraint)
v) Aparigrah (Non possession of material goods)

Stage 2: Niyama - This means Practical Laws to be observed to help discipline the Mind, They are,
i.) Shaucha (cleanliness - of body and surrounding)
ii.) Samtosha (contentment - focus on what really matters)
iii.) Tapas (Self Fire - breathing exercise design to uncoil Kundalini)
iv.) Swadhyaya (Self Enquiry - Open mind)
v.) ishvara pranidhana (Offer Self to god - dedication to the practice of Yoga)

Stage 3: Asana - The Various Body Postures that prepare your Body (strength) for the pursuit of truth. This is what passes for Yoga in the West.

Stage 4: Pranayama - Breath Control designed to give your complete control over the body in time.

Stage 5: Pratyahara - Withdrawing from 6 senses. Oblivious to the world.

Stage 6: Dharana - Maintaining concentration without break on what one beings to perceive.

Stage 7 : Dhyana - Profound and deep Meditation without effort.

Stage 8: Samadhi - Final state where the consciousness no longer need the Physical body and merges with the Cosmic consciousness.
I disagree. Yoga was invented by a sage Patanjali in his book Yogsutra which was written about 2nd century BC.

But I agree that It became popular in 1960's when Beatles and other western groups come to India for Yoga.

LOL...Yoga Sutra was conceived much before Patanjali. The Bhagwat Gita mention Yoga and that was certainly before Patanjali. The Mahabharat war took place 5000 years ago.
LOL...Yoga Sutra was conceived much before Patanjali. The Bhagwat Gita mention Yoga and that was certainly before Patanjali. The Mahabharat war took place 5000 years ago.

Yogsutra was written by Patanjali though it is possible some form of yoga were existed before the book.

Mahabharat book is mythology and don't equat it with history.

Some points out that Geeta is written later and then added into Mahabharat.

What you are explaining is wrong. Its a misinterpretation of Ashtang Yoga or the Eight Stage Yoga. Also known as the 8 limbs of Yoga.

The eight Stages are,

Stage 1. Yama - This is the first step to prepare the MIND. It means ethical practices and there are practice principles in it,
i.) Ahimsa (Non Violence)
ii.) Satya (Speaking / acting in Truth)
iii.) Asteya (No stealing - object or thought)
iv) Brahmacharya (Sexual Restraint)
v) Aparigrah (Non possession of material goods)

Stage 2: Niyama - This means Practical Laws to be observed to help discipline the Mind, They are,
i.) Shaucha (cleanliness - of body and surrounding)
ii.) Samtosha (contentment - focus on what really matters)
iii.) Tapas (Self Fire - breathing exercise design to uncoil Kundalini)
iv.) Swadhyaya (Self Enquiry - Open mind)
v.) ishvara pranidhana (Offer Self to god - dedication to the practice of Yoga)

Stage 3: Asana - The Various Body Postures that prepare your Body (strength) for the pursuit of truth. This is what passes for Yoga in the West.

Stage 4: Pranayama - Breath Control designed to give your complete control over the body in time.

Stage 5: Pratyahara - Withdrawing from 6 senses. Oblivious to the world.

Stage 6: Dharana - Maintaining concentration without break on what one beings to perceive.

Stage 7 : Dhyana - Profound and deep Meditation without effort.

Stage 8: Samadhi - Final state where the consciousness no longer need the Physical body and merges with the Cosmic consciousness.

I said it in simpler words so that person with a different background can understand it . What was I misinterpreting ?

What you are doing is just copy and pasteing stuff with little understanding!
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Yogsutra was written by Patanjali though it is possible some form of yoga were existed before the book.

Mahabharat book is mythology and don't equat it with history.

Some points out that Geeta is written later and then added into Mahabharat.

The only ting worse than a person with no knowledge is ta person with half knowledge. '

Patanjali only COMPILED Yogsutra into what is now known as Patanjalayogasastra.

The oldest Hindu calendar is the Kali Calendar and still forms the basis of panchangam even today. The Kali calander starts from the start of kali yuga. Kali Yuga starts on the death of Sri Krishna and the Calendar dates it back to 18 February 3102 BCE. This is the as per the Surya Siddhanta.

There is no confusion regarding this since it is a very precise calendar and its also a linear calendar. So the start of the Kali Yuga is year 1.

You are free to claim that you yourself wrote yoga sutra and Gita. You are not the first ignorant person to make outlandish claim and you certainly won't be the last.

I said it in simpler words so that person with a different background can understand it . What was I misinterpreting ?

What you are doing is just copy and pasteing stuff with little understanding!

You can read your own post to know what you have said wrong.

I do not claim to now everything but what I do know, I know without any confusion. You are free to prove me wrong and I certainly don't need your certificate.

Bhakti yoga is not the highest form of yoga. Bhakti yoga is just another form of yoga prescribed in the Agamas.
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Hindu or Martian, YOGA Is expensive status symbol and only fake elites need it.

The poor have physical exerciser and peace of mind after a hard work every day, free of cost. They do not need it anyway.
Its not yoga that is universal, its Hinduism that is universal.

Yoga is just a small part of the practices in hinduism.

One does not have to be a chrisitan to do charity or be a muslim to not eat pork.
Internally you can say Hinduism is universal.
Humara matlab tha madarrsa ya matho (Hindu /buddhist versions of religious schools) main Jo chhote chhote bachche ratta lagaate hain..wo to willingly nahi hota.. wo to ma baap aur Guruji ke pressure main aake lagaate hain .. nahi to chhadi (stick) khani padegi. Isn't it ?

I disagree. Yoga was invented by a sage Patanjali in his book Yogsutra which was written about 2nd century BC.

But I agree that It became popular in 1960's when Beatles and other western groups come to India for Yoga.
Krishnaraja Wodeyar popularized it in the 19th century
What the Upanishad mentions is very different from yoga
Patanjali's ideas led to the creation of yoga later
yoga is not just simple stretching of muscles like many friends here tend to believe. Its helps in anchoring the otherwise restless human mind through mediation.
Krishnaraja Wodeyar popularized it in the 19th century
What the Upanishad mentions is very different from yoga
Patanjali's ideas led to the creation of yoga later

Yoga was always popular and practised in traditional families and by the sadhu community which in itself is huge anyways. It only had disappeared from the urban and westernized landscape. Krishnaraja Wodeyar's attempt was to bring it back to focus of the urban masses and Westernized elite.
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Sanatha dharma is the Universal law. Its only interprets the laws of Nature, Laws of the universe. There is no dogma at its core.

So why is it universality only internally ?
Simply because it is not practiced by other faiths. Sanatha Dharma itself is "internal universal law".
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