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Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

What is meant by this Indian is that close to 180 million Muslims are not supposed to be in India, but should move to Pakistan or Bangladesh according to Two Nation Theory, the founding principle for Pakistan. Proves my point, all is needed is to scratch the surface and the hatred comes out for their own Muslims.

It was their (today's Indian Muslims) decision to stay in India. I have even known many Sikhs who used to live in today's Pakistan, and many moved to Thailand (a Buddhist majority) back then. The point is - it is their decision.

The reasons for the partition are extremely complicated for starters, and forums like these aren't enough to understand the whole thing. Jinnah never personally even wanted to see a Pakistan.

The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington is outdated.
There is no question of denying the massive atrocities and barbarity perpetrated by the uncivilized barbarians. They are recorded by Muslim historian themselves with much glee. That was a proof of piety for them and of the fact that they were the chosen ones of God.

However, our civilization being much superior and tolerant, we have not tried to go take revenge. The ones who perpetrated the atrocities are rotting in hell.

:lol::lol: Hindu Civilization was comprehensively defeated by the vast Islamic civilization of that time. Islam was in the period of rapid expansion---sorry that your Hindu civilization came across....the result was obvious....it HAD to get slaughtered by Islam and it did. Islam expanded and spreaded throughout Indian subcontinent--and throughout the whole (known) world. Stop whining about it now. The was how it was suppose to happen.

Now coming to your day dream , Hindu civilization can never 'take revenge' from the Islamic civilization. There are couple of reasons. Islamic civilization is the only global civilization other than the Christian civilization. It is not homogenous mass. It is present all over the globe. From Morroco to Egypt. From Arabia to South Asia. From Iran up to central Asia and down to Turkey. From the Islands of Indonesia to Malaysia in East Asia. From Pakistan to the Western Part of China. Even in India itself , there are ~ 200 million Islamic followers. Compare this mammoth geographic spread of Islam to Hindu civilization .... Also , in order to advance towards mainland Islamic geographic heartland , Hindu civilization will have to cross the very first and relatively minor obstacle and that is .... Islamic republic of Pakistan .... You know and I know , Indian nation can never 'cut-through' Pakistan to enter central Asia or Afghanistan physically. Your hindu immigrants in the Middle-East aren't having any effect on the cultural outlook or demographics of Muslim lands (A thing which Muslim immigrants in christian heartland ARE having ..thanks to more freedom , rights and life-style of post-christian West) ......

So please forget about any revenge rhetoric. Stay where you are. Stay at peace with your neighbors to the West... THIS is the destiny of hindu civilization.

^See, the thing is the Hindus never really got the opportunity to place their revenge against the Mughals. The Chinese and the Japanese did get their revenge against the Mongols.

I'd say, the riots we know of back in the last days of the British-era were far from petty.

I don't know, some strange inferiority complex going on here.
Hindu's collectively suffer from a civilizational psychosis because of the defeat and want to take revenge. That is what all perceptive South Asian Muslims know. But they want to hide it from the world and just call it a problem with Pakistani Islamic "terror" (using Zionist propaganda) and Bangladeshi "illegal migrants" (a manufactured reality). They have been fed this nonsense for many decades and they cannot help but spout this nonsense.

My question is why does a Pakistani website give them the opportunity to spout this nonsense? The only thing they do is waste valuable time of everyone with their nonsense. Freedom of speech is one thing, but freedom to run their propaganda is quite another matter.

I have already clearly explained why there is "Islamic terror" and why there is "Islamophobia" in the West:

Here is some good documentary from Adam Curtis of BBC:
Adam Curtis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
About Neocons, Radical Islamists and role of religion in politics:
Power Of Nightmares 1of6
Power Of Nightmares 1of6 - YouTube
Power Of Nightmares 2of6
Power Of Nightmares 2of6 - YouTube
Power Of Nightmares 3of6
Power Of Nightmares 3of6 - YouTube
Power Of Nightmares 4of6
Power Of Nightmares 4of6 - YouTube
Power Of Nightmares 5of6
Power Of Nightmares 5of6 - YouTube
Power Of Nightmares 6of6
Power Of Nightmares 6of6 - YouTube

And finally it is about geopolitics. World powers use readily available ideological meme on a given population to counter or contain opposing powers. Arab nationalism at first and Turkish nationalism a bit later was used in Ottoman space. Saudi conservative ideology was also another tool, which unleashed in Afghanistan-Pakistan theater to counter Soviet expansion. It broke these societies and their centuries old systems and from broken and rotten gangrene we are getting smelly puss, that is what "Islamic terror" is.

To rebuild systems, everyone must get their geopolitics right, otherwise a thousand steps may turn out to be a thousand steps in the wrong direction.
My question is why does a Pakistani website give them the opportunity to spout this nonsense?

It's always good to understand the brainwashing and hatred being fed into their minds, along with the distortions of history. The only way to defeat bigotry is to confront it head on.
It's always good to understand the brainwashing and hatred being fed into their minds, along with the distortions of history. The only way to defeat bigotry is to confront it head on.

That is a noble thought, but they can flood your space with a thousand foot soldiers in a minute. It will only get worse with time. Let me just make this prediction, at some point this website will need to cut down on Indian trolls or at least keep the half civilized ones while chucking the really obnoxious time wasters.

Otherwise valuable discussions will get drowned with their incessant background noise and din. Already I think there is more Indians in this website than any other nationalities. Some using Indian flags, others using other country flags while pushing the Indian line. Sorry for going OT, but just replying to above post.
yeah but whose winning? ur fighting a war that ur bound to loose.

We know as Muslims we are winning in every aspect.
Your talk is an indication of your ignorance by your verbal violence and lack of truthfulness.
By switching facts you harm yourself not others, reality has its own ways of showing itself to truth seekers.
No not quite. What Brevik did is comparable to killing of white immigrants or even US army soldiers in place in Middle East by Islamic extremists who are fearful of their way of life being disturbed by western settlers,army men.

Breivik did not fly a plane into a crowded high rise in Dubai or planned to place bombs in a Metro in Saudi. He had no illusions/delusions of establishing a greater kingdom of Christ killing other unbelievers or motivated by the carnal lust of 72 virgins.

Western Imperialism is a BS excuse. If the Muslim countries themselves do not have any hate on other Muslim countries (Arab-Persian hate predates West or Zionism by millenia) or their countries (kingdoms) were not ruled by tinpot dictators or kings who would not hesitate to spread legs with the West, then there would be no western imperialism. Don't blame others when the Islamic world itself is at blame.

It smells Hinduism hiding behind West, your hatred of yourselves is legendary plus all the hatred between your casts pre-dates all civilisations.
West instigation of terrorism against Muslims? If yes, then they are not very good at it.
There is a steady stream of people from Muslim countries who move to Europe and the U.S.. Here they can live in peace and have civil rights they could only dream about in the most Muslim countries. How many Christian Europeans know in moving to, for example Pakistan to start a new life? And which family will be most in danger of being subjected to terror?
That is a noble thought, but they can flood your space with a thousand foot soldiers in a minute. It will only get worse with time. Let me just make this prediction, at some point this website will need to cut down on Indian trolls or at least keep the half civilized ones while chucking the really obnoxious time wasters.

Otherwise valuable discussions will get drowned with their incessant background noise and din. Already I think there is more Indians in this website than any other nationalities. Some using Indian flags, others using other country flags while pushing the Indian line. Sorry for going OT, but just replying to above post.

It's a juggling act for the mods and admins.

There are many decent Indian posters, but you also have to put up with one-track posters. Over time, most people learn to skip over the trolls -- mostly because they are so predictable and repetitive and hardly ever stick to the topic.

West instigation of terrorism against Muslims? If yes, then they are not very good at it.
There is a steady stream of people from Muslim countries who move to Europe and the U.S.. Here they can live in peace and have civil rights they could only dream about in the most Muslim countries. How many Christian Europeans know in moving to, for example Pakistan to start a new life? And which family will be most in danger of being subjected to terror?

Contrary to myth, most migration is economic. Few people cross over for 'freedom' -- mostly refugees.

If the economic situation were reversed, people would migrate in the opposite direction. Saudi Arabia has plenty of American workers.
If the economic situation were reversed, people would migrate in the opposite direction. Saudi Arabia has plenty of American workers.

Yes, but they go home as soon as their work is finished. I also have family who work around the world, China and SA. But they can not get home fast enough as soon as they got their check. Can you see the difference?

Ohh and about the case surrounding that psycho Breivik. From his point of view he has won, and i am afraid he is right on that one point. I hope i am wrong, time will tell. I do not know why he is in this thread, perhaps because he is the only European anti-Muslim terrorist anyone can think of, which says something about the validity of the accusation in this thread title.
Some call Western wars in the Middle East of Terrorism, they are mixing the concepts together. When a country attacks another country then it is not Terrorism, it is war. Yes, there are a lot of terror in the war, but it is still war.
Finally, I will mention that I am and was against the wars the West has fought in the Middle East for many years, I believe that they are crimes against humanity and those responsible should be punished.
The western media has taken upon themselves..on purpose and as a tool of propaganda to highlight / exaggerate / make headlines of every negative thing that happens in any Muslim country,with certain countries on the hit list.
Such torrent of negativity will effect anybody who sits and watches western news channels.
It took decades for some Muslims to be brain washed enough to go out and harm non Muslims on the basis of religion.

It has been more than a decade since western media had let lose a barrage of abuse and negative news against Muslims,and no wonder now its taking shape,and same as some Muslims plot harm non Muslims because they are non Muslims..
Now plenty of European and American Organizations plot against Muslims.

West instigation of terrorism against Muslims? If yes, then they are not very good at it.
There is a steady stream of people from Muslim countries who move to Europe and the U.S.. Here they can live in peace and have civil rights they could only dream about in the most Muslim countries. How many Christian Europeans know in moving to, for example Pakistan to start a new life? And which family will be most in danger of being subjected to terror?

Thats financial....
Wait for another decade and you wont be gloating on that as the economy goes down.
Plus unlike you scaredy cats,we are a bit brave and venture out...Yours watch TV and get scared of the "MOOOOOSLEEEEMS" booooo.
Yes, but they go home as soon as their work is finished. I also have family who work around the world, China and SA. But they can not get home fast enough as soon as they got their check. Can you see the difference?

The difference is that their home countries have a decent economic situation anyway, so there's no reason for permanent migration. Even in Europe, you see Eastern Europeans migrate permanently to Western European countries. The reason, again, is economic opportunity even though their home countries also also 'Western'.

Ohh and about the case surrounding that psycho Breivik. From his point of view he has won, and i am afraid he is right on that one point. I hope i am wrong, time will tell. I do not know why he is in this thread, perhaps because he is the only European anti-Muslim terrorist anyone can think of, which says something about the validity of the accusation in this thread title.

There are many other instances of crimes against Muslims because they are Muslim. I already mentioned the murders in the German courtroom and the woman in San Diego. There are other cases. The point being that Western media does not highlight those crimes as terrorism, but the French gunman killing Jewish kids was terrorism.

When crazy Muslim extremists call for killing infidels, they are called terrorists. When Western extremists call for killing Muslims, they are called 'terrorism experts' or 'political analysts'. The end result is the same: ordinary civilians end up getting killed in both cases due to the blood lust created.

Some call Western wars in the Middle East of Terrorism, they are mixing the concepts together. When a country attacks another country then it is not Terrorism, it is war. Yes, there are a lot of terror in the war, but it is still war.

That, again, is the issue. The Western narrative is that any killing of civilians by an established army is 'collateral damage'. Any deliberate shooting of Iraqi or Afghan civilians is an 'aberration' by 'rogue elements'. The fact is that these 'rogue elements' are indoctrinated precisely by the incessant Islamophobic rhetoric in the Western media.

Finally, I will mention that I am and was against the wars the West has fought in the Middle East for many years, I believe that they are crimes against humanity and those responsible should be punished.

That's good to hear, but I fear your views are not represented by most Western governments. My personal view is that Islamic extremists like Anjem Choudhry (in UK) are loved by the Western media (for obvious reasons) and governments because it gives them an excuse to enact invasive legislation.
It's always good to understand the brainwashing and hatred being fed into their minds, along with the distortions of history. The only way to defeat bigotry is to confront it head on.

The whole non-muslim world is collectively brainwashed and awash in hatred and bigotry, with what seems to be a global conspiracy to taint a people and religion by distorting history.

Why is this happening?

Why are Muslims being singled out?

Is it simply a continuation of the feud with Christianity?

Why are the others so activated then?

Why are only Muslims always in the crosshairs when multiculturalism fails - regardless of continent, region, nation, culture, religion, or ethnicity?

They say you must be doing something right when people criticize you.

But when things get as universally polarized as what we seem to be heading towards today, Muslims the world over need to ask themselves, as I'm sure they are - can everybody be wrong?
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