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Is Turkey the role model?

if it's good, then how did the ottoman empire survive almost 700 years with islam as the state religion?

I'd like to remind you the last years of the Ottoman empire as well. Not good, and I'd like to remind everyone of the final years of a glorious empire as a lesson on how everything can end. Only way to avoid that is have 100% transparency, no backstabbing, no ulterior motives, no espionage, no hidden thoughts.
It is accommodation to world system, nothing else. Equality in all areas of governmental institutions are a requirement for all citizens who come from different economic,ethnic and religious backgrounds. Secularism in its basic form is not against religion, but a protection shield for those who doesn't practice and prevention of religious exploitations of humans. State is a creation of man, its not solid like soil, but it exists for reasons I counted above.
Or In another words, accommodation to New World Order. Just to let you know, Secularism was designed by Freemasons like Karl Marx which would be an instrument to degrade religion and rule the people.
"Those who do not judge by the Law which Allah has revealed are indeed Kâfirs (Unbelievers)" "Those who do not judge by the Law which Allah has revealed are indeed Zâlims Wrongdoers)" "Those who do not judge by the Law which Allah has revealed are indeed Fâsiqs (Transgressors)" [Sûrah Al-Mâ'idah 5: 44, 45 & 47]
Or In another words, accommodation to New World Order. Just to let you know, Secularism was designed by Freemasons like Karl Marx which would be an instrument to degrade religion and rule the people.

Spare us your quotes, You know that the holy quran is full of good decrees/stuff and if you bring one, then you should bring all of them and not just use a quote you see fit into your argument.

I don't really care how you twist and turn it, but if you want to have a role model, use Malaysia or Indonesia. Turkey is just another alternative.

But I will tell you this, you don't see muslims in turkey blow up mosks/camii. regardless of which branch of islam they belong to.

I also don't condone people using Islam as a crutch
Comparing Turkey to your typical Muslim countries is a joke.That ain't even a comparison.Turkey is far ahead.A truly peaceful society and here we have people who think they are guardians of Islam and hence better muslim blowing another muslim because that muslim is not a good muslim (Who the hell are you to judge that!?)
Spare us your quotes, You know that the holy quran is full of good decrees/stuff and if you bring one, then you should bring all of them and not just use a quote you see fit into your argument.

I don't really care how you twist and turn it, but if you want to have a role model, use Malaysia or Indonesia. Turkey is just another alternative.

But I will tell you this, you don't see muslims in turkey blow up mosks/camii. regardless of which branch of islam they belong to.

I also don't condone people using Islam as a crutch

Let me put this in simple words for you. Turkey, KSA, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, afganistan or any other muslim nation that was created under the authority of British empire can not be a Islamic role model. Such nations dont deserve to be called Islamic state since Islam is a perfect system and nothing can truly represent it.
Comparing Turkey to your typical Muslim countries is a joke.That ain't even a comparison.Turkey is far ahead.A truly peaceful society and here we have people who think they are guardians of Islam and hence better muslim blowing another muslim because that muslim is not a good muslim (Who the hell are you to judge that!?)

New Zealand is far ahead in terms of peaceful society and much developed nation so then its more Islamic then Turkey or any other so called Islamic states?
Your bold part argument is as useless as toilet paper.
So an Islamic state can never exist ?

Khalifa is what Islam asks for. and Islam rejects the idea of States and Sects because one of the main reason that it divides Muslims. I am no expert but you can google for more information. At the moment Khalifa is not the realistic solution since its beyond Muslims level to get themself out of this current system. Only a promised Messiah will solve all these problems and its not long from now when he arrives because the sings are already here.
Khalifa is what Islam asks for. and Islam rejects the idea of States and Sects because one of the main reason that it divides Muslims. I am no expert but you can google for more information. At the moment Khalifa is not the realistic solution since its beyond Muslims level to get themself out of this current system. Only a promised Messiah will solve all these problems and its not long from now when he arrives because the sings are already here.

i think thats the problem of muslims.yes,a united ummah is also my dream but since we are mostly shi.tty in respect of technology etc comparing to the west,whats the deal with uniting?can you imagine Mahdi using western military jets?

it would be wise to focus on domestic problems and reaching to a level that can offer muslim world something useful...
i think thats the problem of muslims.yes,a united ummah is also my dream but since we are mostly shi.tty in respect of technology etc comparing to the west,whats the deal with uniting?can you imagine Mahdi using western military jets?

it would be wise to focus on domestic problems and reaching to a level that can offer muslim world something useful...

I believe Mahdi's army is not going to be like most of us would think of like modern army or cavalry of horses. But the army of followers whose weapon will be the words of truth and that alone could play a very effective role in demoralizing the enemy and in masses people will convert to the true religion "ISLAM".
I believe Mahdi's army is not going to be like most of us would think of like modern army or cavalry of horses. But the army of followers whose weapon will be the words of truth and that alone could play a very effective role in demoralizing the enemy and in masses people will convert to the true religion "ISLAM".

fair enough..

however,i hope muslims are doing something productive rather than waiting.
Talking about Secularism and comparing the nations like Turkey with Pakistan is like chalk and cheeze.
Let me put this in simple words for you. Turkey, KSA, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, afganistan or any other muslim nation that was created under the authority of British empire can not be a Islamic role model. Such nations dont deserve to be called Islamic state since Islam is a perfect system and nothing can truly represent it.

authority of the british empire? have you smoked weed or something?

turkey wasn't created thanks to the british people, or the state. if so why did they attack our country and wanted a piece of it?
I believe Mahdi's army is not going to be like most of us would think of like modern army or cavalry of horses. But the army of followers whose weapon will be the words of truth and that alone could play a very effective role in demoralizing the enemy and in masses people will convert to the true religion "ISLAM".

Man Turkey is Sunni land, why bring this Mahdi here?
New Zealand is far ahead in terms of peaceful society and much developed nation so then its more Islamic then Turkey or any other so called Islamic states?
Your bold part argument is as useless as toilet paper.

let me put this straitght for you, how much people can write and read in new zealand compared to this countries, how many people does it live in new zealand compared to this countries, how many muslims does new zeland have compared to this countries?

one of the main reason there isn't peace in middle east countries is because most of them cant write or read. thats something the terrorist groups exploits, they say that in the holy kuran it stands that you should blast yourself in israel, then you will go to heaven and have 72 wifes?!?!?!

so your saying that a country where almost none of their citizen is illiterate can be compared to some countries that has a major popluation that cant read or write.

ohh and where in the map is new zealand again...? yeah thats right, the other side of the world where terrorists doesn't have anything to win or lose

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